

THE LONELY DEAD {GREY} If days were numbered, they would be outnumbered. Time had no limit for the dead and so was their weary soul. Could the dead ever be vibrant, their ever pale face. What was more interesting than watching the living scury after time as though they could grasp it, holding dear trivial things that will eventually slip away. Only memories might eventually linger, like the morning scent of brewed tea. The supernatural and the natural, was the difference all about the super? Could the living really fight for themselves or do they really need the dead? In all this, who is really lonely??

Favour_Nwabuisi · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Staying in here made him feel at ease. The stillness, the serenity, that was what he yearned for. But that was not all, something was missing, he always felt he needed it. What could it be? What was that thing he needed to fill up that vacuum? His silver hair floated around him, his eyes closed and his face serene.

Grey was like a god on earth. He was perfect in everyway. Finding his imperfection was a big challenge to many. He was handsome, smart, powerful and wealthy. He ruled in both the natural and supernatural. Grey was cold in nature, cruel to his enemies and brutal. He only cared for people whom he cherished, though he never openly expresses it. He was like an ice that could be never be thawed. His emotions were hard to read through and he was very unpredictable, that was one of the many reasons he was feared by his enemies and revered by many. He always emitted the powerful Aura of a king. His metallic- silver eyes could Pierce into the depth of your very soul, sucking the very life out of you.

Coming to his deceiving features, you could talk about his innocent and Angel- like face which made him seem harmless. His thick dark eyebrows, long dark eyelashes, metallic- silver eyes, his perfectly carved face with sharp jaw lines, pointed nose and beautiful red heart shaped lips crowned it all to his perfect face, topped with his long silky silver hair. Grey was frankly an epitome of the word handsome. Everything about him screamed perfection, except that he was alone.

Grey had his team who were always lively and cheerful, but that was not enough to overshadow that loneliness he always felt. His eyelashes fluttered open and his eyes sparkled. He floated up to the surface of the water and wiped his face with his palm. He ascended up the stairs, water dripping down his wet body as he grabbed a robe.

At the large dinning hall, the team of Pavin Hunters were all seated waiting for Grey. He made his way to the table and sat at his usual spot, which was at the head of the table.

"You may eat" he said and everyone obliged, picking up their cutlery.

"Hey Mia, I thought you hated peas" Lanore said after he noticed Mia adding peas to her rice.

"I don't remember ever saying that" Mia rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, how could you say that? I had bought you some food last week and you declined eating, saying you hated peas" Lanore whined.

"The peas didn't look that good, so I didn't want to eat it" Mia said before scooping a spoonful of peas and eating it.

"You could've just said that" Lanore sulked.

"C'mon Lanore, you're being childish" Sia complained as she stared at the pouting Lanore. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Now tell me what's so funny" Lanore stared at Sia.

"Stop it, it doesn't suit you. I mean, how could a grown up be so childish" Sia laughed.

"Sven, is it true? Do I look that bad" Lanore panicked.

"You weren't, but now you do" Sven couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on, this bullying. Grey do something, they're bullying me" Lanore turned to Grey for help but Grey just lazily glanced at him.

"Are they"? He raised an eyebrow before focusing on his food. This time everyone couldn't help but laugh and only Lanore was sulking.

"Quiet guys" he almost threw his cutlery at them.