John is face dropped into a another world, not being human and has to start his own race. But his also chicken, how want to be captured and experimented on?! Follow his journey form chicken to supreme chicken. ........... I apologize if the novel seems all over the place. Everything is written from to top of my head becomes it's done on mobile.
'Stupid angel'
That were my first thoughts as fell face first in the ground.
That was the second sound that came out of my mouth. The first was me screaming as a was thrown to the face of the planet.
I rolled over and stared up at the sky. I could only sigh. I slowly got up and patted my self down to get the dust and sand of my new body and clothes.
'mmm, doesn't look like i got hurt anywhere and my body feels fine so nothings broken, not that it matters if it was'
As i was think to my self i looked around at my surroundings.
'Ahhh Shit, Nothings just absolutely nothing'
I could see for miles and miles and it was just open grasslands.
'That angel is a prick, he would have dropped me closer to a village or something'
I stood there turning in circles, looking for anything. 'Nope, nothing. Well let's just pick a direction. There's mountains that way but it's so small it looks like a molehill.' Sigh 'Well let's just head that way. I'm afraid if i don't have a goal to head to I'll probably end up going in circles'
I looked around and made sure i didn't drop anything and started to head in the direction of the molehill.
As i was walking i couldn't help but think back to how all of this happend.
"Hey you, wake up and get in line"
'uuhhgg what the hell, what's going on'
As i was trying to open my eyes, sharp white light assaulted my eyeballs. I felt like i was having a shitty dream where someone was shining a flash me and i was on a roller-coaster at the same time. I was ready to puke but i could not fell the burning of the vomit or the reflex to gag. I stood there disorientated rubbing my eye trying to figure out what was going on and who's yelling at me. It took me 5 seconds or so to start feeling better but also feeling worse.
'Huh, what.. The fu..' Looking at my hand that were kinda transparent and then down at my body that was in the exact same state. I felt my hole body chill... 'Dead, I'm definitely dead'
"Hey, are you awake, then get in line"
I look up and in front of me stood big as man, 4 to 5m tall wearing golden armor and sword on his hip. I felt so small like a child looking up at his parents. He was pointing behind me, i turned to look and saw a line of transparent people stand there.
"uhm, sir..."
"Look kid, your dead, now go stand in line and the guy in front will help you."
He waved his hand like he was waving to a fly. I looked up at his face, that was definitely the face of a guy what didn't want to work here.
"Thank you"
That's all i could think of that moment. I turn and walk to to line, like a sheep following the herd. My head still spinning try to comprehend that the fuck is going on. I was about 5 or 6 steps away then i heard the same line the guy said to me before. I turn to take a look but i couldn't see anything. There was a white mist where i previously was. Thats when i notice all around me i white mist but it kept a distance of about 3m or so.
I could see the line in front, with all the people. There was about 21 people in front of a white box room. I just kept walking that way. 'What's going on. How did i die, and why are there soo few people. If im not wrong there's thousands op people dieing on eath every minute.' I looked side to side. 'Expect if this is not the only line. I can't see past this mist but there could be millions or more line just like this.'
Approaching the line i head the last 2 guys talking.
"What, so you also don't know how you died?" asked transparent dude nr. 1. " No idea, i just woke up here the last thing i remember was driving home" said transparent dude nr. 2. As they were talking about there deaths i though 'Just imagine the PTSD some people would have if they knew the way they die.' As i got closer to them the both looked my way., "Hey look a new guy. You think he remembers how he die?" dude1 exclaimed. "Probably not" dude2 face-palming. I could tell this guy wanted to get the the bottom of the hole death story.
"You guys have any idea of what's going on in front?" i asked as i walked up and got in the back op the line. "No idea." "No" They both said. "So do you now how you die?" asked dude1 me. I just look at him and shook my head 'Is this guy an idiot' " ohh.."
Before he could finished his thoughts there was a voice coming from the front. "Next"
We all looked forward to see what's going on. Well not much the white box in front open it's door and the next guy walked in.
"So nobody came out?" i asked. "No, we haven't see anybody go in and come out" dude2 relayed. That when i noticed that of the 21 only 8 remained 'What, i didn't see them go in or heard any voice call them.' "Next" The white door open again. "This.. This is happening so fast" I said. 'How didn't i notice them going so fast and i only started hearing the voice when i was i line.' "Next" "Yeah, its been like this the how time." dude1 replied."Next" "Then why was ther a line of 21 people when i came." "Next" "Ooohh some arrived in groups of 20 or so" "Next" "Looks like im next" dude 2 said as the door opend. "Next" "See you guys" he said as he walked in.' huh, so fast, and why I'm i so calm.' "Next" "Hope this people know how i died." said dude 1 as he stepped forward. 'This guy... Wait... His laste memory before dieing was definitely him having sex' i though as the door closed. 'Huh what was i doing... I was going to bed and then, then nothing.' Sigh."Next"