
Chapter 7


"Hay are you ok"

"Yes I am ok, Thank you for helping me"???

"you are welcome, By the way my name is Leo nice to meet you"

"My name Ray William, Nice to meet you to Mr Leo and again Thank you for helping me"

"It's ok But why do you let them bully you, I mean you should resist them and tell them to your tacher or Parents Or something and If you don't then it will only get worst.

" Well I did tell this to my teacher and the bullies got punished too but after that they bullied me very badly so, I didn't tell it to anyone else."

"Well even though they bullied you again then also you should tell it to your parents and teachers So, that they can get punished and stop doing it and suppose your are not telling it to your parents or teacher then also you will get bullied So, it's better to tell them."

"... hmm ok, I will tell them if they bullied me again. "

"Well good enough but I don't think they will ever try to bully you again"

"Well that is true! Seeing you how you beet them. Ah! By the way are you and adventurer Mr Leo, Seeing your gears and all"

"Ah! No I am not. But I am a good fighter that I can say for sure "

"But your speed was so great that I didn't even saw you moving when you were fighting with those bullies.And you are saying you aren't a adventurer.!! "

"I suppose that's the reality Ray. "

"That's amazing Mr Leo. You are that good at fighting without even being an adventure. If you became one how great would that be. you might even become famous adventure Mr Leo"

"What can I say... But Thank for saying that. well I am trying to join the guild, I hope I could. "

"With your would definitely join them. "

"Oh! Thanks for saying that.

"hmm. Well Mr Leo I want to become an adventurer in the future after finishing my school and going to university" Said Ray William in determine tone.

{"His eyes look so determined, I hope he become a great adventurer. Ah! I got an idea but should I give it to him thought?!! .... Ah whatever."}

"Hay Ray take this locket,, It will help you in the future. "

"But... That's look expensive Mr Leo, I can't take that and you don't even know me How could I accept such a gift. "

"Just take it.... "

"But.. But.... "

"No but just take it "

"Ah.. ok.., Thank you again Mr Leo"

"No problem."

"Bye then Ray. And be okay, See ya"

"Bye Mr Leo. "

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"It would be evening soon. But I don't have anything else to do right now. what should I do? Well Should I go hunting a bit.? "

".. ... "

"Let's do that. "

Leo[System is there any hunting ground near me. ]

System[Ding... Yes host,It is 20 km from your current position]

Leo[ System star navigation towards it. ]

System [Ding... Order accepted Starting navigation. ]

_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

Few moments later.....

System [!! Warning ..!!Warning.. Hostility detected in 1km radius. ]

Well it's seems I am near.

[ Lino Wolve ]× 25

HP: 1200

Def: 1000

MP: 900

BP: 1400

Rank : A-

Description - A high rank wolves, Can kill B rank Party easily. But normally it cannot be seen. Its body is in high demand in Lion Kingdom.

Tips: You dint need to worry, you can kill them easily.

Leo[System if it can normally cannot be seen Then why is there so many. ]

System [Ding...Host It is due to your Luck]

{"Well good enough "}

Leo[System Mute and hide the notifications for my kill. And alarm me at 18:00 ]

{"Going on a killing spree don't need any disturbence"}

System [Ding... Affirmative host,You will notified at 18:00]

Now let's get started....


In forest you can see a handsome young man surrounded by tha pack of wolves.

The wolves are 1.5m tall covered by red and black fur with blood red eyes their fangs and tooth which are extremely sharp. There are also two long, sharp,15cm long saber like teeth coming from their upper jaw. Making them look extremely dangerous.

At first if someone saw this Young man surrounded by Lion wolves. They would pity him thinking he would die. But if they somehow read his thoughts right now they would think he is crazy. But they don't even know how far from the truth they are.

Suddenly one of the lion wolves dashed towards the young man with their open mouth aimed to bit young man's neck. But as soon as the lion wolf mouth can come in touch with the young man's neck. The young man whose name is Leo moved his neck. Took his sword and cut the wolf neck.

Shee....e..esh... (Sound of flesh cutting.)

The neck flied by til 2m . The blood came running, spreading from the now dead wolves . It didn't even too a single nano second for the first wolf neck to be cut.

"That's what you get from rushing to me first "Said Leo with no emotion.

"Now it's your turn " ,Leo.

!Gr.ooo... oo.oo..w...ll...ll !!

Seeing their now daed ally growled all the wolves at Leo and launched towards him. Some of the wolves aimed at Leo's leg, some at hand and some at his gut all of them coming from different direction.

Leo kicked the wolves mouths dashed at them from behind slashing their neck.he punch those who came towards his hand he jumped above them and moved his sword in arck cutting one of the wolves body in half.Blood spilled he then landed on the ground while standing, again two wolves came at him one from front and one from behind. He closed the the wolf mouth force fully from his left hand , He bent his body a little and then stabbed at the heart of the wolf which came from front , he looked at the wolf whose mouth he has closed right in the eye and for a moment the wolf felt feat but in the next moment Leo moved his leg in the air and kicked horizontally on the chest of the wolf in high speed and the momentum created gave the wolf gruesome death.