
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

It's Monday morning, the first period, "this is going to be a long day," Sally thought to herself when she is walking to her second class. She snapped back to reality as Nick jumps at her from the back.

"What's up, buttercup?"he asks,"still up for the plan?"

"Yes, for sure," she says distracted. up

"Why are you so blue today?"

"Nothing,"there was a pause," or it's this dream, I had it last night, I was in this scary room, but it, like, like... I knew it from somewhere a-a-and I don't really feel ready to follow through with the plan," she finishes. They go quiet agian, until Jessy shows up,"you guys ready for this afternoon, meet me at my locker straight after school,"she says. "Yeah, about that,"Nick starts. Sally shakes her head to indicate it's a secret."Make it 10mins after,"he lies.

"What why?"

"Well, I heard they're giving out seconds after school, and it's Mac and cheese today," he says quickly.

"Really, Nick, this is important,"she says annoyed.

"Move it!" A teacher yells from behind. "I got to go, we are writing a test in English," Jessy says. As she leaves and it falls silent between Nick and Sally, "thanks for saving my but," she said quickly, nick gives half a smile back. "Ohh well, I got to go, I've got an English test to fail," he says and runs after Jessy.

   The rest of the day feels like eternity, but eventually the bell rangs, soon after children start filling the passages, Sally quickly slips past the children and into the janitors closet.

   She was the last to arrive and saw Nick and Jessy already there waiting for her. "Everybody ready?" Asked Jessy. "As ready as we will ever be," Nick said. "Ok," she grabbed two white suit-like things and threw one at  Nick and one at Sally. They quickly put it on over their school uniform. " Let's get moving, we have a classroom to clean," Jessy said." Do you really think faking to be a janitor will get us in and out of there without anyone seeing us?" Sally asked. "Just keep your heads low and stick to the mission. All we need to do is get the swab!" Jessy said.

   Maybe it's the fact that it's a Monday afternoon or the fact that they are faking their identity and trying to do something they are not supposed to be doing, but something about walking in the passages now is making Sally feel uneasy...