

What do i do, the book seems important but not only that the woman seems important to. Refuses the book and let the woman die or accept the book and it might be trouble.

[I'll heal her.] i landed net to her body and the book in my hand disappeared. Skill tab. I went down 1 knee and put my hand on her stomach.

I trigger the skill and was i amazed, this... It takes the mana and transforms it in a gentle life energy, its speeds up the natural healing of the body but doesn't take away anything. Its amazing. I closed my eyes and triggered it a 2de, 3de and by the 4th i did it without the skill. Increasing the mana slowly and keeping it active longer then just the 1 second the skill doen. The woman lying the began to heal, like a reverse playback of how se got injured. After the woond closed i still kept it active for a while, i could feel she was totally fine and het breath turn normal.

I stood up wanting to report to the woman when i saw all the guards surrounding me with weapons drawn and ready to attack. I without my mana sense to focus on the healing I didn't expect this...

[Miss?] I look at the woman at the back. Is it just me or is she really pissed right now.

"Miss? Miss my ass, do you think I'm a idiot." she pointed at me. I could hear her teeth grinding. "Just give me back my book and leave"

What is this situation? Give it back? But i used it.

[Miss, there must be some mistake, i used to book and heal your friend like you ask.]

"Headed, Yeah. Used, more like stached it away. You think I'm a idiot, what kind of person would just use a skill 2 or 3 times and then 'suddenly' he can cast raw magic! " she started shouting. "You're from my sister faction aren't you? Oooh just 'running' into a group of people in the middle of The Desolate. HA" The anger from her was almost visible. "Just give me the book, then go."

What? This is bad, things are going south fast. I don't wanna get into a fight, although i could just leave. But the problem is she seems like someone with a position and if I'm being hunted after just waking up that would suck. Seriously, how can i fix this.

[Miss, if been here in The Desolate for the laste 26 years just practicing magic sense and control. I promise you i really did use the book and grasped the magic. If there is anyway to proof that i don't have the book, I'm willing to listen.]



Even some of the guards turnd there heads to the woman to see wat she wanted to do.

"There is 2 ways you can prove it" she said slowly. "One, join my team and share you inventory." Se look me in the eyes i could see red light flash under the black veil "Two, i cut off your head and I'll just get everything in it."

[As long as it's just the inventory that wil be fine.] As i said that i open up my pannel


Name: John Charles Black

Age: 47

Race: Immortal

Condition: Excellent

Level: 15 (938/1500)

Strength: error

Constitution: N/A

Dexterity: error(15%)

Mana: 65 492 654 482 022

Attribute points : 30

What?, i leaved up! I was soo detracted i didn't even feel it. And my my body, aaahh i feel it. Lv 100. Yess if i can make it there ill be able to control my strength. Hahaha i wouldn't cause any problems to my surroundings. But what's going on with my mana? Its being drained by the system...


[*Note: Because of automatic transfer from slain enemies mana is being use to supplement more slots, clear inventory. ]

> Basic book on world ×1

> Basic book on Magic ×1

> Basic book on Magic Swardsman ×1

> Steel sword ×5

> Basic leather armor ×5

> Normal clothes ×10

> Food packet × 10

> Water bottle ×10

> Slime Core × 279

> Skill Book: Fire ball ×2

> Skill Book: Water ball×1

> Skill Book: Poison ball×1

> ×743 slots

[Gold: 18208

Silver: 734030

Copper: 1483822

Before I could go through anything i hear a voice wake me from my thoughts.

"So are you going to join the team?"

I quickly went to the team tab.



[Accept] [Decline]

I clicked on Accept and was met with a new messages.

[This is your first time joining a team, display name, class and lv? ]

[Yes] [No]

I looked up at her. 'No way se believes my lv15 right?' 'No'


C-**** **** ****

1- **** **** ****

[Captain request inventory access]

[Yes] [No]



1min.. 2 min.. 3min...

"Stand down, get Elena. We can stay her much longer" se said softly.

The guards took action quickly and put away there blades. They seem surprised.

"I have to ask you, some of the stuff in your inventory belongs to my fallen. If it's not to much trouble I'd like to get it back."

I was a little takken back, the way she spoke was totally different. It's was like a naughty kind that was cough steeling or causing trouble.

[Yes, it's no problem. Expect the top 12 slots the rest isn't myne i haven't even look at what they are.]

"mmm I'll have to trouble you, but we can't do it here now. Non of us can take that much alone and we should move. We'll set up camp a few kilometers from here. Please join us." she didn't decline taking everything.

I don't know who was more surprised me or the guards.

We soon set off in the direction the sun was setting. The woman in front surrounded by 8 guards, 2 guards carrying Elena and me silently floating at the back.

As i was following them i couldn't help but have a feeling that when she looked at my inventory, something was exposed.