

How do talk to them... Facing the 11 and trying to think how I'll communicate a sweet yet Mature voices filled the surrounding silence.

"Thank you, for saving us back there"


A woman, Dammit. No choice, I'll have to write using magic. I used my mana to create writing from rock.


[i couldn't just watch] and it's true, they looked to much human. If it's wasn't for the pale skin, red eys and strang Ora i would have though they were really human.

"Is it because we look human?" "..."

What is this mind reading woman. I could only look away [yeah] "fhhh i though so"

Ooohh the...

[There is still one of your people alive there.]

I pointed in the direction where i last felt there breath.

She looked over, and suddenly 2 of the guards rushed that way the other 8 still surrounding her and staring at me. Never moved or said a word.

She looked over at me, i couldn't tell what was going on in her head or see facial expressions because it was covered.


This was soo dam awkward for me. I haven't talk to people in a long time. I just stood there not know where to look or what to say and se was just staring me down. Ahh..

[Sorry, can you tell me if there is a village or town at the meduim dungeon about 8 days from here?] I pointed in the direction i was originally traveling in before i got side tracked.

As i said that all the eyes of the guards grew as big as eggs as they looked at me, but they didn't make a sounds. The woman tilled her head at me, as if confused by my question. "8 days? South west? Are you sure it was a meduim dungeon?"

Why does it sounds like there is something wrong with my question. But all i could do was answer. [Yes. I was about 6km from it, but i turn back because i didn't know if there was a town from any of the other races.]

"Hahahah sorry, sorry your just to funny" she said as hold het stomach as she laughed, even the guards that were serious couldn't help but were smiles as they were try to hold back there tears from laughing at me.

I just stood ther dumbstruck, what?! Did i say something wrong. What's going on.

She brought her hand up te her face and i could see her pale hand and long red nails. She went under her vail and to probably wipe the tears from her eys. She look at me and asked. "Do you know where we are?"

Huh. I looked around and glanced at the map to see if i could get a name or something. After a second if just said [No, sorry.]

She was stil holding her stomach, her long wide sleeves covering her hands. "We are in The Desolate"

I just leaned back on to the tree and let my body slid down. Sitting on my ass. 'That, its makes sense nou, 26years and no contacts, i haven't seen a animal larger dan an ant and how could there be a mini war just soo close to anything.'

The Desolate: According to the book is was 1 of the 3 largest area on the Central content. Its was a place that 2 demi-gods went all out and 1 blew himself up. Rendering the place cured. The ground could not sustain proper crops and the mana is pitifully low in the air making it uncomfortable to life in. All the races avoid this place. Nobody is sure why. But unless you have to take a short cut, just go around.


That's all i could say, isn't one of the places i wanted to avoid. And looks like i spent 26 years living here.

As i looked up wanting to ask someone question, we both looked to the left as two people carrying someone in what look like a home stretch ruched up to us.

As they rushed up, i could see 1 of the guards look at me before look at the woman. The woman look at the person that was being carried before running towards them.

"Elena!!, ooh god, how is she"

I could her panic in her voice.

"Du.. Duchess.. " one of the guards stuttered.

"Just drop the formalities, and tell me." She said with a stern tone of voice. She drop to her knees next to the unconscious guard.

I stood up and walked a little closer slowly, she doesn't look good, she has a big cut all the way from her chest to her hip. She is breath but its faint and declining. I feel myself getting pail again. I so glad i don't eat or it would be all over the ground.

"S.. She is not doing well, her body isn't healing and her mana is almost exhausted. She doesn't respond to blood." one of the guards said.

"We tried looking to see if anyone ells made it, especially a healer but... The all feel whe..." the second guard stuttered

She look ate the person and then suddenly turned to me.

"Your a Mage right, do you have any basic health skills"

[I'm sorry, i only have the 4 basic elements]

I wanted to say i can try something, because my control has gotten so fine that is could probably take my body apart sell by sell. But look at the female warrior i could tell even if i put her back together there is something missing.

She look at me, i could practically hear her teeth grinding. She stuk out her hand and a book appeared. "Please save her." She didn't look at me she just looked at the woman.

"Duchess..." one of the guards voiced

"Shut up" she shouted, She look over at me.


I could tell the book was important to her, but she also wanted to save this person. I started floating and the book startes fload to me.

[Skill Book: Heal ]