
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Three poisons-II

Wei Wuxian was stunned for a moment and said, "Dead?"

Lan Wangji's tear-stained face reflected in the firelight suddenly flashed through his mind, and he blurted out: "How is Lan Zhan?"

Jiang Cheng said: "What else can I do? I'm going back. My father originally wanted to send someone to take him back to Gusu, but he refused. From the look on his face, I must have thought of such a day. After all, in this current situation, No one is better than the other."

The two sat down on the wooden railing again. Wei Wuxian asked, "Then what's going on with Lan Xichen?"

Jiang Cheng said: "Don't the Wen family want to burn down their library? There are tens of thousands of ancient books and music scores. The Lan family members have rescued some of them. They should give them to Lan Xichen and let him run away with them. How many can be protected?" , otherwise it would be all gone. That's what everyone guessed."

Looking at the sky, Wei Wuxian said, "It's so disgusting."

Jiang Cheng said, "Yes. The Wen family is so disgusting."

Wei WuXian said: "When are they going to jump like this? We have so many families, we can't join forces..."

At this moment, a group of chaotic footsteps came, and a group of young men in bunters ran and jumped up the corridor like monkeys, shouting: "Elder Brother!!!"

The sixth junior brother said happily: "Elder brother!!! You are alive!!!"

Wei Wuxian muttered, "What do you mean I'm alive? I'm not dead in the first place!"

"Senior Brother, I heard that you killed a big demonic beast that was over 400 years old?! Really?! Did you kill it?!"

"What I want to know more than this is, senior brother, have you really not eaten for seven days?!"

"You really didn't inediate yourself secretly behind our backs?!"

"How big is Slaughter Xuanwu? Can Lianhua Lake be able to contain it?!"

"Slaughter Xuanwu is just a bastard, right?!"

"Senior Brother, have you spent the past seven days with that Lan Wangji from Gusu? He didn't beat you to death?!"

The slightly solemn atmosphere before was immediately shattered into a state of chaos.

Wei Wuxian's original injury was not serious, but he didn't take medicine in time, and he was overtired and had no food to eat. But he was in good health. After taking the medicine, the iron mark on his chest quickly stopped having a fever. After lying down for a few days, he became lively again. After the Xuanwu Massacre in Muxi Mountain, the Wen family's "Education and Education Department" in Qishan was completely disbanded. The children of the aristocratic families went back to their respective families, and Wen Chao did not hold any charges for the time being. Madam Yu took the opportunity to scold Wei Wuxian and ordered him not to take a step outside the gate of Lotus Pier, not even to row a boat on the lake. So he had to shoot kites with a group of Jiang family disciples every day.

No matter how fun a game is, playing it every day will become boring. Therefore, after half a month, many teenagers are increasingly losing interest. Wei Wuxian couldn't muster the energy and shot randomly, allowing Jiang Cheng to take first place several times for the first time.

On this day, when the last round of shooting was completed, Wei Wuxian put a tent between his eyebrows with his right hand, looked at the setting sun, and said, "Stop it, stop playing. Let's go home for dinner."

Jiang Cheng asked, "So early today?"

Wei Wuxian threw away the bow, sat down on the ground, and said sadly: "It's boring, I won't shoot anymore. Which ones were ranked last just now? Let's go pick it up with Sixth Junior Brother."

A young man said: "Big Brother, you are so cunning. You let others pick it up every time. You are so shameless."

Wei Wuxian waved his hand and said, "There's nothing I can do. Madam Yu won't let me go out. She's at home now. Maybe Jin Zhuyinzhu is squatting in a corner watching, ready to report me at any time. If I go out, Mrs. Yu must use a whip to peel off a layer of my skin."

The juniors with the worst records joked a little, laughed and went out to pick up kites. Jiang Cheng stood and Wei Wuxian sat on the ground. The two chatted for a while. Wei Wuxian said, "Uncle Jiang went out this morning, why haven't you come back yet? Can you make it in time for dinner?"

Jiang Fengmian and Mrs. Yu had another quarrel this morning. It doesn't seem right to call it a quarrel, but Mrs. Yu lost her temper unilaterally, and Jiang Fengmian still maintained a bit of grace. Jiang Cheng said, "I'm going to the Wen family again about our swords. When I think about my three poisons being held by some warm dog now, it's really..."

With a look of disgust on his face, Wei Wuxian said, "It's a pity that our swords are not powerful enough. If we could seal the sword automatically, no one would be able to use it."

Jiang Cheng said: "If you practice for another eighty years, maybe you can do it."

Suddenly, several teenagers rushed into the school grounds of Lotus Pier, shouting in panic: "Something bad is going to happen! Senior brother, senior brother, something bad is going to happen!!!"

These people were the junior brothers who had just gone out to pick up kites. Wei Wuxian suddenly stood up: "What's going on?"

Jiang Cheng said: "Where is the sixth junior brother? Why is there one person missing?"

Sure enough, the sixth junior brother was the first to run when he went out, but now the others are missing. A young man was out of breath and said: "Sixth Junior Brother has been taken away!"


Wei Wuxian also picked up the bow, holding a weapon in his hand, and said, "Who caught him? Why did you catch him?!"

The young man said: "I don't know! I don't know why we want to arrest him!"

Jiang Cheng was also anxious: "What do you mean I don't know why?"

Wei WuXian said, "Don't be anxious. Just make it clear."

The young man said: "Just now, just now we went out to pick up the kite, and the kite fell over there, far away. We looked for it and saw dozens of people, people from the Wen family, wearing their clothes. , there were disciples and servants, and the leader was a young woman. She was holding a kite with an arrow stuck on it. When she saw us, she asked who the kite belonged to."

Another young man said: "This kite belongs to the sixth junior brother, so he said it was his. The woman suddenly changed her face and said, 'How brave!', and then asked the people under her to take the sixth junior brother. Caught!"

Wei Wuxian asked, "That's it?"

All the young men nodded and said: "We asked why we wanted to arrest the sixth junior brother. The woman kept saying that he was treasonous and harboring evil intentions, and shouted at her men to take the sixth junior brother away. We had no choice but to run back first."

Jiang Cheng cursed and said, "There's no reason to arrest anyone! Are the Wen family going to heaven?"

"Yes! It's simply inexplicable!"

Wei WuXian said, "Don't say anything. The Wen family members are probably going to come to your door soon. Don't let them hear what they're trying to do. Let me ask you, does that woman not have a sword? Does she look like that?" She's very beautiful, but has a mole on her lip?"

The junior brothers said: "Yes! It's her!"

Jiang Cheng said bitterly: "Wang Lingjiao! This..."

At this time, a cold female voice came over: "Why are you making noise? I won't let anyone be quiet for a day!"

Mrs. Yu was walking in fluttering purple clothes, still armed with gold and silver beads, following her on the left and right. Jiang Cheng said: "Auntie, the Wen family members are here, and the sixth junior brother was arrested by them!"

Mrs. Yu said: "You shouted so loudly, I heard it from inside. What's the matter? They were captured but not killed. So you are stamping your feet and gritting your teeth in anger and hatred. Do you still look like a future sect leader? ?Calm down!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and faced the gate in front of the school grounds. A dozen Wen family monks wearing scorching sun robes filed in. Behind these monks, a woman in colorful clothes walked in with gentle steps.

This woman has a graceful figure and charming appearance. Her eyes are charming, her lips are like fire, and she has a tiny black mole on her lips. She is quite an outstanding beauty. It's just that the hairpin ring all over her body is dazzling, as if she wants to wear a jewelry store and the favor of a nobleman on her body, which is very inferior. It was Wang Lingjiao who was beaten away by Wei Wuxian last time in Qishan and vomited blood.

Wang Lingjiao pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Mrs. Yu, I'm here again."

Mrs. Yu's face was expressionless, as if she felt that saying another word to her would dirty her mouth. Wang Lingjiao walked down the steps of the gate, and Mrs. Yu said: "Why are you arresting my descendant of the Yunmeng Jiang family?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Arrest? Do you mean the one who was arrested outside just now? It's a long story. Let's talk slowly after we go in and sit down."

A domestic slave entered the door of another aristocratic family without informing or asking for permission to enter. He also asked to enter the room as a matter of course and confidently, "We will talk slowly after sitting down." Mrs. Yu's face became more and more serious. The fingers of her right hand wearing the purple silver ring twitched slightly twice, and the veins on the back of her white hand slightly rose.

She said: "Go in and sit down and talk?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Of course. When I came to give orders last time, I didn't have time to sit down. Please."

Upon hearing the word "order", Jiang Cheng snorted coldly, and his golden and silver eyes also showed a slightly angry look. But this Wang Lingjiao is Wen Chao's favored celebrity, and she cannot be offended at the moment. Therefore, although Mrs. Yu had a sarcastic smile on her face and was full of yin and yang aura, she still said: "Okay, you go in."

Wang Lingjiao smiled sweetly and went in as expected.

However, she said she wanted to go in and sit down, but she didn't rush to sit down. Instead, she walked around the Lotus Pier with interest and expressed her opinions:

"This Lotus Pier is not bad. It's really big, but the houses are a bit old."

"The wood is all dark. The color is really ugly and not bright."

"Mrs. Yu, you are a bit bad at being a mistress. Don't you even know how to decorate and take care of it? Hang more red gauze next time. It will look better that way."

She walked along the road, pointing along the road, as if this was her back garden. Madam Yu's brows were twitching, making Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng suspect that she would kill someone at any time.

After the guided tour, Wang Lingjiao finally sat down in the hall. No one invited Qian Yi, so she took the seat of honor on her own. After sitting for a while, when no one came to serve her, she frowned and slapped the table, saying, "Where's the tea?"

Although she was dazzling with pearls, her words and deeds had no family etiquette at all, and she was full of ugliness. Looking at her along the way, everyone was not surprised. Mrs. Yu sat down at the second table. The hem and sleeves of her wide purple clothes spread out, making her waist more slender and her posture beautiful. The golden and silver girls stood behind her, with a slight sneer on the corners of their mouths. Yinzhu said: "There is no tea. You have to drink it and pour it yourself."

Wang Lingjiao's beautiful eyes widened and she asked in surprise: "Do the servants of the Jiang family never do anything?"

Jin Zhu said: "The servants of the Jiang family have more important and serious things to do. Such things as serving tea and water do not need others to do it for them. They are not disabled."

Wang Lingjiao looked at them and said, "Who are you?"

Mrs. Yu said: "My personal maid."

Wang Lingjiao said contemptuously: "Mrs. Yu, your Jiang family is so shameless. This is not acceptable. Even the maid dares to interrupt in the hall. Such a slave will be slapped in the Wen family."

Wei WuXian thought to himself, "You who said this are just a domestic slave yourself."

Mrs. Yu said calmly: "Jinzhuyinzhu is not an ordinary servant. They have been with me since they were young. They have never served anyone except me, and no one can touch their mouths. No, no." Don't dare."

Wang Lingjiao said: "What are you talking about, Mrs. Yu? Of course, in aristocratic families, there must be a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority. Only then can there be no confusion. A domestic servant must behave like a domestic servant."

Madam Yu, however, deeply believed in the saying, "A domestic servant should act like a domestic servant." She glanced at Wei Wuxian and actually agreed, and said proudly: "Not bad."

Then he asked again: "What on earth did you arrest my Yunmeng Jiang clan's disciple for?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Mrs. Yu, it's better to draw a clear line between herself and that boy. He harbored evil intentions, and I have already caught him on the spot and sent him to jail."

Mrs. Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "Hold evil intentions?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but ask, "What evil intentions can Sixth Junior Brother harbor?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "I have evidence. Bring it!"

A disciple of the Wen family presented a kite. Wang Lingjiao shook the kite and said, "This is the evidence."

Wei Wuxian sneered, "This kite is a very common one-eyed monster, what kind of evidence is it?"

Wang Lingjiao sneered: "Do you think I'm blind? You can see clearly."

She traced the kite with her index fingers painted with bright red, and analyzed it plausibly: "What color is this kite? It's golden. What's the shape of the one-eyed monster? It's round."

Mrs. Yu said: "So?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "So? Madam Yu, haven't you discovered it yet? It's golden and round. What does it look like? - the sun!"

While others were stunned, she said triumphantly: "So many kinds of kites? Why does it have to be a one-eyed monster? Why does it have to be painted gold? Isn't it good to make it in another shape? Why isn't it another color? ? Do you still want to say this is a coincidence? Of course not. This person must have done it on purpose. By shooting such a kite, he was actually taking the opportunity to metaphorically 'shoot the sun'! He wanted to shoot the sun down! This is the opposite of Qishan Wen's disrespectfulness, isn't this harboring evil intentions?"

Seeing her perform what he thought was a witty and far-fetched performance, Jiang Cheng finally couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Although this kite is golden and round, it is thousands of miles away from the sun. How exactly is it similar? It's not similar at all!"

Wei WuXian said, "Then according to what you say, you can't eat oranges. Aren't oranges also golden and round? But I seem to have seen you eat them more than once, right?"

Wang Lingjiao gave him a sharp look. Mrs. Yu said coldly: "So you came here this time just for this kite?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Of course not. This time I am here to punish a person on behalf of the Wen family and Mr. Wen."

Wei Wuxian's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, the next moment, Wang Lingjiao pointed at him and said: "This boy, on Muxi Mountain, took advantage of Mr. Wen's brave fight with Slaughter Xuanwu to make rude remarks and made trouble many times, causing Mr. Wen to be exhausted mentally and physically. He almost missed and even his own All the swords are lost!"

Listening to her confusing right and wrong and making up nonsense, Jiang Cheng was so angry that he laughed out loud. Wei Wuxian thought of Jiang Fengmian who had gone out this morning, and thought to himself, "They chose this time on purpose. Or maybe they lured Uncle Jiang out on purpose!"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Fortunately! God bless Mr. Wen, even though he lost his sword, he still managed to win the Slaughter Xuanwu without any danger. But this kid really cannot be tolerated! I am here today on the order of Mr. Wen, please Madam Yu punishes this person severely and sets an example for the rest of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect!"

Jiang Cheng said: "Auntie..."

Mrs. Yu said: "Shut up!"

Seeing Mrs. Yu's reaction, Wang Lingjiao was very satisfied and said: "This Wei Ying, if I remember correctly, is the servant of the Yunmeng Jiang family, right? Sect Master Jiang is not here at the moment, I believe Mrs. Yu can weigh it carefully. Otherwise, if it is Yunmeng, Jiang's intention to protect him really makes people doubt...whether some of the rumors...are true...hehe."

She sat on the front seat where Jiang Fengmian usually sat, covering her mouth and smiling. Mrs. Yu looked away with a gloomy expression. Jiang Cheng heard what she meant and said in anger: "What rumors?!"

Wang Lingjiao chuckled and said, "What rumors are you talking about? Isn't it just some old romantic debts of Sect Leader Jiang..."

Seeing that this woman dared to arrange Jiang Fengmian in front of her, Wei Wuxian became angry and said angrily: "You..." Unexpectedly, there was a sudden pain in his back, and his knees involuntarily went weak. But Mrs. Yu suddenly took action and whipped him.

Jiang Cheng lost his voice and said, "Aniang!"

Mrs. Yu has stood up, and the purple electricity has turned into a whip shape, and the electric light is flowing in her cold jade-like hands. She shouted: "Jiang Cheng, get out of the way, or you will kneel down too!"

Wei Wuxian managed to get up from the ground and said, "Jiang Cheng, get out of the way! Leave it alone!"

Mrs. Yu whipped out another whip and whipped him back to the ground. She gritted her teeth and said, "...I told you a long time ago, you...you unruly thing! Sooner or later, you will bring disaster to the Jiang family." trouble!"

Wei Wuxian pushed Jiang Cheng away and gritted his teeth, saying nothing and motionless. Although Mrs. Yu had always spoken harshly to him in the past, she had never really been cruel to him. At most, she would slap him two or three times and force him to kneel and ground him, and he would soon be released by Jiang Fengmian. This time, he received dozens of severe lashes in a row, which made his back feel hot and his whole body numb and painful. It was unbearable, but he had to endure it. If Wang Lingjiao and the people of the Qishan Wen Sect are not satisfied with the punishment today, this matter will never end!

Wang Lingjiao looked at it with a smile. After Mrs. Yu finished pumping, the purple lightning was quickly withdrawn. Wei Wuxian knelt on the ground, his upper body swaying forward, as if he was about to fall down. Jiang Cheng wanted to help him, but Mrs. Yu sternly said: "Stand away. Don't help him!"

Jiang Cheng was held tightly by the gold and silver beads. Wei Wuxian persisted for a while, and then he threw himself heavily to the ground and lay motionless.

Wang Lingjiao said in surprise: "Is it over?"

Mrs. Yu hummed: "Otherwise."

Wang Lingjiao said: "That's it?"

Mrs. Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you mean by 'just like this'? What kind of spiritual weapon do you think Zidian is? He will not be able to get better next month after such a beating. It's his fault!"

Wang Lingjiao said: "But there are still good times!"

Jiang Cheng said angrily: "What else do you want?!"

Wang Lingjiao said angrily: "Mrs. Yu, since it is punishment, then of course he must remember this lesson for the rest of his life, regret it for the rest of his life, and dare not do it again. If he just gets a whipping, he can rest for a while and be alive again. , then what kind of punishment is it? For a boy at this age, it is easiest for the scar to heal and forget the pain, so it has no effect at all. "

Mrs. Yu asked: "What are you going to do? Cut off his legs so that he can no longer move around?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Young Master Wen is too generous to do such a cruel thing as cutting off his legs. As long as he cuts off one of his right hands, he will no longer care about it."

This woman was basically using Wen Chao's support to avenge Wei Wuxian for hitting her in the Muxi Mountain cave that day!

Madam Yu glanced sideways at Wei Wuxian and said, "Did you chop off his right hand?"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Not bad."

Yu Ziyuan stood up and walked slowly around Wei Wuxian, as if she was considering this idea. Wei Wuxian was in so much pain that he couldn't even lift his head. Jiang Cheng broke away from the gold and silver beads, fell to his knees, and protected Wei Wuxian, saying: "Auntie, Auntie, please don't... It's not what she said at all..."

Wang Lingjiao raised her voice and said, "Young Master Jiang, are you talking about me, Du Yi?"

Wei Wuxian lay on the ground and couldn't even turn over, thinking to himself: "Du Yi? What is Du Yi?" Suddenly he thought: "It's a fabrication! This woman was originally the maid of Wen Chao's wife. She has never read and knows nothing. A word, but you have to be literary, use a new word, pretend to understand, and read the word in white!" The situation is clearly critical at this moment, but the more at this moment, the more confused the person's mind is, unable to concentrate, and thinking wildly Not only that, Wei Wuxian thought this section was funny. Wang Lingjiao didn't realize that she had made a fool of herself and said: "Mrs. Yu, please think clearly, our Qishan Wen clan must pursue this matter. Cut off his hand and let me take it back. I have an explanation, Yunmengjiang You can do well, otherwise, it won't be so simple when Mr. Wen asks you about it next time!"

A cold light flashed in Mrs. Yu's eyes, and she said in a sinister voice: "Jinzhu, Yinzhu, go and close the door. Don't let others see the blood."

As long as Mrs. Yu gave an order, the gold and silver ladies would obey, and they would all say "Yes!" and then firmly close the hall door.

Wei Wuxian heard the sound of the door closing and the light on the ground disappeared. He felt a sense of fear in his heart: "Are you really going to chop off one of my hands?"

Jiang Cheng was frightened. He hugged his mother's leg and said, "A'niang? A'niang! What are you going to do? Don't chop his hand!"

After the fear passed, Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth and said cruelly, "...That's okay! If I can exchange for the peace of my family... just one hand, the damn big deal is that I will practice left-handed swords from now on!!!"

Wang Lingjiao clapped her hands and said, "Mrs. Yu, I knew you must be the most loyal subordinate of the Qishan Wen Sect! Someone come and hold this kid down!"

Madam Yu said, "You don't need to do anything." The Jin and Silver ladies came over, and Wang Lingjiao said, "Hey, do you want your two maids to hold him down? That's fine."

Jiang Cheng said: "Aniang! Aniang, listen to me! I beg you! Don't cut off his hand! If father finds out..."

It was okay that he didn't mention Jiang Fengmian, but when he mentioned Madam Yu, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Don't mention your father to me! What can he do if he knows about it? Kill me?!"

Wang Lingjiao said happily: "Mrs. Yu, I really admire you! It seems that we will definitely be able to talk well in the supervisory office in the future!"

Mrs. Yu pulled back the leg and purple skirt held by Jiang Cheng, turned around, raised her eyebrows and said, "Supervisory dormitory?"

Wang Lingjiao smiled and said: "Yes, the supervisory office. This is the second important thing for me to come to Yunmeng. The new supervision order issued by the Qishan Wen clan requires the establishment of a supervisory office in every city. I am announcing now, From now on, Lotus Pier will be the Wen family's surveillance cell in Yunmeng."

No wonder she was walking in and out of Lotus Pier just now, as if she regarded it as her own residence. It turned out that she had really regarded Lotus Pier as her stronghold in Yunmeng!

Jiang Cheng said with red eyes: "What surveillance room?! This is my home!!!"

Wang Lingjiao frowned and said: "Mrs. Yu, you must teach your son well. For hundreds of years, hundreds of families have submitted to the Wen family. How can you say such things about my family and yours in front of the Wen family's envoys? Originally, I was still hesitating whether Lianhuawu, which is so old and has a few rebellious people, can take on the heavy responsibility of the supervisory office. But seeing that you obey my orders so much and your temper is to my liking, I I still decided to give this honor..."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Yu waved her hand and gave her a loud slap in the face.

The slap was earth-shattering in both strength and sound. Wang Lingjiao was slapped several times before she fell to the ground. Her nose was bleeding and her beautiful eyes were wide-eyed.

Several disciples of the Wen family in the hall pulled out their swords. Madam Yu raised her hand, and the purple lightning flew out in a circle of dazzling purple light, and they collapsed.

Mrs. Yu walked up to Wang Lingjiao elegantly, looked down at her from a high position, suddenly bent down, reached out and grabbed Wang Lingjiao's hair, lifted it up and slapped her furiously: "How dare you, you wretched maid!"

She had been patient for a long time, and now her face was ferocious. At such a close distance, Wang Lingjiao was so frightened that half of her face was swollen and she screamed. Mrs. Yu slapped her again unceremoniously, slapping her ear-piercing screams to an abrupt halt, and shouted: "It depends on the owner even if you beat a dog! You burst into my house and want to punish me in front of me." People in my family? How dare they behave like this!"

After she finished speaking, she threw away Wang Lingjiao's head, as if it was dirty, took out her handkerchief and wiped her hands. Jinzhuyinzhu stood behind her, with the same contemptuous smile on her face. Wang Lingjiao covered her face with trembling hands and said with tears streaming down her face: "You... you dare to do such a thing... neither the Wen family of Qishan nor the Wang family of Yingchuan will let you go!"

Mrs. Yu threw her handkerchief to the ground, kicked her over, and cursed: "Shut up! You bitch, my Meishan Yu family has been in the immortal world for hundreds of years, and I have never heard of the Yingchuan Wang family! What kind of sewer is this? A despicable family that came out of the corner? Are all the people in the family like you? Are you talking about dignity in front of me? I will teach you what it means to be superior and inferior! I am superior and you are inferior!"

On the side, Jiang Cheng had already half-lifted Wei Wuxian who was lying on the ground. Looking at this scene, both of them were stunned.