
The Mate Of The Alpha King

In a world where there is no place for weaknesses, in a world where the supernatural creatures only rules. The story of a merciless king and innocent girl has been written. A story of an impossible love, where the king of werewolves that lived for a thousand of years found his mate, after almost giving up finding his one and only. An innocent little girl that was far away from the world dirtiness and roughness steps inside his life breaking his world for parts. A rare white wolf that has a breathtaking beauty, a charm that can send any man kneeling on his knees, a girl that holds an incredible power that she still not aware of. Where she was able to find a road to the abyss of his darkness and lit a torch of light for his soul to follow toward happiness and redemption. However, her journey wasn’t that easy, especially when she is hunted by other creatures seeking her power. Could she find her peace as well as discover her own power and strength without hurting people around her? Could she save the bad, bad wolf from his darkness? It is all questions that you could find answer for only if you read the story. >> Please kindly leave a review <3 <<

fbsa · Fantasy
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131 Chs

Ch. 14: The Chaos

His thoughts were all messed up by what if and what not. A war had taken place inside his mind between logics and facts and between his instincts and senses. Every chosen winner took him to a new and different path one that doesn’t hold his wishes. Jace stood behind him in utter silence, not even daring to move an inch. He stood as steady as he can be, bowing his head patiently, following the path of his king’s legs inside the room.

It was a crazy night, really the most bizarre and illogical night he ever lived through. All kind of unreasonable events took place one after another. He tried to catch up yet he seems to be lost somewhere in between, and based on Xavier’s reactions it seems he wasn’t the only one to feel like this.

Between the hallway and the room, this is how the two men spent the last hours of dawn; pacing back and forth between the two places. Xavier was in total mess not able to understand or fathom his actions. He was like a mental patient, going crazy inside his little brain. Jace couldn’t break his chain of thought no matter how messed up they were. He held himself still, exercising his invisibility techniques to the at most. Yet al his efforts were misfiring.

Just like that, with the rising of the huge arc of fire the god of sun announced the break of the chains that held the monster at bay during the whole night. The air intensified slowly but at steady pace, collecting the power of wind bit by bit. Like an awaken monster a whirlwind had been created inside that tiny room flooding the decoration around that still figure. Chairs, the bed, the paintings on the walls, they all sprinted from their places following the command of the wind as it twirled on circles. Jace held his breath fearing the consequences, putting both his hands in front of his face shielding himself from the furious typhoon. He transferred all his strength into his legs to get a grip of himself as he started to feel his body sledging and swaying under the force.

Things went south very quickly, due to the intense pressure the hurricane created. Cracks started to appear as small and big pieces of the walls got ripped and thrown into the air. The same thing happened to floor; as the nails between the woods shook heavily and like a magnet they got sucked into the hole followed by the large wood shards. The beautiful room of earlier, as easily as that, were turned apart to become a ruins of a battlefield.

“My lord please!” Jace called instinctively trying to stop him from destroying the place.

Xavier who stood so elegantly and gracefully, with his soft black hair dancing a bit with the stormy wind, let his wolf taking control releasing his hidden caged half to be loos. In fact this kind of phenomena was due to his power that manifested in this way of form. For him to stand in the middle of the chaos, in the center of the tornado’s eye; where all he can feel was calmness whereas the rest faced his destruction.

Jace’s words were like an alarm pulling his attentions back to his surroundings. He kept still and calm where his eyes summoned all the chaos of the world. With a move of a thunder he walked through the space and time leaving a trail of white line behind to get were his subordinate stood. His facial features never for once changed. He kept the same indifference, the same superiority from before.

Jace body shivered heavily as he felt the soft breath of Xavier. His limps went numb trembling silently as his gaze fixed on the floor underneath him. He cursed himself and his stupid luck, why would he speak! He couldn’t bring himself to look forward as his sweat poured on his forehead. Slowly xavier’s face got closer and closer, minimizing the distance between them. His moves were effortless yet they radiated a massive pressure. Like an undetectable thread it turned and twisted changed direction and form to move form a renegade twister into a reaper’s chains. Summoned through worlds and universes, two black ropes filled with the smell of death found their way through jace’s body and clenched into him. And like a prey falling into its hunter’s trap he trashed around trying helplessly to break free.

Xavier’s eyes followed Jace’s. He looked carefully discovering him like a child discovering his new toy. His breath touched the skin behind Jace’s ears playfully blowing the baby hairs on the area. He followed his features; his eyes that were bowing down in submission and his eyebrows that they looked like two little forests. But what he liked the most was the scent of fear that filled his nostrils.

He was afraid; GOOD. He was submissive even better, he thought. This smell in particular excited him the most, it simply brought out his nature that wanted to dominates and rules. His hands that traced jace’s figure slowly and effortlessly found themselves cutting his airways taking pleasure on his new blue skin and agony. The man couldn’t breathe and yet he couldn’t resist. Resisting will only make it worse, so he only stayed still waiting either for death or mercy.

But Xavier’s wolf was waiting for some struggle and when he didn’t find what he was looking for he throw him head first into the wall breaking it. It ended up smashing everything when the debris collapsed over the lamp form. And without a care he walked out, jumping through the window transforming midair to land all at four.