
The Mate Of The Alpha King

In a world where there is no place for weaknesses, in a world where the supernatural creatures only rules. The story of a merciless king and innocent girl has been written. A story of an impossible love, where the king of werewolves that lived for a thousand of years found his mate, after almost giving up finding his one and only. An innocent little girl that was far away from the world dirtiness and roughness steps inside his life breaking his world for parts. A rare white wolf that has a breathtaking beauty, a charm that can send any man kneeling on his knees, a girl that holds an incredible power that she still not aware of. Where she was able to find a road to the abyss of his darkness and lit a torch of light for his soul to follow toward happiness and redemption. However, her journey wasn’t that easy, especially when she is hunted by other creatures seeking her power. Could she find her peace as well as discover her own power and strength without hurting people around her? Could she save the bad, bad wolf from his darkness? It is all questions that you could find answer for only if you read the story. >> Please kindly leave a review <3 <<

fbsa · Fantasie
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131 Chs

Ch. 13: “Someone help me, please”

Fate was cruel to some, when he gave all to others. Luck was divided unfairly between the people when the person who deserves the most never receive and the ones who get whatever this life can offer always have everything they desire. It was an unfair equation, showing the unbalance of this life and the savagery that can execute.

The poor man heart beats were running fast too fast that he feared he is going to explode at any moment. His eyes shrank while he tried to adjust his eyesight to look through the dark.

“Someone help me” he begged looking for a way out. He felt the lowliness surrounding him bit by bit as the helplessness inside of him intensified by the time. He waited and waited for anyone to burst this place open and save him but no one came. He didn’t know if the people he called family and pack hadn’t the power to break that door or they simply hadn’t the will to do it. At the end of the day the results lead to one outcome. An end where he will have to face his end alone, an end where he will have to swallow this surrounding darkness along with its hanging monsters.

He was suspended by the iron chains burning his skin like a hellish fire, roasting him alive to face his written sins. His soar, tortured and dry throat let out a pathetic cry as he pulled his hands harder with the little remainder of his strength, in an angry attempt to break free from his restrains. He thrust upwards with every muscle he had, gritting his teeth when the straps tightened around his form and the pain levelled up with every shove.

The agony was indescribable. The aching and the pain he felt pushed him to the edge of fainting, to find himself hanging at the edge, holding his state of consciousness by a thread. Little by little he started to feel the joining groan in strain so he began to push further. He was almost there, just a bit more and he can free himself, just a little bit.

Taking a deep breath in and out, he pushed. With a pop up sound finally one of the wrists popped out of its socket, cleanly as a twisted arm. Clenching his teeth he chanted “just one more time”.

With the breaking and twisting of the bones, a faint laugh came from the back ground lighting the room a bit. The sound came hot, gentle and manly. Xavier licked his pink to reddish lips and widened his smile as he untied his legs and walked slowly towards the man on the chair. He really enjoyed this show, taking a huge pleasure as the other desperately tried to get out of this place like a mouse on a trap.

Brimming with excitement, he announced “playing time is over” while his dragging footsteps echoed into his struggles.

Hearing the walking steps stopping near him he tensed. All his body’s hair stood as the feeling of a soft breathing intensified. Just to be followed by a painful nudge on his hip, a questioning prod from the shadow, waking all his dormant instinct to shrink away from the sadistic touch the best he could.

“One order: give me the names of all people you met during today” the tone were cool, normal and husky. All warmth drained by the lack of compassion, leading him to believe that the speaker couldn’t be human.

The time his mind took to degust the information a hard fist wrenched the rough edge of his head. The world span in circles when a hand reached out into his head pulling his hair strongly followed by a threat “no time for hesitation, names now!”

He gasped and groaned, eyes rolled back into his head almost touching his brain cells. He tried to open his eyes but the power of the pain and the torture he felt kept him from that. Froth filled his lips and mouth and his whole form shivered in faint spasms losing the will and the fight. Accepting the sweet and the comfortable oblivion with open arms. Face paler than a ghost he went limp, but not before spitting every name he had; accept one. A name that it was, by the force of a spell, controlled to be forgotten. Manipulating his will and mind and erasing all kind of her existing as if she never was there.

Xavier followed the list going through it one by one but no one matched the hypnotizing scent. He asked over and over but every time he was about to say and confess, like a flick the doctor passes out or gets confused losing all kind of sense.

All outcomes were tangled, leading him to nearly lose his mind. He is able to feel to pull between them, all his instincts called for the mate bond yet he can’t find her. Like she never existed in this pack and yet her presence is there. Was she a ghost? A wondering soul who appears when the moon is full? But the moon wasn’t full. He pulled his hair as he passed the lobby going back and forward creating a path through the carpet what should he do? Where can he go?

There wasn’t a place that they didn’t search. All people were called and examined, and the man was already dead losing any hope. All of these were weird, he can feel it inside of him, deep down he sensed that soothing was preventing him from reaching his goal. But who was it? What could it be?

His mind raced to find answers, as time contested to get at the line first. Time for now was his only enemy as all his clues faded slowly and disappeared with the wind.