
Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (35)

Two days later, Kurama was back at the guild.

"Kurama-sama ~! Juvia has missed you ~!" - Juvia exclaimed as she jumped behind the white-haired man.

"Oh, it's you, Juvia" - smiled Kurama, and in the process, made the poor girl who, before entering the guild, was showing a defeated expression - "How did your mission go?"

"Juvia I hate it with all her soul!" - Juvia exclaimed while frowning - "Two months away from Kurama-sama was too severe a punishment!"

"It was just a mission, Juvia-san" - replied Mirajane as she shook her head.

"Punishment! Juvia felt it like an agony because she couldn't see Kurama-sama!" - Juvia exclaimed as she folded her arms.

"I hear you, I would feel its punishment too if I can't see Kurama" - nodded Tohru while doing her job as a waitress - "By the way, why am I the only one working?"

"Because I'm not good at it" - answered Lucoa, who was drinking beer next to Kana - "You know very well that I don't like to be flirted with."

Tohru looked at Lucoa's huge boobs before clicking her tongue because she had to admit that with her friend's looks, it was obvious that more than one man would try to make conversation with her, after all, that offensive power was impressive.

"I hear you, I hate it when people stare at my breasts" - Kana said as all the surrounding girls gave her a blank stare.

"I don't think you have the right to say that when you expose them yourself" - Lucoa replied as the other women nodded.

"What? Can't a girl wear the clothes that suit her the best?" - Kana asked with a frown - "What do you think, Foxy?"

"What others wear, it's not my problem, though if you're going to wear something revealing, you have no right to be offended when people leer at you" - Kurama replied while shaking his head.

Kana frowned, but said nothing more on the subject because it was obvious that no one in the place thought like her.

"Let's better change the subject" - Tohru said while crossing her arms - "By the way, stay away from Kurama, bitch!"

"Kurama-sama is not your property, so stop your jealousy, bitch" - Juvia snorted as she continued to rub her cheek against the white-haired man's body.

"This is stranger than I thought" - muttered Kurama as he sighed regretfully.

"Why don't you stop them?" - Mirajane asked as she watched the two girls begin to argue.

"Do you really think they're going to stop?" - Kurama asked as he sighed - "Those two are so obsessive that the moment I get in the middle, all the attention will go against me, and I'll end up being the one responsible for deciding who's right."

"Oh, with that I'm not so jealous anymore" - said Loke, or rather, Leo, who was back thanks to Lucy.

"Leo, what are you doing here?" - Kurama asked in surprise.

"I came to thank you for helping my friend" - replied Loke as he sat down next to Kurama and tried to flirt with Mirajane - "I don't know what you did, but she seems to have calmed down a bit."

"I noticed that she has a huge pain inside her" - Kurama muttered as he recognized who he was talking about - "I don't know what happened to her, but someone as pure as her, doesn't deserve all that suffering"

"I know, but what makes me feel worse, is that I could have prevented all this if I had acted earlier" - replied Loke regretfully.

"Lucy told me about some details, although she left a lot of information out" - said Kurama while looking at the [Celestial Spirit].

"Well, it's not something I'm proud of, but I think it's a good idea for me to share my story with you, maybe this way, I'll know what to do" - sighed Leo as he started to relate his past.

Kurama was silent as he frowned, not because of the actions of the man in front of him, but because of the sad past of the poor pink-haired [Celestial Spirit].

"That's all" - muttered Loke as he looked up at the ceiling - "After that, Lucy saved me, and now Aries is with her, so everything should be fine, but the guilt is still eating me up inside."

"Tell me, what do you think of Aries?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the orange-haired man.

"She's like a sister to me, she's always been by my side with a smile, even when I was rejected by this girl" - smiled Loke as he reminisced about the past.

"What girl?" - Kurama asked curiously.

"Oh, I mean Libra" - replied Loke as he sighed regretfully - "I guess I was always attracted to her because we were opposites. I was a bold person, who didn't think things through and attacked first before measuring the consequences, she's calculating, cold, but kind."

"I see you still have the same feelings for her" - said Kurama as he drank some beer.

"Well, it's hard to make someone's feelings go away when we're eternal" - replied Loke as he sighed regretfully.

"I guess you're right" - muttered Kurama as he sighed regretfully.

"What about you? I managed to hear a few things from Aquarius, but being that there's more to all this" - mused Loke as he looked at his drinking companion.

"Well, as you heard, I am an entity that assimilated the Jubi, an eternal being" - replied Kurama as he looked at his reflection in his mug of beer - "That's why I can share your sentiment, though unlike you, the most important people in my life, are mere mortals."

Loke was silent when he heard this because he understood what the white haired man was trying to say - "I'm sorry."

"Death is something that comes sooner or later, there's no doubt about that, but" - Kurama muttered as he sipped his beer, but since it had no effect whatsoever, he decided to take out his own alcohol because this topic of conversation was always depressing.

"You wish they were immortal like you" - nodded Loke as he asked him if he could order some.

"Yes, I have searched for ways to fulfill this wish, but let's just say there are certain problems with all the methods I have found" - Kurama replied as he clicked his tongue in annoyance - "So far, the safest method, is to make them enter a reanimated corpse state, but I can't do that, I can't just watch them suffer for all eternity, unable to feel anything, just to satisfy my wish."

"I'm sorry, I can't say anything else" - sighed Loke as he looked at the strange alcohol he had received from his conversation partner - "Now I see that despite being rejected, my situation is not as bad as I thought it was"

Kurama didn't answer, he just sighed before drinking his sake.

"And tell me, what about dragons, aren't they eternal?" - Loke asked a little red because the alcohol was stronger than he thought.

"Yes, they are, but" - muttered Kurama as he looked at his drinking companion - "They are not a replacement for my family, they are an additional part to them."

"I understand" - nodded Loke, slightly woozy from the effects of the distilled alcohol from [Mount Myoboku] - "Ugh, I feel a bit sick."

"Honestly, I think this is a good time for you to try to confess again" - said Kurama as he changed the subject as fast as possible, after all, he didn't want to keep remembering the thing that tormented him every time he remembered his mortal wives - "I'm sure she has to be worried about not having seen you in quite a while"

"Are you sure?" - Loke asked as he looked at the white haired man for a few seconds before standing up - "You're right, I haven't seen her in a good while."

Kurama watched as the orange-haired man, disappeared without saying goodbye while wishing him all the luck in the world, after all, he perfectly understood the desire of wanting to be reunited with that special person, although at the same time, he could only sigh with regret at the poor Aries' bad luck.

It was obvious that the pink-haired girl, was interested in her old friend, but she had to see how he constantly pursued someone else, or how he flirted with other women while she was treated like a sister.

"Maybe I should talk with her" - Kurama muttered as he looked at his sake silently - "Her soul is too pure to keep being tormented by all that pain, in fact, I haven't felt such a pure soul since my son Naruto."

Kurama was silent for a few seconds before shaking his head to save that for another time.

"Huh, wasn't Loke here a few seconds ago?" - Mirajane asked in surprise as she looked around the surroundings - "Strange, I swore he was."

Kurama did not respond to these questions because he had used a temporal seal while they were talking.

As for the conversation, it all happened so fast that the sound went unnoticed among the noise of the constant [Fairy Tail] party.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 15(50) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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