
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

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106 Chs

Alexander Corvinus

"Is it my fault?" Bill questioned.

Selene turned to Eleven. "Well then, sir, can you shed some light on this matter?"

"Don't fret. If you lack the physique our commander desires, you won't even register on his radar. You're far too feeble to catch his attention," Eleven bluntly remarked.

Selene stayed silent, processing Eleven's words.

Bill, however, gave a thumbs up.

The group exchanged puzzled glances at Bill's unexpected reaction.

Eleven's straightforwardness and apparent disdain for Selene caught everyone off guard.

But Eleven remained unfazed. To him, it was simply a matter of fact. How could one be deemed worthy of Commander Krypton without a powerful body?

"Mousse, have we reached our destination?"

"Mr. Eleven, we're nearly there. We'll arrive in ten minutes."

Eleven nodded, signaling that their primary mission target would soon be within reach.

"Where are we headed?"

"To pick someone up."

"Is this person also favored by our boss like us?"

Bill's incredulous expression spoke volumes. How could that be possible?

"Ahem, perhaps it's best not to speculate about the boss. Just between us, the boss has a penchant for collecting things."

Michael instantly grasped the implication behind their words "fancy" and "lucky." One of them was a vampire, and the other, a hybrid of a werewolf and a vampire—a perfect match for the peculiar tastes of certain individuals with unique hobbies.

"Damn, you think you can just collect us? We're human beings, living individuals, not artifacts or pets," he snapped, his anger tinged with a sense of offended dignity.

Storm Shadow spoke lightly, "Are you certain you're still... human?"

"I... I definitely am," Michael remarked, his voice wavering slightly.

Hehe... Others remained silent, while Selene paid no mind to such matters, having long ceased to care after years of running.

"Mr. Eleven, we've reached our destination."

Peering down from the spaceship, they saw a port where a modified destroyer was docked, helicopters parked atop it, and occasional patrols visible.

"Let's move!" Isabelle gestured to Selene.

"Aren't you worried we might escape?"

Isabelle shook her head. "Do you have any idea the power a spaceship like this wields? Frankly, there's nowhere you can hide. Accept your fate!"

As they approached the port, several figures emerged, the area eerily quiet, obscured by shipping containers.

"Stop! This is a restricted area. Leave now!" a soldier demanded.

Eleven frowned, receiving instructions through his headset. He turned.

"Give me that pendant of yours."

Selene was taken aback. "Me?"

Why would they want her pendant? She removed it and handed it over. The soldier inspected it, clueless.

"You told Alexander Corvinus you met us."

"Wait here," the soldier signaled before disappearing.

Selene stood there, bewildered. Alexander Corvinus? The common ancestor of werewolves and vampires—how could his name be mentioned here?

"Did you just say a name I recognize?"

Eleven nodded. Selene felt a twinge of panic. If this was true, Alexander's age and power were beyond comprehension. Were these people unaware of the danger they faced?

"Wait, did you say you want to keep him?" Selene's confusion deepened. Was she struggling to keep up with this insane era?

Royce made a disdainful remark, "This is just childs play. We've seen the giant snake at Blood Orchid Base and even the aliens at the Mars Base, this ain't gonna faze us."

In a few minutes, the soldiers returned.

"The boss said he'll see ya, come on in!"


The interior of the destroyer had been revamped. Seems like a lot of folks had been callin' it home for a while. It's a shame such an ancient beast, who knows how many years it's been around, would fall into the hands of a little monster like the boss.

"You want to see me? Where did you get this thing?" Alexander held Selene's pendant in his hand.

"Wait a minute, do you have my scent on you? Are you my descendant?" Michael was taken aback. "Are you referring to me? I'm not sure."

Alexander chuckled. "I'm not one to deny my offspring. There's a special bond between us. It's like how I can tell at a glance that she isn't human... No, at a glance, I can tell she's a vampire."

"So, you're my ancestor? That's unbelievable." Michael's emotions were all over the place. He thought he had no family left in the world, but here comes another one, and an ancestor at that.

Alexander smiled, unfazed. The bloodline has been passed down for generations. It's a unique inheritance. Perhaps it's the curse on his lineage!

"So, who are you?"

Eleven stepped forward, Storm Shadow whipped out his knife with a bang, and others aimed their Gauss rifles around.

"Mr. Alexander, our commander wants to keep you. Please come with us!"

Huh? Ha ha ha! Alexander paused for a moment, then burst out laughing.

It had been many years since he heard such a good joke. His face went from amused to serious in the blink of an eye.

"Young man, I don't know what kind of power you think you have, but it's clear you've come to the wrong place. Take them out."

Eleven smirked, realizing he had to do the dirty work.

"Have your fun, don't hold back. These folks aren't worth keeping around."

Storm Shadow twirled his knife. "I'll enjoy this."

He darted into the oncoming defenders, slashing left and right. Every flash of his blade sent someone to the ground. Some were cleaved clean in half, with no fight left in them. Alexander's expression darkened with each fall.

Seeing the carnage, the rest of the team grabbed their firearms. But before they could shoot, Isabel's Gauss rifle was already humming with power.

Blue light tore through the destroyer like the hand of death, leaving gaping holes and turning anything it touched to blood.

Michael gulped, thankful he hadn't jumped in earlier. He couldn't handle that kind of power, could he?


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