

THE LONELY DEAD {GREY} If days were numbered, they would be outnumbered. Time had no limit for the dead and so was their weary soul. Could the dead ever be vibrant, their ever pale face. What was more interesting than watching the living scury after time as though they could grasp it, holding dear trivial things that will eventually slip away. Only memories might eventually linger, like the morning scent of brewed tea. The supernatural and the natural, was the difference all about the super? Could the living really fight for themselves or do they really need the dead? In all this, who is really lonely??

Favour_Nwabuisi · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The rain poured down heavily, the sky rumbling angrily as dusk set in. The sky was grey and far-fetched from bright. Amila shivered in the cold as she covered her bare shoulders with her hands. Tears streamed from her eyes , blending with her already wet face. She was walking down an alley and suddenly the lights went off. She was startled and really scared as her quavering hands rumaged her bag in search of her phone. Amila put on the torch light and froze at the sight of what was in front of her. She panicked in fear as she quickly turned around and made to run, but then they surrounded her, giving her no way of escape.

Her phone fell off her hands as she was paralyzed with fear.

"Please" her almost inaudible voice echoed. The men burst out hysterically as they approached her.

"Why don't we take turns" one of the men suggested.

"That's not a bad idea" Another man chipped in. Amila's eyes almost poped out on hearing them.

"No... please...help"!! She pleaded with a scream as the men enclosed in on her.

"Help! Please! Somebody help"!! She screamed before one of the men grabbed her by her hair and yanked her to the floor, he hit her heavily across the face, her Auburn hair sprawling over her face.

"Help!!" She still managed to scream, her lips bleeding and her cheeks sore.

"Shut up you bitch" one of the men snarled and made to tear her clothes off, but she still fought to resist despite the force and pressure her emitted. He kept hitting her over and over again until she could barely struggle.

Amila shut her eyes as uncontrollable tears streamed down relentlessly. Her year has been a mess. Losing almost everything she had and today being tagged her worst day, and now this. If this was how she was going to die, then she could tag her life a misery.

'Someone please help' were her silent prayers as her eyes struggled to keep open. Suddenly she felt a rush of wind and then terrified screams, cries and cracks. When Amila opened her eyes, she saw the silhouette of a lean built man. There he was, her hero. She felt secure under his gaze. He drapped something warm over her and suddenly she felt the wind splashing over her face and her hair dancing in the air. More like she was moving speedily through the air.

* * *

Grey leaned against a pillar as he puffed the smoke out of his mouth before finally stepping on the discarded cigar. He had been watching Sia and Mia troubling a human couple on a date. Haven had enough, he strode towards them.

"I think that's enough" his emotionless voice spoke.

"I bet you don't know what you're missing" Sia huffed.

"You're so boring" Mia tsked as they left the cafe, leaving behind the messed up couple.They actually did save the male some trouble, saving him from that sly and unfaithful woman. They actually do the humans a huge favor, though it's quite fun meddling into their affairs. That's something Grey wouldn't understand.

"Isn't he so handsome" Mia smiled lustfully at a tall blonde haired guy who walked by.

" Don't even think about it" Grey warned nonchalantly before stepping into a portal followed by the two girls by his side.

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Still your author Favour Nwabuisi

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