

THE LONELY DEAD {GREY} If days were numbered, they would be outnumbered. Time had no limit for the dead and so was their weary soul. Could the dead ever be vibrant, their ever pale face. What was more interesting than watching the living scury after time as though they could grasp it, holding dear trivial things that will eventually slip away. Only memories might eventually linger, like the morning scent of brewed tea. The supernatural and the natural, was the difference all about the super? Could the living really fight for themselves or do they really need the dead? In all this, who is really lonely??

Favour_Nwabuisi · Fantasie
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3 Chs


The Confocal Assembly were all seated in the hallroom. They all held a grim expression, except Grey who put on a poker face. The hallroom was quite noisy as a little argument had been on for a while.

"Silence" Donvoni's Ocean-like voice swept accross the room and the room went silent. If a pin was to be dropped, it would be heard, that was how silent the room was.

"The Pavin are now assigned that as their duty". Donvoni finalized firmly. The other two groups all seemed to not accept Donvoni's decision, but couldn't do anything about it.

"They would be in charge of the investigation and hunt down of the Meliones while the rest of you would assist them. That is the order and no one should go against, else you are seeking the consequences. Let's call this the end of today's meeting" Donvoni's calm but firm voice echoed. The final rites of the meeting was done and they called it a day. They all began to disappear one by one.

"Grey" Manny's pesky voice called out as she rushed to meet Grey, almost throwing herself at him, but then he moved away from the spot and she almost fell.

"You_" Hermon's irritated voice was heard as he came to stand beside Manny. He wanted to say more, but had to compose himself. He knew he always felt intimidated being in the presence of Grey, but refused to accept it. The Pavin Hunters were the top in rank amongst the Hunters while his groups ranked second, something he hated. He would do anything to overtake the Pavin. He glared at them, obviously not happy with the turn of events today, before grabbing Manny's hand and apparating away.

"Wish I could plug out those eyes of his". Sia humphed before they turned around and disappeared, apparating at the front of a dark grey castle- like mansion. They walked through the wall and into the mansion.

"They seem to be on the increase" Lanore broke the silence.

"I wonder why they are increasing in both size and strength" Sven creased his eyebrows.

"There must be something ominous going on and we must get to it's root" Grey finally said as they walked to the large training courtyard and picked up their swords. Grey flipped his sword in the air and caught it, the metal glimmering before his eyes, before making his first attack.

He attacked Sven and then the other joined the fight, attacking him uniformly. He moved swiftly and gracefully, countering all their attacks with ease. The practice went on for a while before they ended the sword fighting session for the day.

"Geez, when will I ever be able to defeat you" Lanore complained as he sat down on a rock with a sigh.

"In your dreams" Grey mocked and sheated his sword. Without further ado, they moved on to their speed, flexibility and agility training. This session of training was all about dodging bullets and arrows at the speed of light. After the training, they went into the mansion, passing through the wall. They apparated to their separate parts of the mansion. Grey went into the bathroom. Taking off his clothes, he walked gracefully towards the bath filled with water and slowly dipped himself in it until he was completely immersed in it.