
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasie
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119 Chs

Cunning boy-I

As if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on his head, the curve of Wei Wuxian's mouth froze.

This tall figure stood under the dead tree, facing this direction. If there was a head on his neck, it would be staring at Wei Wuxian quietly at this moment.

On the other side of the bonfire, the juniors of the Lan family also saw this shadow. Their hairs stood on end, their eyes widened and they were about to draw their swords. Wei Wuxian put his index finger in front of his lips and let out a soft "shhh".

He signaled everyone "no" with his eyes and shook his head. Seeing this, Lan SiZhui quietly pulled Lan Jingyi's half-unsheathed long sword back.

The headless man stretched out his hand, supported it on the tree trunk nearby, and stroked it for a while, seeming to be thinking about something and confirming what it was.

He took a small step forward, and Wei Wuxian could see most of his body clearly.

The clothes this headless man is wearing are a shroud, slightly tattered. It was the one they wore on the torso they dug out of Chang's cemetery.

And a pile of debris was scattered around the headless man's feet. I could barely make out that these were several broken Evil-Sealing Universe Bags.

Wei Wuxian thought to himself, "I was negligent, I let my good brother fight on his own!"

All in all, after he and Lan Wangji entered Yicheng, surprises continued, and they did not play "Rest in Peace" together for more than two days. During the few days they traveled here, the two of them tried their best to suppress it. However, the corpse's limbs have been collected, and their attraction to each other is greatly enhanced. Maybe they sensed each other's grievances and wanted to get together too much. While Lan Wangji was out on night patrol, they couldn't wait to roll to the side, broke through the Evil Sealing Universe Bag that restrained them, and automatically pieced together a corpse. .

Unfortunately, this body is still missing a part. Moreover, it is the most important part.

The headless man put his hand on his neck and touched the neatly cut scarlet wound on his throat. He touched for a while, but he still couldn't find what he should have. As if he was irritated by this fact, he suddenly struck out with his palm and hit the tree next to him!

The tree trunk cracked in response. Wei WuXian thought to himself, "You have quite a temper."

Lan Jingyi held his sword in front of him and said in a trembling voice: "What kind of monster is this!"

Wei WuXian said: "When I heard it, I didn't do the basic homework well. What is a monster? What is a monster? This is obviously a corpse and belongs to the ghost category. How can it be a monster?"

Lan SiZhui whispered: "Senior, you are... so loud, aren't you afraid that he will find you?"

Wei Wuxian said, "It's okay. I suddenly realized just now that it actually doesn't matter how loud we speak, because he has no head, no eyes, and no ears, which means he can't see or hear. If you don't believe me, just shout and see. "

Lan Jingyi asked curiously: "Really? I'll try."

After saying that, he shouted twice immediately. Just after shouting, the headless man suddenly turned around and walked towards the juniors of the Lan family.

All the young men were in a state of shock, and Lan Jingyi screamed: "Didn't you say it was okay?!"

Wei Wuxian clasped his hands to his mouth and said loudly: "It's really okay, you see! I spoke so loudly, and he didn't come over either? But it's not a matter of whether the sound is loud or not, but there is fire!" Hot! There are many living people, and they are all men! Strong yang energy! He can't see or hear, but he can walk towards the place where he feels it is lively. If you don't hurry up, put out the fire and disperse. open!"

Lan SiZhui waved his hand, a gust of wind extinguished the flames, and a group of teenagers dispersed in the deserted garden.

Sure enough, as soon as the bonfire was extinguished and the people dispersed, the headless man lost his direction.

He stood there for a while, and everyone just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, he started moving again, and walked towards one of the teenagers accurately!

Lan Jingyi screamed again: "Didn't you say that everything will be fine once the fire is extinguished and dispersed?!"

Wei Wuxian didn't bother to answer him and said to the young man, "Don't move!"

He picked up a stone at his feet, flipped his wrist, and threw it towards the headless man. A stone hit his vest, and the headless man immediately stopped and turned around. He seemed to think this side was more suspicious and walked towards Wei Wuxian instead.

Wei Wuxian moved two steps very slowly, just in time to pass by the headless man who was walking towards him, and said: "I'm asking you to disperse, I'm not asking you to run around. Don't run too fast, this headless man Your cultivation level is very high, if you move too fast and bring up the breeze around you, he will also notice it."

Lan SiZhui said, "He seems to be looking for something... is he looking for his... head?"

Wei WuXian said: "Yes, he is looking for his head. There are so many heads here, and if he doesn't know which one is his, he will pull the head off everyone's neck and put it on his own neck. Take a look. Whether it fits or not. If it fits, keep using it for a while. If it doesn't, throw it away. So, you should walk slowly and hide slowly, and don't be caught by him. "

Imagining how their heads would be pulled off by this headless corpse and then placed bloody on his neck, all the teenagers felt a chill. They all raised their hands to protect their heads and necks, and began to slowly "escape" around the garden. "stand up. A group of people seemed to be playing a dangerous hide-and-seek game with this headless ghost. Anyone caught by the ghost would have to hand over their head. Once the headless man caught the trace of a certain boy, Wei Wuxian would throw a stone to divert his attention and lead him to his side.

Wei Wuxian put his hands behind his back and moved slowly, observing the movements of the headless corpse as he walked, thinking to himself: "This good brother's posture is a bit strange? He keeps clenching his fists and waving his arms. This movement..."

While he was thinking, Lan Jingyi couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Are we going to keep going like this? How long will it take!"

Wei Wuxian thought for a moment and said, "Of course not."

After saying that, he shouted loudly: "Hanguang-Jun! Hanguang-Jun! Hanguang-Jun, are you back? Help!"

Seeing this, the others shouted along with him. Anyway, this murderous corpse has no head and no sound. One screams louder than the other, and the other screams are more miserable than the last. For a moment, in the darkness of the night, a faint sound of a flute suddenly sounded, followed immediately by a clear and melodious string singing.

Hearing this flute and qin, these juniors almost cried with joy: "Boooooooooo Hanguang-Jun! Zewu-Jun!"

Two slender figures flashed in front of the dilapidated garden gate of the flower garden. They were as tall as jade and the color of ice and snow. One held a flute and the other carried a harp, walking side by side. The two of them were slightly startled when they saw the headless figure.

Lan Xichen's expression was particularly obvious, almost shocked. The cracking ice no longer makes a sound, but Bichen has been unsheathed. The headless man noticed that a very powerful and bone-chilling sword light was coming, he raised his arm and waved again. Wei Wuxian thought to himself, "That move again!"

The headless man was also very agile and strong with his hands. He jumped up and missed Bichen's passing sharp edge. He grabbed Bichen's sword hilt with his backhand!

He held the Bichen Sword in his hand and raised it high, as if he wanted to check the thing in his hand, but he had no eyes. Seeing that the headless man actually stopped Hanguang Jun's Bichen with his bare hands, the faces of all the juniors all turned pale, but Lan Wangji didn't change his expression. He took out the guqin, lowered his head and fingered a string, and the string sounded. It seemed to turn into an invisible sharp arrow, whistling and spinning towards the murderous corpse. The headless man slashed with his sword, shattering the sound of the strings. Lan Wangji plucked the strings, and the seven strings trembled in unison, singing an exciting and high-pitched sound. At the same time, Wei Wuxian pulled out his bamboo flute and matched it with the sharp and unusual flute sounds. In an instant, it was like a forest of swords raining down from the sky!

The headless corpse raised its sword and returned it. At this time, Lan Xichen had come to his senses and brought the cracked ice to his lips, frowning and playing. I don't know if it was an illusion, but as soon as the elegant and peaceful flute sound came out, the headless corpse's movements froze for an instant. It stood and listened for a moment, then turned around as if to check on the person playing the music. However, he had no head and no eyes, and could not see anything at all. In addition, the piano and flute were still playing aggressively, and the three notes came out at the same time. He finally lost his strength, staggered, and fell down.

To be precise, it didn't fall down, but fell apart. Hands are hands, legs are legs, bodies are bodies, scattered in pieces on the ground filled with residual leaves.

Lan Wangji turned over his hands to put away his piano, put his sword back into its sheath, and walked to the severed limbs with Wei Wuxian. He looked down and took out five brand-new Evil-Sealing Universe Bags. A group of juniors gathered around in shock and bowed to Lord Zewu first. Before they could start talking and chattering, Lan Wangji said: "Rest."

Lan Jingyi said blankly: "Huh? But Lord Hanguang, Haishi has not yet come?"

Lan SiZhui pulled him and said respectfully, "Yes." He didn't ask any more questions and took the rest of the juniors to find another part of the flower garden to light a fire again and rest.

There were only three people left beside the pile of corpses. Wei Wuxian nodded to Lan Xichen, squatted on the ground, and was about to seal the corpse into the bag again. He took his left hand and stuffed half of it into the Qiankun bag. Lan Xichen said: "please wait a while."

Wei Wuxian knew something was wrong when he saw his expression just now. Sure enough, Lan Xichen's face turned pale and he repeated: "Please... wait a minute, let me see this body."

Wei Wuxian stopped his movements and said, "Does Mr. Zewu know this person's identity?"

Lan Xichen has not yet responded, seemingly unsure, but Lan Wangji has nodded slowly.

Wei Wuxian said, "Okay, I also know who it is."

He lowered his voice and said: "Chifeng Zun, right?"

During the "hide and seek" session just now, the headless corpse kept repeating one action: making empty fists, waving its arms, and slashing horizontally and vertically. It looked like he was wielding some kind of weapon.

When Wei Wuxian mentioned weapons, he immediately thought of swords. But he himself is a swordsman, and he has fought against many famous swordsmen before, but he has never seen any master use a sword like this. The sword is the "king of hundreds of weapons", and those who use it must always be somewhat dignified or elegant. Even an assassin's sword must be a bit nimble despite its cruelty and viciousness. In swordsmanship, there are more "stabbing" and "picking" movements and less "cutting" and "cutting" movements. And looking at the movement of the headless man using the sword, it was too heavy, too murderous and violent, and his horizontal and vertical slashes were inelegant and graceless.

But, if what he is holding is not a sword, but a knife, and it is a very heavy knife with great murderous intent - then it would make sense.

Knives and swords are completely different in temperament and usage. The weapon this headless man usually used during his life should be a knife. The sword technique is sharp, only seeking power, not elegance. When he was looking for his head, he was also looking for his weapon. So he kept repeating the action of swinging the sword, and even grabbed Bichen with his backhand, using the sword as his saber.

Previously, this corpse had no special signs such as birthmarks, and was cut into pieces, making it impossible to identify it. Not to mention that Nie Huaisang couldn't recognize him in the sacrificial knife hall, even Wei Wuxian couldn't guarantee that if he cut off his own leg and threw it around, he would be able to recognize whose leg it was. It wasn't until his limbs and body were temporarily bonded by resentment to piece together a moving corpse that Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji recognized his figure.

Wei Wuxian said, "Zewu Lord, Hanguang Lord must have told you about our experiences along the way. Mojiazhuang, the gravediggers, those in Yicheng."

Lan Xichen nodded. Wei WuXian said: "Then Hanguang-Jun should have told you that the matte-faced man who snatched the corpse in Chang's cemetery knew the swordsmanship of Gusu Lan's family very well. There are only two possibilities: one, he is the Lan family's swordsmanship. He has practiced Gusu Lan's swordsmanship since he was a child; secondly, he is not from the Lan family, but he is very familiar with your family's swordsmanship. Either he often competes with the Lan family's swordsmanship, or he is very smart, and he can learn it as long as he has seen it. Remember all the moves and sword paths."

Lan Xichen remained silent, and Wei Wuxian added: "He snatched the body because he didn't want others to notice that Chifengzun had been dismembered. Once Chifengzun's body was pieced together, the situation would be unfavorable to him. This is a Someone who knows the secret of the Qinghe Nie Sword Sacrifice Hall, a person who may be very close to the Gusu Lan Sect, and a person who has a... connection with Chifeng Zun."

There is no need to say clearly who such a person is most likely to be, everyone knows.

Although Lan Xichen's expression was solemn, he immediately said, "He won't do that."

Wei WuXian said, "Jun Zewu?"

Lan Xichen said: "Your investigation into the dismemberment case and your encounter with the gravedigger happened this month. And during this month, he and I have been talking almost all the time at Bingzhuye. A few days ago, we were jointly planning the Lanling Gold Medal next month." Hundreds of families of the family are invited to discuss the grand gathering, but he has no skills at all, so it is impossible for him to be the gravedigger."

Wei WuXian asked, "What if we use the teleportation talisman?"

Lan Xichen shook his head, and his tone was gentle but decisive: "It is extremely difficult to practice the teleportation technique using the teleportation talisman. He has never shown any signs of practicing it. Moreover, using this technique requires a lot of spiritual energy, but not long ago We also went on a night hunting trip together, and he performed extremely well. I can confirm that he has never used a teleportation talisman."

Lan Wangji said, "He doesn't have to go by himself."

Lan Xichen still shook his head slowly. Wei Wuxian said, "Sect Master Lan, you know in your heart who the most suspicious person is, but you refuse to admit it."

The light of the bonfire reflected the bright and dark colors on the three people's faces, which was unpredictable. There was silence among the deserted and decadent flowerbeds.

After a moment of silence, Lan Xichen said: "I understand that for some reasons, people in the world misunderstand him a lot. But... I only believe what I have seen with my own eyes over the years. I believe he is not such a person."

It is not difficult to understand why Lan Xichen defended this person. To be honest, even Wei Wuxian himself didn't have a bad impression of the person they suspected. Perhaps due to his background, he is very humble and approachable to others. He is the kind of person who will not offend anyone and who can feel comfortable getting along with him. What's more, Mr. Zewu has been friends with him for several years?

During Nie Mingjue's lifetime, it was when the Qinghe Nie family was at its peak under his leadership, and its power was almost equal to that of the Lanling Jin family. Who would benefit most from Nie Mingjue's death?

He went crazy and died in public - a seemingly flawless and helpless regret, but is it really that simple?