
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Sally, Nick and Jessy are now sitting around Sally's dinner table, in silence, thinking of a plan, finally it's broken by Nick," Ok, look, we know it isn't human blood, and we can't test it for other animal blood, so what do we do now?"

" And we have to clue on who it might be," Sally added.

"What about Mr. Mark, though?" Jessy asked.

"Yes, but we have no proof if he did it?"

" Ok, but he has been acting weird lately!" Sally said.

" Before we start thinking of anything, we need proof of something or someone, so I think we just keep I look out for anything out of place at school!" Jessy said quickly.

As they were about to discuss more, Sally's mother walked in," ohhh hi, I wasn't expecting all of you," Her mom said." Sorry mom, we are just talking about,"Sally gave Nick and Jessy a look, signing for help,Jessy fills in quickly" talking about work for next week's test, sorry Miss. Martha, we'll be on our way then,"

Later that night while Sally was busy setting the dinner table she noticed a scar on her mother's arm.

" Where did you get that scar,mom?"she asked." Ohhh I've had it forever, I cut myself,"she replied.

" I bit of a odd spot to cut yourself," Sally thought, but she stayed silent.

After dinner Sally got into her PJ's and got into bed, not long after her dad walked in to her room,"Good Night, we're heading to bed, ohh and tomorrow me and your mother are heading out to go shopping, so you'll be alone for a while,"

"That's okay, good night, dad,"

He walked closer and gave her a kiss on her head, "good night,"he said as he walked out.

That night Sally had the same dream about the dark room agian, she woke up and quickly took a few sips of her water and tried to fall asleep, but eventually with all the twists and turns she drifted off to sleep.