
Nothing Lasts Forever ; Not Even Love

Kara laid in her bed, sweating purfously. Her heart ached, she felt cold, she felt broken beyond repair. She couldn't get the image and feeling of him touching her and going inside of her out of her head. She cuddled into her blanket holding it tight, she left Lena's house and went back to her own.

She hasn't slept yet, her mind was constantly racing, her heart was constantly aching, she didnt know if she would ever feel better again. She didn't know if she would ever move past this.

Feeling vulnerable and weak under someone's touch is the worste feeling, everything about it. How they talk to you, the way they look at you. The feeling of having no control over your own body never leaves your mind.

It scares you, makes you angry, hurt. And no matter what, it never goes away, you will never really be okay. Maybe someday the feeling will fade, but it will always be there. Things will trigger the feeling, and for the rest of your life you will be a little broken.

Kara knew in her case it only lasted three minutes, but three minutes to long. She felt so many emotions she didnt know if she could make it, if she would ever be the same.

It has been two days since, she was tired, but couldn't close her eyes. Then there was a knock on her door. She used her x-ray vision seeing Lena on the other side of her door. She couldnt see her, she had to be alone to process this, she couldn't let Lena see her like this. The Luthor knocked again but the super didn't get up.

After 5 minutes she looked to see if Lena was still there, and she was. She was sitting down by the door. "Kara." Her voice cracked. The Super laid her head down getting ready to listen to what her girlfriend had to say. "I'm so sorry."

There was a long pause before she continued. "I wish I could have done something.. but I couldn't." She sighed softly as a tear ran down her cheek. "Please let me be here for you now. I love you, I will always be inlove with you, I will always be by your side, and I'll be here if you need a shoulder to cry on. Kara please down shut me out, please. I want to help you, please let me."

Kara got up slowly walking over to the door. She hesitantly opened it letting Lena come in. The Luthor shot up and brought Kara into a warm hug. The super stood there stiffly letting her before she slowly wrapped her arms around her waiste. Kara softly pushed her off and grabbed her hands in her own. "Le.." she paused looking nervous for what was to come out of her mouth next. "I'm sorry. I thought I could love. But I cant. I cant be with someone when I'm broken, I'm an alien, I'm here to protect, not love." Lena frantically searched Kara's eyes as tears fell from her own.

"Kara no please, please don't do this let me be here for you I love you please Kara." She sobbed.

The super softly cupped Lena's face in her two hands looking down at her searching her eyes softly. "You are an amazing person Lena. You deserve the world, and.. I cant give it to you, I'll protect the world for you, but I cant be your world. I'm sorry. I want you to move on with someone who can love you unconditionally, I wish I could.. but i cant." A tear fell from Kara's cheek.

They were both crying searching each others eyes, blue and green meeting, feeling their worlds falling apart. "K-kara please, I cant lose you, I'm in love with you dont do this." She was trembling and so was Kara.

Kara cried more her hands trembling on Lena's face as she bit her lip holding back the sobs threatening to break through. "I'm sorry." She whispered. She slowly leaned down capturing Lena's lips in her own, tasting their salty tears, feeling their hearts shatter all over the floor beneith them. After a few moments she backed away slowly opening her eyes meeting Lena's broken emerald ones. "Goodbye, Lena."

She let go of her face slowly and put on her suit walking to the window, before she flew out she gave Lena one last glance, "Kara!" Kara's sad blue orbs looked away, before she flew away as well. Lena fell on her knees sobbing feeling her world come to an end. She came to a realization, nothing lasts forever, not even true love.


It's been a week since Lena last saw Kara, Pearl was sad about it as well. They were lonely without Kara's light filling the house, they ate dinner quietly watching the news, supergirl was constantly working, constantly on the news. When Lena looked at supergirl, it's like Kara was no longer there, and that hurt. No one has talked to Kara, she quit her job, and is never in her house. No one knows where she sleeps.


Lena and Pearl noticed Kara on the screen with a mic to her mouth. She looked broken, but like she wasnt there, like she was annoyed of the question and felt nothing mattered.

She sighed. "I'm not on this earth to eat and sleep, I'm here to make sure the world keeps spinning, so that's what I will do until my last breath." With that said flew away without another word.

"She doesn't even care about food anymore." Pearl frowned. "We need to get her back, she needs us." She looked into Lena's eyes desperately.

"Shes made her decision Pearl, she doesnt have time being around people." Lena sighed sipping her soup.

"Cmon Lena, she was.. she was raped." Pearl said softly. "She needs time, but we both know that's not her, we both know she loves you, and loves food, we know her. And this isnt her."

The Luthor felt tears come to her eyes. "Kara is gone Pearl, shes lost, and isnt coming back."

Pearl bit her lip. "B-but I miss her." She said crying. Lena moved to sit by her wrapping her tightly in her arms.

"I do too, trust me." She said softly, she missed her smile, the light she brought to every room shes in, the way she makes her heart flutter. She missed her bright ocean eyes, looking into hers, making her feel like the most important person in the world. She missed how she was always warm, how her touch sent a jolt of electricity through her veins. She missed her soft Lips against hers, making her forget everything bad in the world, feeling like it was only her and Kara there, the one who made her feel safe, and loved. "I miss her too." Her voice broke as images of Kara took over her brain.