
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Three poisons-III

Mrs. Yu glanced behind her, and with a knowing look, she drew out a long sword and walked around the hall. She struck quickly and cruelly, stabbing dozens of Wen family disciples to death in an instant. Seeing that it was almost her turn, Wang Lingjiao threatened with a desperate struggle: "You... think you can kill people and silence them? Do you think Mr. Wen doesn't know where I am today? Do you think he will let you go after he finds out? ?!"

Yin Zhu sneered: "It's as if he has let it go now!"

Wang Lingjiao said: "I am the person close to Mr. Wen, the closest person! If you dare to touch me, he will kill you..."

Mrs. Yu raised her hand and slapped her face again, mockingly saying: "How about it? Cut off the hands or the legs? Or burn down the Immortal Mansion? Or send a tens of thousands of people to raze Lotus Pier to the ground? Set up a supervisory cell?"

Jin Zhu approached with a long sword. Wang Lingjiao's eyes were full of fear. She kicked her legs and kept retreating. She screamed: "Here comes someone! Help! Wen Zhuliu! Save me!"

Mrs. Yu looked stern, stepped on her wrist, and drew out her sword. Just when the sword was about to cut down, it suddenly bounced away with a bang.

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng turned around and saw that the hall doors flew out to both sides, and a tall man broke in. He was dressed in black and had a gloomy face. It was none other than Wen Chao's personal bodyguard, Wen Zhuliu.

After taking off her sword, Madam Yu held Zidian across her chest and said, "Elixir Hand?"

Wen Zhuliu said coldly: "Purple spider?"

Wang Lingjiao's hand was still firmly stepped on by her, her face was twisted in pain, and she cried out with tears: "Wen Zhuliu! Wen Zhuliu! If you haven't saved me yet, please save me!"

Mrs. Yu hummed: "Wen Zhuliu? Alchemist, isn't your real name Zhao Zhuliu? It's obviously not Wen, but you are trying to change your surname. One or two people are flocking to it, and the surname Wen Gou is like this Money is precious? It's ridiculous to betray one's family and forget one's ancestors!"

Wen Zhuliu was unmoved and said indifferently: "Everyone is his own master."

The two of them only exchanged a few words before Wang Lingjiao screamed unbearably: "Wen Zhuliu! Can't you see what I look like now?! If you don't kill her immediately, what nonsense are you still talking about here? ! Mr. Wen asked you to protect me and this is how you protect me?! Be careful that I will report you to make you look good!"

Mrs. Yu crushed her arm hard with one foot, and Wang Ling cried out tenderly. Wen Zhuliu frowned. He was ordered by Wen Ruohan to protect Wen Chao, but he was originally quite dissatisfied with Wen Chao's character. Unexpectedly, there was no worst, only worse, and Wen Chao assigned him to protect Wang Lingjiao again. This woman was pretentious, exaggerated, stupid, and even vicious-hearted, which made him extremely unhappy. But even though he was unhappy, he could not disobey Wen Ruohan and Wen Chao's orders and crush her to death. Fortunately, Wang Lingjiao also disliked him very much, and ordered him to follow her from a distance, and not to hang around in front of her unless she asked him to come out. She just happened to be out of sight and out of mind. But right now, this woman's life is about to be lost. If she stands idly by, Wen Chao will definitely become furious and refuse to give up. And if he refuses to give up, Wen Ruohan will not give up.

Wen Zhuliu said, "I'm offended."

When Zidian came out, Mrs. Yu shouted: "It's just a pretense!"

Wen Zhuliu raised his hand and grabbed Zidian without any care!

When the purple electricity turns into a whip shape, there is a spiritual current attached to it. The power of the spiritual flow can be large or small, deadly or pleasant, all controlled by the master. Madam Yu had already had murderous intentions and wanted to kill all these warm dogs. In addition, she was very afraid of Wen Zhuliu, so the spirit flow was extremely ferocious when it first appeared, but she was caught effortlessly. Got it!

Zidian has been in power for several years and has never encountered such an opponent. After being caught, Mrs. Yu was stagnant for a moment. Wang Lingjiao took the opportunity to crawl out, took out a fireworks tube from her arms, and shook it twice in her hand. A burst of fire rushed out of the tube, with an extremely sharp scream, broke through the wooden window, and exploded in the sky outside the house. Then, she hurriedly took out the second and third ones from her arms, her hair was disheveled, and she said randomly: "Come... come... come here... everyone, come here!"

Wei Wuxian reluctantly pushed Jiang Cheng and said, "Don't let her continue sending signals!"

Jiang Cheng let go of Wei Wuxian and struck Wang Lingjiao with a cleft hand. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wen Zhuliu was approaching Madam Yu and seemed about to succeed with a strike. Jiang Cheng hurriedly shouted: "Auntie!"

He immediately abandoned Wang Lingjiao and rushed towards her. Wen Zhuliu didn't even look back, slapped his palm out and said, "It's not even close!"

Jiang Cheng was hit on the shoulder by this palm and immediately vomited blood. At the same time, Wang Lingjiao also set off all the signal fireworks, and the gray-blue night sky was filled with brilliance and roar.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was injured, Madam Yu roared angrily, and the purple lightning aura flourished, turning bright and white in an instant!

Wen Zhuliu was blown up by the sudden burst of purple electricity and hit the wall. Jin Zhu Yin Zhu also pulled out a long whip with electric light flowing from his waist, and started fighting with Wen Zhuliu. These two maids had been very close to Madam Yu since they were children. They were apprenticed to one person and their joint attack should not be underestimated. Madam Yu took advantage of this opportunity and lifted Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, who were temporarily unable to move, with both hands and rushed out of the hall. There were still many disciples surrounding the school grounds, and Mrs. Yu ordered: "Get ready to arm your team immediately!"

She carried the two of them and rushed to the dock. There are always seven or eight small boats moored in front of the pier of Lotus Pier, which are used by young children of the Jiang family to visit the lake and collect lotus. Mrs. Yu threw them onto the boat, jumped on board herself, grabbed Jiang Cheng's hand and helped calm him down. Jiang Cheng only vomited a mouthful of blood, and the injury was not too serious. He asked, "Mom, what should I do?"

Mrs. Yu said: "What should we do! Can't you see that they are here well prepared, and today's battle is inevitable. A large number of warm dogs will come soon, let's go first!"

Wei WuXian said, "What about Senior Sister? Senior Sister went to Meishan the day before yesterday. If she comes back..."

Mrs. Yu said viciously: "Shut up! It's all the fault of this little... you!"

Wei Wuxian had no choice but to shut up. Madam Yu took off the purple electric silver ring from the finger of her right hand and put it on Jiang Cheng's right index finger. Jiang Cheng said in astonishment: "...Auntie, why did you give me Zidian?"

Mrs. Yu said: "What I gave to you will be yours from now on! Zidian has already recognized you as my master."

Jiang Cheng said blankly: "Auntie, aren't you coming with us?"

Mrs. Yu stared at his face, suddenly hugged him, kissed his hair twice, held him in her arms, and murmured: "Good boy."

She hugged her very hard this time, as if she wanted to turn Jiang Cheng into a little baby and stuff it back into her belly, so that no one could hurt him or let them separate. Jiang Cheng had never been hugged by his mother like this, let alone kissed like this. His head was buried in her chest, his eyes wide open, confused and at a loss.

Madam Yu hugged him with one hand and grabbed Wei Wuxian's collar with the other, as if she wanted to strangle him to death. She gritted her teeth and said, "...You damn boy! Hateful! How hateful! Look at how our family has gone because of you. What happened!"

Wei Wuxian's chest heaved violently, and he was speechless. This time it's not that I have to endure it or secretly complain, but I really have nothing to say.

Jiang Cheng hurriedly asked: "Auntie, aren't you coming with us???"

Madam Yu suddenly let go of her hand and pushed him onto Wei Wuxian.

She jumped onto the pier, and the boat swayed slightly from side to side in the lake. Jiang Cheng finally understood that the gold, silver, and silver beads, all the disciples, and all the magic weapons and relics of the Yunmeng Jiang clan were in Lotus Pier, and they could not be evacuated for a while. There would definitely be a big war after that. As the mistress, the lady could not retreat alone, but she was also afraid that something might happen to her own children, so she had no choice but to let them escape first.

Knowing in his heart that leaving here would be extremely dangerous, Jiang Cheng was extremely frightened. He stood up and wanted to follow him off the boat, but Zidian suddenly turned into electric current, and a circle of electric cables tied the two of them tightly to the boat, completely unable to move. Jiang Cheng said: "Auntie, what are you doing?!"

Mrs. Yu said: "Don't make a fuss. It will naturally let go when you reach a safe place. If there is an intruder on the road, Zidian will automatically protect you. Don't come back, go directly to Meishan to find your sister!"

After saying that, she turned to Wei Wuxian and said sternly: "Wei Ying! Listen to me! Protect Jiang Cheng well, and you will protect him even if you die, do you know that?!"

Wei Wuxian said, "Mrs. Yu!"

Mrs. Yu said angrily: "Did you hear me! Don't tell me other nonsense, I just asked you if you heard me!"

Wei Wuxian couldn't break away from Zidian, so he could only nod his head heavily. Jiang Cheng shouted: "Mom, father hasn't come back yet. If there is anything, can't we take care of it together first?!"

Hearing him mention Jiang Fengmian, Mrs. Yu's eyes seemed to turn red for a moment.

However, she immediately cursed loudly: "If I don't come back, I won't come back. Isn't it okay for me to leave him?!"

After cursing, he swung his sword to cut off the rope that tied the boat, and kicked the side of the boat hard. The current of the river was strong and the wind was strong. With this kick, the boat immediately floated several feet away. After a few turns, he sailed smoothly and quickly along the current towards the center of the river. Jiang Cheng screamed: "Mother!"

He called dozens of times in succession. However, Madam Yu and Lotus Pier became farther and farther away, getting smaller and smaller. After the boat drifted away, Mrs. Yu held her long sword, flashed her purple clothes, and retreated to the gate of Lotus Pier.

The two of them struggled hard, and the purple lightning almost sank deep into their flesh and bones, but remained motionless.

Jiang Cheng roared like a madman from his throat, struggling and saying: "It keeps going! It keeps going! Cut it off! Cut it off!"

Wei Wuxian had just been whipped more than a dozen times by Zidian, and now his whole body still ached. He knew that it was impossible to escape and it was in vain. Thinking that Jiang Cheng was still injured, he reluctantly said: "Jiang Cheng, calm down first. Yu Madam, she won't necessarily lose against that alchemy hand. Didn't she hold Wen Zhuliu in check just now..."

Jiang Cheng roared: "How can you tell me to calm down?! How can I calm down?! Even if Wen Zhuliu is killed, that bitch Wang Lingjiao has already sent a signal. What if Wen Gou sees this and sends people to surround our house?! "

Wei Wuxian also knew that it was impossible to calm down, but one of the two people had to be awake. Just as he was about to continue speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted: "Uncle Jiang! It's Uncle Jiang who's back!"

Sure enough, another big ship sailed on the river.

Jiang Fengmian stood at the bow of the boat, with more than a dozen disciples standing on the boat. He was looking in the direction of Lotus Pier, his clothes following the river breeze. Jiang Cheng shouted: "Father! Father!"

Jiang Fengmian also saw them, with a slightly surprised look on his face. One of the disciples moved the oar slightly, and his boat came close. Jiang Fengmian still didn't know what happened, and asked curiously: "A Cheng? A Ying? What's going on with you two?"

This group of teenagers in Lianhuawu often played some weird games. It was common for them to lie down in the water and pretend to be floating corpses with their faces covered in blood. Therefore, Jiang Fengmian was not immediately sure whether they were playing some new games and did not realize that the situation was serious. Jiang Cheng was so happy that tears fell down, and he said anxiously and panicked: "Father, father, please let us go!"

Jiang Fengmian said: "This is your mother's Zidian. If Zidian recognizes its owner, I'm afraid she won't let me..."

As he spoke, he touched Zidian with his hand. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched it, Zidian put it away meekly, and instantly turned into a ring, which was put on one of his fingers.

Jiang Fengmian was immediately stunned.

Zidian is Yu Ziyuan's first-grade spiritual weapon, with Yu Ziyuan's wishes as the first command. Zidian can recognize multiple masters, but there is an order. Mrs. Yu is the undisputed first-level master. Her order is to tie up Jiang Cheng until it is safe. Therefore, although Jiang Cheng is also the master, he cannot break free from its shackles.

At some point, Jiang Fengmian was determined to be the second-ranked master. In front of him, Zidian thought it was safe, so he loosened his bonds.

But Mrs. Yu never said that she made Zidian recognize Jiang Fengmian as his master.

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian finally separated and rushed to both sides. Jiang Fengmian said: "What's going on? Why are you two tied up by Zidian and sitting in the boat?"

As if seeing a life-saving straw, Jiang Cheng grabbed him and said, "Today, the Wen family came to our house. My mother had a dispute with them and started fighting with the alchemist! I'm afraid of my mother. We are going to suffer a loss, someone has given out a signal, and there may be more enemies later. Father, let's go back together to help her! Let's go!"

Hearing this, all the disciples were moved. Jiang Fengmian said: "Elixir Hand?!"

Jiang Cheng said: "Yes, father! We..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a flash of purple light, and Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were entangled again. The two of them sat back on the boat in the same position as before. Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment and said, "...Father?!"

Jiang Fengmian said: "I'm going back, you two leave. Don't change direction, don't go back to Lianhua Pier. As soon as you land, find a way to go to Meishan to find your sister and grandmother."

Wei Wuxian said: "Uncle Jiang!!!"

After the shock, Jiang Cheng kicked the side of the boat like crazy, causing the boat to shake: "Father, let me go! Let me go!"

Jiang Fengmian said: "I will go back to find the third lady."

Jiang Cheng glared at him and said, "Let's go back to find her together, can't we?!"

Jiang Fengmian looked at him steadily, then suddenly stretched out his hand and froze in mid-air for a moment, then slowly touched his head and said, "A Cheng, you need to be well."

Wei WuXian said, "Uncle Jiang, if something happens to you, he won't be fine."

Jiang Fengmian turned her gaze to him and said, "A-Ying, A-Cheng...you have to take more care of me."

He returned to the big ship. The two boats passed each other and drifted away. Jiang Cheng shouted desperately: "Dad!!!"

The boat went down the river.

After an unknown amount of time, Zidian relaxed and turned into a silver ring, which he put on Jiang Cheng's hand.

The two of them shouted all the way, their voices already hoarse. After they were loosened, they drove back without saying a word. There was no oar, so I paddled back against the current with my hands.

Madam Yu said that the spanking would make him unable to recover for a month, but at this moment Wei Wuxian felt that except for the burning and tingling pain in the area where he had been spanked, there was nothing serious about his actions. They paddled with all their might, as if they were on the verge of death. More than an hour later, I finally rowed the boat back to Lotus Pier with my bare hands.

It was already late at night.

The gate of Lotus Pier is closed, but outside the gate, the lights are brightly lit. Fragmented moonlight flows on the sparkling water, and dozens of large lanterns made of nine-petal lotuses float quietly beside the pier.

Everything is the same as before. But just because it was the same as before, it made people feel even more uneasy and painful.

The two rowed far to the center of the lake and stopped. They were moored in the water, their hearts beating wildly. They didn't even dare to approach the dock or rush ashore to see what was going on inside.

Jiang Cheng had tears in his eyes, and his hands and legs were trembling. After a long while, Wei Wuxian said, "...Don't go in through the door yet."

Jiang Cheng nodded casually. The two quietly rowed the boat to the other side of the lake. There is an old willow tree over there, with its roots in the soil on the shore. Its thick trunk grows diagonally across the lake, and its branches hang down into the water. In the past, teenagers from Lianhuawu often followed the trunk of this willow tree to its top and sat there fishing.

The two men parked the boat behind the hanging beard of this old willow tree, and went ashore under the cover of the night and willow branches. Wei Wuxian was usually used to climbing over walls. He grabbed Jiang Cheng and whispered, "This way."

Jiang Cheng was so frightened and frightened that he could hardly tell the difference between east, west and north. He followed him close to the wall, lurked for a while, and quietly climbed up a wall. There is a row of animal heads on the wall here, which is very good for peeking. In the past, people from outside secretly climbed on the wall to look at them inside, but now it was them who peeked inside secretly.

Wei Wuxian looked inside, and his heart immediately sank.

The school grounds of Lotus Pier were filled with rows and rows of people.

All of these people were wearing blazing robes of blazing sun, and the flame patterns on their collars, skirts and cuffs were as red as blood and dazzling.

In addition to those standing, there are also those lying down. All the people who fell to the ground have been moved to the northwest corner of the school ground, where they are piled up in a mess. A man had his back to them, his head lowered, and seemed to be inspecting this group of Jiang family members who were not sure whether they were dead or alive.

Jiang Cheng was still frantically searching for the figures of Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian, but Wei Wuxian's eyes suddenly became wet and hot.

Among these people, he saw many familiar figures.

His throat was dry and sore, his temple felt like being hit by a hammer, and his whole body felt cold. He did not dare to think too much about Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. Just as they were about to take a closer look to see if the skinny boy lying on the top was the sixth junior brother, suddenly, the man standing in the northwest corner with his back to them seemed to notice something and turned around.

Wei Wuxian immediately pressed Jiang Cheng and lowered his head.

Although he avoided it in time, he could see the person's appearance clearly.

That was a young man about their age, tall and thin, with delicate features, dark eyes and pale face. Although he was wearing a blazing robe of flaming sun, he didn't have any strong aura, and was a bit too delicate and gentle. Judging from the grade of the sun pattern, it should be some young master of the Wen family.