
Chapter 8

[Times Up! Times Up ! Times Up ]

Oh ! It is already Time ,Let's go then ,By the way system could you please take these body into my inventory and make a catalogue of different parts of the boddy in the single group according to its race.

[ Ok host ! Creating new macros and function according to the host desire ]

[Would host like to add this option for future use too?]

Ya please do that But only if no one who has at least human type intelligence around me .

[Ok host your order has been accepted , This option is set for future user .

Boundaries for this option to be used : No one at the levels of human intelligence be around the host.]

Now then what should I Do. It's alredy dawn So I should go to the hotel and bathe first. ok let's do that.

Tomorrow is the fighting test too..


One can see a silhouette of a man sprinting towards the city . The man was sprinting straight toward the city whatever came in his path was stepped by hime.

while he was near the city he stopped and started jogging finally arriving near the wall if the city.

Seems like I arrived ,said Leo while staring at the wall.

Sho...o....as..h. ,jumped Leo


such fresh air. cold and breezy.; said Leo while walking .

the dark which let me be at peace it's beauty cannot be compared with day as day has it own.

The stars filled sky were twinkling . different. colours wave were passing through the sky , it's beauty which can capture one heart but there were so many peoples who didn't saw its beauty, too busy in their life and forgetting to appreciate the nature.

Leo walked by the road stars light showing and lighting his path as though they are guiding him on his way.

No thought were in his mind right now he was just walking while looking at the sky and appreceating it's beauty while no obstacles were in his path.

Later he arrived near the buildings , carts pulled by the horse and the people on their way to different places ,the buildings were lightened with different stones and tools

Many noticed Leo but he didn't gave them any attention he continued on his way while going he saw a stand on the footpath selling something the cook was cooking 8 to 9 people were sitting on the chair some were eating and some were waiting .the food's smell reached his nose and he stopped suddenly.

TPV end

" Hello sir! , "cook

Hello Said Leo

"Would you want to have a try , I think you would like it" Asked the cook while showing the food.

What is it ?

"It's Dosha sir"

Ok then I will have one plese .

"Please sit on the chair and wait ,It will be ready in 5 minutes " cook

Leo went near the chair and sat . Some people were also sitting near him .when he sat they stopped their conversation and stared at him.

The reason ,It was obvious.

Cook POV

I was doing my daily business. Cooking and serving The same usual customers came some were new .

Suddenly a man came in gear of adventurers some blood were still on him . As he saw the adventurer stopped near his stall. He hurriedly ask him If he wanted to eat , He was prepared for the refusal since normally adventurers ate in hotels and restaurants and can hardly be seen near stalls .

But contrary to his thoughts the hunter he will have one.

So he kept his surprise in his heart and said him to sit on the chair. And went to make a really delicious Dosha with all his skills.

Cook POV end

Group POV

Lee and his friends were having the snack on their usual spot . And right now he was teased by his friends Lisa ,John and others how he alway remove capsicum from his food like a child.

And it was getting annoying for him.

"Hay I told you that l don't hate capsicum it's just that I don't like it in Dosha" said Lee

Ya ya Lee you don't hate capsicum it's just that you don't like it on any of the food that Mr Frank cooks for us" Said the group

"Now you guys understand" said Lee

" Haha haha, Pff...f.f.f , stop making excuses like a child Lee Just admit it you don't like it .

"I Mean. really you are nearly 18 now , and you still hate vegetables " said John

" Now you too John why are you making fun of me ,I thought we were best friends" said Lee feeling betrayed

"Of course we are but the thing is ....

you still hate vegetables from middle school till now " John

" Really from start he is hating it hahah hahaha ", laughed the whole group.

" what you... ... john " Said Lee feeling totally annoyed at John for revealing his bitter truth.

" You have betrayed me john " Said Lee

"Now should I also reveal something about you hee hee" said Lee with a evil little laughter.

Suddenly the pupil of John's eye shrank and he suddenly thought of the thing he would reveal .

" Noo No No ... No , you can't Lee" muttered John but it was alredy too late as Lee started speaking.

" Guys do you know that Our kind friend John here Lo" Before Lee could complete his sentence he saw a hunter in a good looking gears with some blood left on the armour sat on the chair near them.

Suddenly everything went silent no sound of laughter were there , no one talked only the sound of cooking and some moving carts can be heard.

Seeing the atmosphere Leo felt its better to step in and introduce himself.

"Hi ! My name is Leo and as you can see I just came from the hunt. So some blood are left on my armour." said Leo in a casual voice.

"hearing the casual tone of Leo and his reasons they all

became calm"

So Mr Leo , Are you and adventurer ? , where were you hunting? , You were hunting at this hour ? , What kind of beast were you hunting? , Since you were hunting at this hour you must be powerful ? , Which guild are you from ?

A barrage of questions were sent to Leo ,

Since on this part of City many less hunters come

So they all were curious and started asking him questions .

"Only John ,Lee and Lisa was still a little calm."

But everyone here felt to appear good in front of Leo .

and the reason was of course charm! .