
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

It grew silent as they entered Mr. Marks classroom, they cautiously looked inside to see if he was in there. "Clear," Nick whispered," This isn't a TV show,"Jessy reminded them. They all started to walk in and Jessy closed the door behind her slowly,"ok, everyone, start looking for the rose!" She said in a soft but demanding tone. Nick started checking the back of the classroom, Sallythe front and Jessy checking the tables in between. It is silent between the three of them, "found it!" Sally says after she saw a petal poking out of the second drawer of Mr Mark's desk. Jessy carefully pulled out a bag, containing the rose and the swab," And look it isn't blood," Nick points out, as he picked up the swab next to it, " No, it isn't human blood," Jessy corrects.

Sally can spot a twins fight from a mile away and stop the two quickly,"ok, wait, look we don't have time to test it for every species on earth, we need a new plan, and quickly...