
Dark days

Pearl was really enjoying spending her days with Kara and Lena. A part of her felt like they were like a family. She smiled running around the house chasing Kara who stole a potsticker from her. "Kara! This isn't fair you already ate yours its not my fault you are a pig!"

Kara looked at her shocked. "I am not!" She smirked then shoved the potsticker in her mouth.

Pearl's jaw dropped. "How dare you!"

Lena walked out from the room rolling her eyes playfully at them with a smirk on her lips. She was wearing black pajama shorts and a green sweatshirt. "If I must I can order more potstickers." She felt her eyes linger over Kara's body seeing her toned legs, and abs over her tight muscle shirt and her strong arms. They haven't had sex in a week, she has tried but Kara has denied her everytime always making an exuse. She felt herself craving Kara more and more everyday.

Kara looked over at Pearl. "Should we order more?"

Pearl smirked. "Revenge sounds better." She leaped over the couch and started chasing Kara. The Super maneuvered her with ease but accidently ran into the Luthor falling on top of her with both of her arms resting on both sides of the green eyed woman.

Kara smiled apologetically, "Sorry Le." Lena felt Kara's warm breath hit her face as her piercing blue eyes looked deeply into hers.

The super then stood up and Lena sighed as she helped her up, "Thanks." She mumbled.

Kara walked over to the door, when she opened it she was met with a black haired man with dark blue eyes, in his hands was kryptonite, he grinned as Kara got light headed almost falling before Lena ran up to her catching her seeing the kryptonite.

Him and other men with guns seemingly filled with kryptonite bullets walked in pointing them at Kara, Pearl and Lena. Pearl stood there wide eyed not knowing what to do, Lena held Kara tight and Kara glared at the men. "What do you want!" She growled.

The man who knocked on the door tied her hands behind her back with a green rope and dragged her over by the kitchen putting her on her knees. Lena ran over but someone grabbed her wrists keeping her still.

Pearl was tied up as well placed by Kara. "Our original orders were to kill Pearl, but we could just kill both of you, it's a two in one." He laughed exited to kill them.

"Let them go!" Lena spat trying to get free.

The black haired man gave a dry chuckle leaning down by Kara. He traced his finger over her cheek and caressed her lower lip. "I think I could have some fun with you." He grinned pulling her up to her feet.

"No please dont!" Pearl cried watching him get ready to move her to a room.

"No!" Lena screamed.

Kara tried to fight back but was to week. She spit at him and he slammed her against the wall by the bedroom door and slapped her wrapping one hand around her neck and squeezing slightly, smirking. "You will regret that, love." Blood dripped down her lip and she felt dizzy from the damage to her head along with the kryptonite.

Lena struggled more. "No please take me dont do this to her please!" Lena sobbed as he took Kara into the room and shut the door.

3 minutes has passed and Lena and Pearl where crying aware or what was going on in the room by them. Then the doors swung open as many agents swarmed the room pointing their guns at the 5 other men who quickly put their hands up being out numbered.

"Alex! Kara shes in the room he has her hes- go help her!" She sobbed.

Alex's face paled and her eyes widened. She felt her mouth go dry and quickly ran toward the room with other agents.

When she opened the door the sight before her broke her heart, angered her. The man was on top of Kara, she was naked and so was he, he wasnt inside of her yet to Alex's relief, tears were running down Kara's face, she looked so scared and vulnerable. Alex grabbed the guy with all her strength throwing him against the wall and punching him repeatedly. After a few moments an agent pulled her off putting him in hand cuffs, and dressing him.

Alex quickly ran over beside Kara taking the rope off of her hands and bringing her into a big warm hug, ignoring the fact that shes naked. Kara trembled beneith her sobbing. "Its ok baby girl I got you, your okay, I'll protect you." She said trying to calm Kara down and make her feel her sister better. She was so angry and sad right now she wanted to kill the guy who did this to her but he was already being taken into custody.

Lena ran into the room sobbing more at the sight before her. Alex moved and Lena ran up pulling a blanket over Kara and held her tightly. "I'm so sorry I'm sorry I couldnt do anything." She cried on her shoulder and the Super held her tighter.

After a few hours everyone was settled down. Alex was making Kara, Lena and Pearl hot chocolate. The super sat on the couch wrapped in a warm blanket spacing off, her eyes were red from crying. Lena tried to get close to comfort her but everytime the blue eye girl got really stiff and looked uncomfortable so the Luthor kept her distance, her heart aching for Kara. Pearl hasn't said much, shes been quiet, watching Kara sadly.

Alex gave everyone their hot chocolate and sat beside Kara wrapping her arm tightly around her. Kara's heart started beating fast and her eyes were wide, Lena watched uneasily and Kara nudged Alex off of her quickly standing up, her face was red and glistened with sweat, she put on her suit and flew out.

Alex faught the tears trying to escape her eyes and swallowed the big lump in her throat. Lena sighed and rubbed Alex's back. "She needs time."

"This is my fault." Pearl's voice cracked. Lena and Alex looked at her confused shaking their heads. "Lex was after me, and she had to pay." She let go as tears ran down her cheeks.

Alex walked up to her grabbing her hands kneeling down. "No sweetie you saved her life in the first place, ok this isnt your fault, you saved her life, so thankyou. Please don't blame yourself ok? That man is sick, it's his own fault okay?" She used her thumbs wiping Pearl's tears away.

Pearl nodded softly. "Ok."