
Extra 19: Change the World (60)

"Where are we now?" - Mikoto asked as she raised an eyebrow.

Inuyasha looked around curiously until he saw a boy similar to him, who was resting on the branch of a tree - "I see you arrived sooner than I thought, maybe I was belittling you too much, my other self."

"Who are you?" - The original Inuyasha asked as he frowned.

"Me? You don't recognize me, do you?" - asked the second Inuyasha as he raised an eyebrow - "Or do you just want to forget this area?"

Inuyasha looked around and noticed a familiar forest - "Is this place where I met Kikyo?"

"That's right" - replied the second Inuyasha as he laughed lightly - "Anyway, we better get this over with, after all, I'm in a good mood."

"Why?" - Asked the original Inuyasha as he opened his eyes, surprised by the very relaxed attitude of his other self.

"Simple, because you managed to save our little self" - replied the second Inuyasha calmly as he shook his head - "Anyway, let's get this over with."

"What do you stand for?" - asked the original Inuyasha as he frowned.

"I'm sure you remember" - said the second Inuyasha as he disappeared.

Mikoto raised an eyebrow as she watched everything around her start to move - ". . ."

Inuyasha frowned, though he quickly felt as if something strange was going on - "Why can't we see any memories?"

"Strange" - Mikoto said as she looked around, confused with this situation.

"That could be answered by me" - said a male voice.

Inuyasha and Mikoto looked in the direction and saw an Inuyasha with red eyes and wild features.

"Who are you?" - asked the original Inuyasha as he frowned.

The red eyed Inuyasha didn't answer, he quickly leapt at the original Inuyasha with his sharp claws as he laughed madly.

"I guess he represents your Yokai side" - Mikoto mused as she frowned.

The red-eyed Inuyasha paused for a few seconds as he took a long look at the woman accompanying his original self, though he quickly returned his focus back to his primary target.

"Are you my Yokai side?" - Inuyasha asked with a frown.

"Yes" - replied the red-eyed Inuyasha as he smiled disdainfully - "Though I'm surprised I can speak, normally I'm just an amalgamation of instincts."

Inuyasha was silent as he felt a deep headache - "What exactly did you do?"

"Easy, I eliminated that annoying guy" - replied the red-eyed Inuyasha - "Let's just say I don't have the patience to keep waiting now that we're finally face to face"

"Are you crazy, do you even understand the trouble you'll cause by killing one of the Inuyasha that inhabit this place!" - Mikoto exclaimed in terror.

"I know, all of us know" - replied the red-eyed Inuyasha.

Inuyasha gritted his teeth as he felt as if something inside him was lost - "Shit!"

"Why did you do that? Tell me the real reason" - Mikoto said neutrally.

"Or what are you going to do... Kill me?" - asked the red-eyed Inuyasha as he let out a laugh, though he quickly calmed down - "I only did what the others should have done a long time ago."

"Kill the complexes and memories about Kikyo?" - Mikoto asked with a frown.

"Yes" - nodded the red eyed Inuyasha as he saw how a new person appeared next to them, this was a black haired Inuyasha, who was looking with annoyance at the red eyed Inuyasha with wild features - "What? I did what we should have, that bastard was holding us back!"

"I know, but that doesn't mean you had to kill him, each of us has something that torments us and makes us strong" - replied the black-haired Inuyasha, who seemed to represent the human part of the Hanyo.

"Yes, you're right, each of us has a quality that makes us strong and that make up the person called Inuyasha, but that bastard is weakening us, his strength is one we don't need now that we have someone else!" - exclaimed the wild Inuyasha as he narrowed his eyes - "I know it, you know it, even the boy knew it!"

"Yes, but he was an important part of our growth!" - exclaimed the human Inuyasha with a frown - "With his disappearance, we have lost that opportunity, besides, you know very well that without his help, we won't be able to fully synchronize with Tetsusaiga!"

The feral Inuyasha fell silent when he heard this before letting out a sigh.

"That's why you are the one who interacts the least with our original self, not only because of Tetsusaiga's seal, but because you let yourself be controlled too much by your impulses" - sighed the human Inuyasha as he looked at Mikoto and apologized - "I'm sorry it all ended this way, but I think it's best that you leave until our original one manages to recover"

"Ok" - Mikoto sighed because she honestly didn't expect the situation to end so abruptly. She slowly walked to the original Inuyasha and noticed how he was unconscious.

* * * * *

"Hmm?" - Kikyo let out a small sound of surprise as she felt how her soul seemed to have lost a load off her mind, which confused her because she hadn't done anything outside of going to class and talking to her supposed friends.

"Are you okay, Kagome?" - Ayumi asked as she noticed that her friend seemed to have stopped.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I just felt a little headache" - Kikyo replied as she shook her head.

"Do you want me to take you to the infirmary? It's better to be safe than sorry" - Yuka said as she looked at her friend.

"No, I'm fine" - replied Kikyo as she sighed regretfully - "I just feel like I lost something."

"It's normal when you have amnesia" - nodded Eri as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

None of the group was afraid that the teacher would punish them for this, after all, he did say that they could try to talk to "Kagome" so that she could adapt better to classes despite having lost her memories.

"Although I'm surprised how smart you've become after leaving the hospital" - Ayumi said quietly while her friends nodded - "Did you even get your memories back from your past life, which was a genius?"

"¿?" - Kikyo looked at her "friends" quizzically, though inside she was thinking that these girls were much smarter than she thought.

"Don't make that kind of jokes" - Eri said as she looked at her friend with annoyance.

"Sorry" - Ayumi said as she stuck her tongue out at her friend - "Anyway, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, like I said, it's just that I felt like I lost something" - Kikyo answered as she thought carefully about the reason, although she quickly shook her head because she noticed how the teacher was starting to get impatient seeing how they were conversing without many worries - "Ok, I think that's enough, the teacher is watching us".

"You're right, we'll talk about this later" - Yuka said as the others sat down and started to pay attention to class.

"What could that have been?" - Kikyo wondered as she decided to investigate after classes ended.

* * * * *

"Why did you bring him to our home?" - Kurama asked as he saw how Mikoto had returned with an unconscious Inuyasha.

Mikoto quickly explained the situation.

Kurama frowned before calling Ino, who was the most qualified to solve this situation.

"What's wrong?" - Ino asked as she arrived on the scene - "And he is?"

"Inuyasha, the boy I told you about" - answered Kurama calmly.

"Do you want me to play with his head, so he learns not to play with girls' feelings?" - Ino asked with a huge smile.

"No, I want you to check his head in case of trouble" - replied Kurama as he gave her a quick tally of the information Mikoto gave him.

Ino frowned when she heard this, though there was something that had her a bit confused, so she asked Izumi's mother a few additional questions.

"I understand what's going on, so I'll get started" - Ino said as she placed her hands on Inuyasha's head before closing her eyes.

Kurama and Mikoto waited in silence as she watched Inuyasha begin to breathe heavily.

It took 15 minutes before Ino opened her eyes and began to wipe away the sweat.

"What can you tell us, Ino?" - Kurama asked seriously.

"The truth is that I'm surprised, just like Mikoto-san said, inside Inuyasha's head, there are two other versions of him" - replied Ino as she started to think - "Although there is one thing I can assure you, and that is that while browsing through his memories, I discovered a blank space, possibly that's where the memories related to his encounter with that priestess named Kikyo and everything related to her were."

"I understand what you're saying, though I'd like your conclusion" - Kurama said while raising an eyebrow.

"He will remember Kikyo" - replied Ino as she tried to express the situation better - "No, that's not correct, what I'm trying to say, is that he will remember meeting the priestess, but he won't remember what brought them together."

"I understand" - Kurama muttered while shaking his head - "And what kind of consequences will it have for his personality?"

"That I couldn't answer, we'll have to see it for ourselves" - replied Ino with a frown.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 19(75) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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