
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

Beloved female friend-III

For some reason, Wei Wuxian felt guilty tonight. He didn't dare to go to bed and sleep with Lan Wangji like he did before. He sat on the floor and dealt with Lan Wangji all night. At some point, he tilted his head and fell asleep against the wooden couch. He was dazed until early morning, when he felt someone gently picked him up and laid him flat on the couch. Wei Wuxian managed to open his eyes, and Lan Wangji's still cold face came into view.

He suddenly woke up five or six minutes and shouted: "Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji answered him with a "hmm". Wei Wuxian asked again, "Are you awake or drunk now?"

Lan Wangji said: "Awake."

Wei WuXian said, "Oh…it's about time."

Lan Wangji wakes up at this time every day, so Wei Wuxian can tell the time without looking at the sky outside the window. He picked up Wei Wuxian's wrist, and there were several blood-red marks on both wrists. Lan Wangji took out a small light cyan porcelain bottle from his sleeve and lowered his head to apply the medicine to him. The area where the delicate ointment was applied was immediately cool. Wei Wuxian narrowed his eyes and said, "It hurts... Hanguang-kun, you are so rude when you are drunk."

Lan Wangji didn't even raise his eyes and said, "You're going to have to deal with it."

Wei Wuxian's heart skipped a beat and he said, "Lan Zhan, you really don't remember what you did when you were drunk, do you?"

Lan Wangji said, "I don't remember."

Wei WuXian thought to himself, "It's probably because he doesn't remember. Otherwise, he would have become so angry that he would chop me up."

In his heart, he was both glad that Lan Wangji didn't remember, and also a little regretful that he didn't remember. It seems that I secretly did something bad, ate something secretly, and hid in a corner and laughed and laughed without anyone noticing. I also regretted that no one shared my secret joy. Involuntarily, his eyes were fixed on Lan Wangji's lips again.

Although the corners of the mouth are never raised, they look very soft, and they are indeed very soft.

Wei Wuxian bit his lip unconsciously, and began to wander again: "Gusu Lan's family is so strict, and Lan Zhan is completely ignorant of amorous feelings. He must have never kissed a girl before. What should I do now? I came out on top, should I tell him? Will he cry when he finds out? Hey, he might have done it when he was a child, but probably not now. And he is like a wooden monk, maybe he has never moved. Thinking about that... That's not right! Last time when he was drunk, I asked him if he had anyone he liked, and he replied "yes". Maybe he had kissed someone a long time ago? But Yilan Zhan is like this He is used to restraining his temper, so he must be in love but not polite. Most likely he has never been kissed, and he must have never held hands. Speaking of which, maybe he didn't understand what kind of "like" I asked about at the time. …"

After Lan Wangji applied the medicine to Wei Wuxian, someone knocked on the door gently and knocked three times. Lan SiZhui's voice came: "Hanguang-Jun, you're all up. Are you leaving?"

Lan Wangji said: "Waiting downstairs."

After everyone left the city, they parted ways at the foot of the city tower. The children of all the famous families were just familiar faces at first, and they just visited each other when each family held a grand talk party. However, in the past few days, they first experienced the cat corpse incident together, and then spent a thrilling day and night in a foggy ghost town. We also burned paper money together, secretly drank together, quarreled together, and scolded each other. We were very familiar with each other. When we parted, we were reluctant to leave each other, procrastinating at the city gate and agreeing on a time to come to my house. Let's talk and play. When will we go hunting at night on your property? Lan Wangji didn't urge them, and just let them talk about this and that, standing silently under a tree. The fairy was stared at by him and did not dare to scream and run around. She could only huddle under the tree and look at Jin Ling eagerly, her tail wagging in the air.

While Lan Wangji was keeping an eye on the fairy, Wei Wuxian put his arm around Jin Ling's shoulders and walked a long distance away.

Mo Xuanyu is one of Jin Guangshan's illegitimate sons, and the half-brother of Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangyao. Therefore, in terms of blood, he can also be regarded as Jin Ling's uncle, and he can naturally give him advice in the tone of an elder. As he walked, he said: "Don't quarrel or talk back to your uncle when you go back. Listen to his words. Be careful from now on and don't go out hunting alone at night again."

Although Jin Ling came from a famous family, he never let go of rumors. He has no father or mother, so he is inevitably eager to achieve success and prove himself. Wei Wuxian added, "Are you only a teenager? None of the children from aristocratic families around your age have ever hunted any extraordinary monsters, so why are you so anxious to get the first one?"

Jin Ling said dullly: "My uncle and younger uncle were still teenagers when they became famous."

Wei Wuxian thought to himself: "How can it be the same? Back then, with the Qishan Wen Sect pressing down on them, people were in panic. If they didn't practice hard and fight, no one would know whether he would be the next unlucky one. Enter the Sun-Shooting Conquest, Lila Ren The battlefield doesn't care whether you are a teenager or how old you are. But now that the situation is stable and everyone is stable, the atmosphere is naturally not so tense, and of course everyone is not practicing so hard. There is no need."

Jin Ling added: "Even Wei Ying and Wei Gou were still in their teens when they killed Xuanwu. Even he can do it, why can't I?"

When Wei Wuxian heard his last name and the word after it come together, his hair stood on end for a moment. Goosebumps escaped his body and he asked, "Did he kill that? Wasn't that killed by Lord Hanguang?"

Hearing him mention Lan Wangji, Jin Ling gave him an unclear look and wanted to say something, but held it back and said, "You and Hanguang-Jun... forget it. This is your own business. Anyway, I I don't want to care about you at all. If you like Duanxiu, just go for Duanxiu. This disease cannot be cured."

Wei Wuxian said in amusement, "How can this be called a disease?" He laughed in his heart: "He still thinks I'm shamelessly pestering Lan Zhan?!"

Jin Ling added: "I already know the meaning of Gusu Lan's forehead wiping. Since this is the case, then you should stay with Hanguang-Jun. You should also cut off your broken sleeves to keep yourself clean, and stop provoking other men. , especially members of our family! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

The "our family" he mentioned includes both the Lanling Jin Sect and the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. It seems that his tolerance for Duanxiu has increased. As long as he doesn't look for his family members, he can pretend he didn't see him. Wei WuXian said, "You kid! What do you mean by provoking other men? It's like I'm talking about that. Wiping your forehead? Does Gusu Lan's forehead wiping mean anything?"

Jin Ling said: "Don't come here! Don't be complacent if you get an advantage and behave like a good boy. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Are you Wei Ying?"

At the end of the three sentences, he suddenly threw out a sentence, which went straight to the point and caught people off guard. Wei Wuxian calmly answered, "Do you think I look like him?"

Jin Ling was silent for a while, then suddenly blew a short whistle and said, "Fairy!"

When the master called her name, the fairy swung her tongue and ran over on all four legs. Wei Wuxian jumped up and ran: "Speak nicely, why are you letting the dog loose!"

Jin Ling said: "Hmph! Goodbye!"

After he said goodbye, he headed towards Lanling in a majestic way. It seemed that he still didn't dare to go back to Yunmeng Lotus Pier to see Jiang Cheng. The children of other families also went home in twos and threes in different directions. In the end, only Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and a few juniors from the Lan family were left.

As they walked, several juniors couldn't control themselves and turned back frequently. Lan Jingyi said nothing, but his face was full of reluctance, and he asked, "Where should we go next?"

Lan SiZhui said: "Master Zewu is currently hunting at night in Tanzhou. Should we go directly back to the Cloud Recesses or meet him there?"

Lan Wangji said: "Tanzhou, meet up."

Wei Wuxian said, "That's good. I might be able to help in some way. Anyway, I don't know where to go next to find the head of my good brother."

The two of them walked in front, with the other teenagers following far behind. After walking for a while, Lan Wangji said, "Jiang Cheng knows who you are."

Wei Wuxian sat on the donkey, letting Little Apple walk slowly, and said, "Yes, I know. But so what if I know, he can't produce any evidence."

The difference between giving one's house and taking one's house is that there is no trace of it. Jiang Cheng only judged it based on the expression on his face after seeing the dog. But first of all, Jiang Cheng has never told anyone that Wei Wuxian is afraid of dogs. Secondly, people who are not very familiar with these things such as expressions and reactions cannot make a conclusion at all, and there is no hard evidence. Even if Jiang Cheng now posts notices everywhere to tell everyone that Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling, is a coward, everyone will probably just think that the master of three poisons has been chasing the ancestor of Yiling for many years, but he always catches the wrong person and finally goes crazy. .

Wei Wuxian said, "So I'm really curious. How did you recognize me?"

Lan Wangji said quietly: "I'm also curious as to why your memory is so bad."

Arriving in Tanzhou not long ago, before meeting up with Lan Xichen, the group passed by a garden. When the juniors saw that the garden was huge, extraordinary and unattended, they couldn't help but be curious and went inside to visit. As long as it didn't violate family mottos and rules, Lan Wangji never stopped them, so they were allowed in. There are stone pavilions and stone railings, stone tables and stone benches in the garden for viewing flowers and the moon. However, due to years of rain and wind, a corner of the pavilion is missing and two stone benches have fallen over. There are no flowers in the garden, only dead branches and leaves. This garden has been abandoned for many years.

After the juniors walked around half a circle with great interest, Lan SiZhui said, "Is this the flower gardener's garden?"

Lan Jingyi said blankly: "Flower girl? Who is that? Is there an owner of this garden? Why does it look so run-down? No one has taken care of it for a long time."

Flowers that have a short flowering period and bloom in response to the season are called flowers. There are many varieties with different flowers and colors, and the garden is full of fragrance when in bloom. Hearing this name, Wei Wuxian's heart moved and he remembered something. Lan SiZhui stroked the pillars of the stone pavilion, thought for a moment, and said, "If I remember correctly, it should be. This garden was once very famous. I read about it in a book, "The Flower Soul of a Maid" , there is a flower garden in Tanzhou, and there is a girl in the flower garden. She is reciting a poem under the moonlight. If the poem is good, I will give him a flower. It will not wither for three years, and the fragrance will last forever. If the poem is not good, or there is a mistake in the recitation, the girl will suddenly come out, holding the flower. Throw people in the face and hide behind them."

Lan Jingyi said: "If you recite the wrong poem, you will be hit in the face with a flower? Don't let the flower have thorns, otherwise if I try it, I will be hit until my face bleeds. What kind of monster is this?"

Lan SiZhui said: "Monsters are probably not counted as monsters. It should be said that they are spirits. It is said that the earliest owner of the flower garden was a poet. He planted these flowers with his own hands and made them his friends. He recited poems here every day. The flowers in the garden were scented by books. Stained by poetry, a ray of soul condenses and turns into a flower-growing girl. When outsiders come here, if she recites poems well, it reminds her of the person who planted her, and she will give a flower as a gift when she is happy. If she recites poorly, If she makes a mistake, she will emerge from the flowers and hit people on the head and face with flowers. The person who is hit will faint and wake up to find that he has been thrown out of the garden. More than ten years ago, people who came to this garden It can be said that there is an endless stream."

Wei WuXian said: "Fengya, Fengya. But there are no books recording such things in Gusu Lan's library. SiZhui, tell me honestly, what kind of book are you reading and who gave it to you."

Lan SiZhui's face turned red and he quietly went to see Lan WangJi, worried about being punished. Lan Jingyi asked: "Isn't the flower girl very beautiful? Otherwise, why would so many people come?"

Seeing that Lan Wangji had no intention of blaming him, Lan Sizhui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied with a smile: "She must be very beautiful. After all, she is such an elegant spirit, and she is made of such beautiful things. But In fact, no one has ever seen the flower girl's face clearly. After all, even if you can't compose poetry, it's not difficult to recite one or two poems. Therefore, most people have received flowers from the flower girl. Even if they occasionally Those who chanted the wrong words and were beaten immediately fainted and had no chance to see them. But... except for one person."

Another teenager asked: "Which person?"

Wei Wuxian coughed lightly.

Lan SiZhui said, "Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling."

Wei Wuxian coughed again and said, "What, why is it him again? Can't we talk about something else?"

No one paid attention to him. Lan Jingyi waved his hands and said worriedly: "Don't make any noise! What happened to Wei Wuxian? What did this big devil do? Did he forcefully capture the flower shop girl?"

Lan SiZhui said: "That's not true. However, in order to see the flower girl's face clearly, he came to Tanzhou from Yunmeng. When he came to this garden, he deliberately recited the wrong poem every time, which annoyed the flower girl. When he got angry, he beat him with flowers and threw him out. After he woke up, he crawled in again and continued to read the wrong words loudly. After repeating this for more than 20 times, he finally saw the flower girl's face clearly, and went out to praise others everywhere. But Chang The flower girl was also so angry with him that she never came out for a long time. As soon as she saw him entering, flowers rained wildly, and people were beaten with random flowers. It was even more amazing than a strange sight..."

All the young men laughed and said, "Wei Wuxian is so annoying!"

"Why are you so boring!"

Wei WuXian touched his chin and said, "What's so boring about this! Who didn't do one or two of these things when they were young? Then again, why do people even know about this kind of thing? And they wrote it down in a book seriously. This is real boredom."

Lan Wangji looked at him. Although his face was expressionless, there was a strange light in his eyes, as if he was making fun of him. Wei WuXian thought to himself, "Hey, Lan Zhan actually has the nerve to laugh at my jokes. I know eight, if not ten, of the embarrassing things you did when you were young. Sooner or later, I will tell these kids about it and destroy their reputation as Lord Hanguang." The sacred and inviolable image of purity and purity. Just wait."

He said: "You kids, if you are not calm and confused, you must be reading miscellaneous books every day and not concentrating on your cultivation. Go back and ask Lord Hanguang to punish you by copying the family instructions ten times."

All the teenagers were shocked: "Standing on your head, you have to copy ten times?!"

Wei Wuxian was also shocked and looked at Lan Wangji: "Your family always has to stand upside down when punishing? That's too cruel."

Lan Wangji said softly: "If you're just punished with a penalty, there will always be people who don't remember the lesson. If you stand on your head, you can remember it deeply and you can still practice."

Wei Wuxian was naturally the one who didn't remember the lesson. He pretended not to understand, turned around and was thankful that he wasn't made to copy while standing on his head.

A group of teenagers were very interested in listening to the story and decided to spend the night in the Shi Garden. Sleeping in the wild is a common thing during night hunting, so everyone picked up things here and there, piled up a pile of dead branches and leaves, and made a bonfire. Lan Wangji went out on patrol to ensure the safety of the area and set up formations to prevent midnight attacks. Wei Wuxian stretched out his legs and sat next to the fire. Seeing Lan Wangji finally leave, he now had the opportunity to clear up his doubts and said, "By the way, let me ask a question. What is the meaning of wiping the forehead in your family?"

At the mention of this, the faces of the young men suddenly changed, and they all started hesitating. Wei Wuxian's heart suddenly thumped and his heart pounded.

Lan SiZhui said carefully: "Senior, don't you know?"

Wei Wuxian said, "If I knew, why would I ask? Do I seem to be such a boring person?"

Lan Jingyi muttered: "It's very similar... After all, you can even trick us into lining up to watch that kind of thing..." Wei Wuxian used a branch to stir up sparks and said, "My Isn't it for you to exercise well and break through yourself? It's obviously very useful. If you remember my words, you will benefit a lot from now on."

Lan SiZhui seemed to be considering his words. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "That's it. The Gusu Lan Sect's forehead wiping means 'disciplining oneself.' Do you know this senior?"

Wei Wuxian said, "I know. Then?"

Lan SiZhui continued: "And Lan An, the ancestor of the Gusu Lan family, said that only in front of the destined person and the person who loves you, there is no need to have any rules. Therefore, the lessons passed down through the generations are, eh , our family's forehead wiping is a very, very personal and sensitive precious thing. No one else except you can touch it casually, can't take it off casually, let alone tie it to others. This is a taboo. Well, only, only..."

There is nothing more to say.

Beside the bonfire, these young and immature faces were so red that Lan SiZhui couldn't continue talking.

Wei Wuxian felt that more than half of the blood in his body rushed to his forehead.

This forehead, this forehead, this, this—

The meaning of this forehead wiping is quite heavy!

He suddenly felt that he was in great need of fresh air. He stood up suddenly, jumped out, and barely managed to steady himself by holding on to a dead tree. He thought to himself: "...My mother! What have I done!"

Back then in Qishan, the Wen family held a grand talk gathering for hundreds of schools of thought. The conference lasted for seven days, and the entertainment items were different every day during the seven days. One of the days was an archery competition.

The rules of the competition are that the younger boys from each family enter the competition to hunt. Among the more than a thousand life-sized paper mannequin targets that can evade flexibly, only a hundred have evil spirits attached to them. If you shoot the wrong one, you will be shot. You must leave the field immediately. Only by continuously shooting the correct paper figures with evil spirits attached can you stay in the field. Finally, we will calculate who can hit the most and most accurately, and they will be ranked in order.

On such an occasion, Wei Wuxian would of course have to participate as one of the players from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. Before the competition, he had listened to various debates all morning, and his head was dizzy. He finally regained his energy after picking up his bow and arrow. While yawning, he was walking to the hunting ground. He glanced around and suddenly saw a handsome young man with a powdered face and as cold as ice beside him. He was wearing a red round-neck robe with a nine-ring belt and sleeves that were tucked in. Very narrow. This was originally the uniform dress worn by the juniors at the Qishan Baijia Talking Conference. He dressed it very beautifully. It was one part elegant, one part heroic, and all combined, it was all handsome, which made people's eyes light up.

The young man was carrying a bunch of arrows with snow-white tail feathers on his back and was trying out the bow with his head lowered. With his long and slender fingers, he plucked the bowstring, producing a sound like a piano string, which was beautiful and powerful.

Wei Wuxian saw that this young man looked familiar. After thinking for a while, he patted his thigh and greeted him cheerfully: "Hey! Isn't this Brother Wangji?"

At that time, more than a year had passed since Wei Wuxian was studying in an unknown place in Yunshen and was sent back to Yunmeng. After he returned to Yunmeng, he told people about what he had seen in Suzhou, including a lot of remarks such as how Lan Wangji's face was pretty but how boring it was. It didn't take long before he left this period of time behind him and continued on the lake. I went over the waves and went wild in the mountains. Before, he had only seen Lan Wangji dressed in the simple regular clothes of the Gusu Lan Sect, "draped in linen and wearing mourning", but he had never seen him in such a bright and eye-catching outfit, coupled with Lan Wangji's overly beautiful face, they suddenly reunited , was blinded by the flash for a moment and could not recognize it immediately.

Over there, Lan Wangji tried out his bow, turned around and left. Wei Wuxian was bored and said to Jiang Cheng, "You're ignoring me. Hey."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him with an indifferent expression and didn't intend to pay attention. There are more than twenty entrances to the shooting range, each with different entrances. When Lan Wangji walked to the entrance of the Gusu Lan Sect, Wei Wuxian slipped past first. When Lan Wangji turned sideways, he turned sideways; when Lan Wangji moved, he moved too. All in all, they just blocked him and refused to let him go.

Finally, Lan Wangji stood still, raised his head slightly, and said solemnly: "I borrowed it."

Wei WuXian said, "Are you willing to pay attention to me? Did you just pretend you didn't know me, or did you pretend you didn't hear me?"

Not far away, young people from other families looked at this side, surprised and smiling. Jiang Cheng smacked his lips impatiently, then carried the arrow on his back and went to the other entrance.

Lan Wangji raised his eyes coldly and repeated, "I borrowed it."

Wei Wuxian smiled, raised his eyebrows, and turned sideways. The arch at the entrance was narrow, so Lan Wangji had to stick close to him and pass by. When he entered, Wei Wuxian shouted from behind him: "Lan Zhan, your forehead is crooked."

The children of the aristocratic family pay great attention to appearance, especially the Gusu Lan family. Hearing this, Lan Wangji raised his hand to help without hesitation, but the mop on his forehead was clearly worn neatly. He turned around and cast an unkind look at Wei Wuxian, who had already laughed and turned to the entrance of Yunmeng Jiang's family. .

After entering the venue and officially starting the game, children from aristocratic families kept exiting the game due to shooting ordinary paper figures by mistake. Wei Wuxian fired one arrow at a time, shooting slowly but without missing a beat. Within a short while, seventeen or eight arrows were gone from the quiver. He was about to try what it would be like to shoot backhand, when suddenly, something floated onto his face.

This thing was light and soft, tickling Wei Wuxian's cheeks like strands of flying catkins. He looked back and found that Lan Wangji had unknowingly arrived near him, with his back turned to him, and he was drawing his bow on a paper man.

The streamer wiping his forehead flew up in the wind, gently hitting Wei Wuxian's face.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Brother Wangji!"

Lan Wangji drew his bow as full as the full moon, paused for a moment, and then said, "What's the matter?"

Wei WuXian said, "Your forehead is crooked."

This time, Lan Wangji no longer believed him. He shot out an arrow and said two words without looking back: "Boring."

Wei Wuxian said, "It's true this time! It's really crooked. If you don't believe me, look at it and I'll straighten it out for you."

He took action as soon as he said it, and grabbed the forehead and tail band that was floating in front of his eyes. But the bad thing is that he has really bad hands. He was used to pulling the little girl's braids over at Yunmeng. As soon as he caught the strip in his hand, he wanted to pull it, so he did it without thinking this time. Unexpectedly, the forehead wiper was originally slightly skewed and a little loose, but when he pulled it, it slipped directly from Lan Wangji's forehead.

Lan Wangji's hand holding the bow suddenly trembled.

After a long while, he turned back stiffly and turned his gaze to Wei Wuxian very slowly.

Wei Wuxian still held the soft forehead bandage in his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. Here you go, tie it again."

Lan Wangji's face looked very ugly.

There was almost a black air shrouding his body, the veins on the back of the hand holding the bow popped out, and his whole figure seemed to be trembling with anger. Wei Wuxian looked at his eyes and seemed to have bloodshot eyes. He couldn't help but pinch the forehead bandage and thought to himself, "The thing I tore off is indeed a bandage bandage. Isn't it some part of his body?"

Seeing that he still dared to squeeze, Lan Wangji suddenly snatched the forehead wiper from his hand.

As soon as he snatched it away, Wei Wuxian let go. The other disciples of the Lan family stopped firing arrows and all gathered around. Lan Xichen put his arms around his younger brother's shoulders and whispered something to Lan Wangji, who was silent. The others also had serious faces, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. He looked at Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian only heard vague words, "accident", "no need to be angry", "no need to care", "man", "family rules", and so on, and became more and more confused. Lan Wangji glared at him fiercely, turned around, and walked out of the field.

Jiang Cheng came over and said, "What did you do again? Didn't I tell you not to flirt with him? I won't be happy if I don't seek death for a day."

Wei WuXian spread his hands and said, "I said that his forehead was crooked when he wiped it. The first time I lied to him, but the second time it was true. He didn't believe it and was even angry. I didn't mean to pull him off from wiping his forehead. What do you mean? Why is he so angry? He doesn't even participate in the competition."

Jiang Cheng mocked: "Of course it's because you annoy him so much!"

The arrows on his back were almost finished. Seeing this, Wei Wuxian began to use his strength.

He had never thought about this part in detail over the years. He had originally doubted whether wiping the forehead had any special meaning to the Lan family, but after the game, he put the matter behind him. Now think about it, how the other Lan family children present looked at him -

In front of the public, a gangster forcibly took off his forehead and wiped it, but Lan Zhan didn't shoot him to death on the spot - self-restraint is so terrible! As expected of Mr. Hanguang! ! !

And thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has touched Lan Wangji's forehead more than once since he came back! ! !

Lan Jingyi asked in confusion: "What is he doing walking around there alone? Can't he sit still after eating too much?"

Another young man said: "My face is also turning red and green...Did I eat something bad..."

"We didn't eat anything either... Is it because of the meaning of wiping the forehead? There's no need to be so excited. It seems that he is really obsessed with Hanguang-Jun. It makes him happy..."

Wei Wuxian walked around a bunch of dead flowers for more than fifty times before he managed to calm down. He couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the last sentence. At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of dead leaves being trampled to pieces from behind.

The sound of footsteps was not that of a child, it must be that Lan Wangji was back. Wei Wuxian quickly adjusted his expression and turned around, only to see a black figure standing in the shadow of a dead tree not far behind him.

This figure is very tall, straight, and powerful.

Only one head is missing.