
Chapter 6

After waiting for 1hr I went to reception area and then Risa guided me to the room where Writing Test will be conducted. Writing test was easy since it involves mathematics equations,Battle tactics etc.

"Leo,your battle exam will be taken tomorrow afternoon so please be ready."Said Risa while carrying a red face.

"Ok,Thank you and By the way Risa, Can you recommend a good restaurant.Since I am new in this city I don't know which restaurants is good." said Leo with a smile on his face.

"Ah, ofcourse"said Risa while being flustered.

Saying so Risa gave me the name and location of the restaurant.

Leo[System you got the name of restaurant so, Navigate towards it.]

System [Ding... Navigation started]

As system said these words a blue arrow came into my view guiding me towards the restaurant.


So this is the restaurant Risa recommend me. Well it's look good ,I hope that food here is also good.

(shhhh Sliding door SFX)

There are many people in the restaurant most of them are couple and group of ladies. As I entered in the restaurant the womens in the restaurant started staring at me while saying

"Oh!He is so handsome" A woman who was with her boyfriend thought in her mind.

"Hay!look there isn't he handsome"A woman in the group said to her friends.

These thoughts and conversation started in the restaurant as leo entered in it.



Guys who came with their girlfriend looked at their girlfriend staring at Leo, were cursing at him in their minds.


Leo Pov

when I entered in the restaurant I noticed womens stares at me,and took a seat near the empty table.

After a while I also noticed men looking at me with hatraed in their eyes.

l gave them a cold stare and they backed down immediately.

Now I really hate my charisma though having good looks is good but it will cause me problem in the future ,well after getting my ID I will first do something about my charisma.


The restaurant was fancy furniture and everything looked quite expensive and the table I was sitting had a bell on it . well I think it's probably for ordering So I rang it . After 10 second a waitress came to me to take orders. I gave the order but later I noticed that she was stairing at me and wasn't listening so I *coughed* and finally she came back to her sense and apologized to me.

I again gave my order to her. later the order came and ate it ,paid my bill and went towards the hotel.

While on my way to hotel I saw bunch of bullies bullying a high schooler in the ally way . So As I am ,I went towards them.

"Hay! There stop bullying the kid."I said to the bullies.

"Cheh! Who are you pretty face ,get the hell out of here or you won't be pretty anymore"Said bully who looked like the boss.

"Ya, ya Get the hell out" all the other bully mob said.

"Oh! Don't talk with your senior like that."Said Leo in the cold tone.

Hearing Leo words they shuddered but after some time they gain their cool, Thinking that they can beat him since they are greater in numbers, But they didn't know that it would be their demise.

After the boss of the mob gain his composer he said to his companions to attack Leo while he ran and clenched his first to attack at Leo.

Leo easily doged the punch coming at his face by tilting his head.

The boss mob was surprised to see his punch doged by Leo so easily.

The boss mob quickly stepped back and said to his companions to surround Leo and attack him at the same time.

All the mobs with their boss surrounded Leo ,A mob with a baseball bat attacked from behind aiming at leo back bone,a mob with his leg aimed at leo ribs and attacked, another mob with his leg aimed at leo Leg and finally the boss with his fist attacked at Leo's face.

All of the mobs and boss were thinking this guy's bones will be broken by them very badly. But they can't even imagine who they were dealing with.

Leo saw all this happening and for him the mobs and boss were moving at a speed of snail. Leo first pulled the hand of the mob who was carrying baseball bat,he hit the back of the mob who was aiming at his rib, he hit the mob's waist who was aiming at his and finally he gave a karate chop to the mobs boss solder. while doing these thing he controlled his strength so that he can't kill them accidentally.

After the Leo's attack .The mob with the base ball bat hit his solder on the wall,the mob who was aiming at Leo's Ribs got his face and body slammed at the floor, other mob who was aiming at Leo legs was pushed back and his waist was slammed at the wall,and the boss was badly slammed back at floor since his leg wasn't able to withstand the karate chop on boss solder.

All these things happened in the blink of an eye or a second.

Several cracks sound and small creater can be seen on the walls and floors and the mobs and the boss was injured badly.

The high schooler who was seeing this can't even believe what he was seeing .When he saw that someone came to save him , hae was happy at first but when saw the bullies ganging at his Saviour he again fell in despair and thought his saviour got in trouble because of him and hatred filled his heart and mind.

But when he saw that in another second all the bullies were were slammed at wall and floor he can't believe it and all the hatred in his heart went away like the wind passing through the nature.

Bullies who were slammed at walls and floors suffering in pain were shocked and was not able to believe what happened they didn't even see that they were attacked by Leo. The first thing they saw was they were attacking at Leo but in the next second they were slammed at walls and floor suffering in pain. They Looked at Leo with anger and hatred.

Leo who saw the stares of Bullies can't believe that even after the beeting they were not despairing and looking at him in anger and hatred. So Leo released a very,very little amount of his aura and said in a cold yet deadly tone. "Don't ever bully anyone Or you will die in the most painful way possible."

As Leo released his aura, The atmosphere around the bullies changed dramatically. All the hatred and anger in bullies disappeared.They felt that the demons of hell has come to take them to hell,and Leo's words were like statement of death. and if they don't follow they will die in the most painful way. and finally they were so afraid that they pissed themselves and the Leo's word was engraved in their heart ,body ,mind and the soul.

(A/N - Please read author thoughts in the end.

Thank you .)