
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime und Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 86: The Tomb of Chastity

"Ara, Lucias-san, welcome back"

Venelana greeted with a soft smile on her face as Lucias was guided back by Grayfia to the Gremory Mansion due to needs of his presence to advise all supreme gods still inside the underworld to manage their territory before the war.

"Sorry for intruding Velelana-san"

Lucias said with an apologetic expression on his face, feeling a bit guilty for staying in the Gremory Mansion when he harshly told Sirzechs off during the conference.

"No need to apologize, both Rias and me invited you to stay here so even if Sirzechs or my husband disagrees, there's nothing much they could do against us knowing their personalities"

Venelana said as she guided Lucias towards the living room causing Lucias to silently nod his head remembering the passive personality of Zeoticus and Sirzechs when it comes to the decisions of their Venelana, and the doting attitude that they have towards Rias.

"Grayfia could you please brew us some coffee and a couple of snacks?"

Venelana requested causing Grayfia to obidiently bow down before walking towards the kitchen to prepare everything that Venelana has requested her.

"Now then, Lucias-san... could you please let me meet her?"

Venelana suddenly asked with a kind smile on her face, causing Lucias to slightly frown before feigning ignorance to hide Iris' identity.

"Her? Who do you mean by that, Venelana-san?"

Lucias asked with an equal gentle smile on his face.

"You know who I am referring to Lucias-san. Even if you denied so firmly back in the conference room. I recognize her techniques and fighting style even from afar since I'm the one who trained her in the past"

Venelana said causing his expression to shift to a neutral one.

"I promise not to tell both Sirzechs and Zeoticus... I know how much Sirzechs' must have hurted her for hiding her identity from Milicas. As a mother myself I can understand the pain of having your own children not recognize you when you cared for them so much while still carrying them inside their womb... I just want to meet my daughter-in-law even if she doesn't want to reconcile with Sirzechs. I'll respect her decision, and not force anything onto him, especially after everything that Sirzechs has done to her"

Venelana added as she tried to convince Lucias to let her meet Iris one more time, causing Lucias to sigh before glancing at Grayfia who went back inside the room, carrying a tray in her hands.

"No worries, Grayfia is on my side. She won't tell a soul of whatever happens inside here so you don't have to worry"

She said as Grayfia prepared their tea with commendable focus, causing Lucias to close his eyes as he tried to contact Iris through [Telepathy].

'Iris, you heard her right?'

Lucias asked as he noticed the presence standing above the roof of the Gremory Mansion.

'... I'll meet her... She was the one who took great care of me in the past... so I trust her'

'How can you be so sure that she or Lucifuge won't betray you?'

He asked causing the other side to slightly giggle before answering his question.

'They are the only people that I trust beside my own clan when I was still alive. Venelana and Grayfia was the first most trusted people on my list a few years ago before my death. Next is Sirzechs but now... I guess I trust Sirzechs like I would trust a stranger'

'Hmm... I'll erase their memories if they do something funny so... go ahead and meet them, Iris'

Lucias said with a gentle smile on his face as he took the cup placed on the table, causing both Grayfia and Venelana to brightly smile in response from seeing his expression.

"She agreed... but Venelana-san, remember your promise alright?"

Lucias asked causing Venelana to elegantly nod her head in response.

"If Sirzechs starts chasing her after this... I'll will not only take her back with me, I'll also steal both of you from your respective husbands as payback, you wouldn't want that right?"

Lucias jokingly said with a light smile on his face as he took a sip from his cup.

"I don't mind, Lucias-san. You can take me whenever you want from Zeoticus"

Venelana suddenly said causing Lucias to cough in shock before glancing at Venelana who wore a beautiful smile on her face while looking at Lucias. Having none of the "joking" or sarcastic expression that he expected to see.

"I think Grayfia also doesn't mind since your the best candidate for a husband, having the highest authority, wealth, and from what I heard you handle your fiancées with great care so even if you so steal us away. We'll not be on the losing side"

"... I'm sorry for joking around, and please just forget what I've just said"

Lucias hurriedly said as he saw the seriousness visible in their eyes, causing him to smile wryly while wiping the splashes of tea of his face.

"You're still as carefree as ever... mom"

Suddenly a soft and familiar voice resounded at the corner of the room, causing all 3 of them to turn their heads towards the source of the voice, only to find a single woman with shoulder length black hair and red eyes standing close to the open window.


Grayfia called with a nostalgic expression on her face as she saw her saviour's figure, causing a wave of emotions to swept through her entire body as she tried to compose herself from hugging her.

"Iris... It really is you..."

Venelana softly called out as she suddenly stood up from her seat and hugging Iris tightly in her embrace, catching her by surprise as she never expected for her always calm mother-in-law to react like this.

"You're back"

"... I'm back, mom"

Iris whispered as droplets of tears formed at the corner of her eyes, as the sense of loneliness that she hid all this years for not meeting the family that she once treasured in past was filled once again, just from feeling the warm hug that always took care of her in the past.

"... I'm sorry, Iris... I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop Sirzechs in the past..."

Venelana suddenly apologized in a guilty tone, causing Iris to shake her head to side as she wiped the tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

"It wasn't your fault, mom... I'm sorry for coming back late"

She said as she tightened her arms around Venelana causing her to smile gently as she started to caress her hair to comfort her.

"... Lucifuge, aren't you going to hug her?"

Lucias asked as he glanced at Grayfia who only stood there with a nervous and guilty expression on her face, tightly gripping her skirt due to the extreme anxiety that she felt.

"Iris-sama, I'm sorr-"

She tried to apologize with a desperate expression on her face but was cut off as Iris suddenly pulled her into their embrace with a nostalgic smile on her face.

"It's not your fault, Grayfia... and thank you for taking good care of Milicas while I was gone"

She said causing Grayfia to choke on her tears as she buried her face on Iris while her tears soaked the cloak around Iris' body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Iris-sama... I wanted to tell Milicas everything but... I was afraid to hurt him... I'm sorry for being selfish"

Grayfia said causing Iris to gently smile as she wrapped her arms around Grayfia's body.

"I understand, Grayfia. No need to apologize"

She said as a warm atmosphere started to surround the 3 women inside the room, causing Lucias to awkwardly watch them by the sofa, planning on leaving the room.

[Optional Quest Completed!]

[Optional Quest Completed!]


Lucias muttered in confusion as two notification suddenly appeared in front of him.

"... Is it Akeno's and Gasper's Quest?"

He muttered while scratching his chin in contemplation.

-with Akeno, Shuri, and Baraqiel-



Akeno and Baraqiel who were awkwardly sitting opposite each other stayed silent while Shuri watched them with a gentle smile on her face.


Shuri called out causing Akeno to jolt in her place before glancing at her father who had a depressed expression on his face.

"... All I wanted is to fix your relationship, is that too much to ask?"

Shuri asked causing both Akeno and Baraqiel to worriedly glanced at her direction before both of them steeled their hearts.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry"

Both of them said at the same time, causing Shuri to giggle from their awkward interactions.

"Do you two mean what you've said?"

She asked causing Akeno to hesitantly nod her head in response while Baraqiel nod his head without hesitation.

"Why are you two so depressing? Do both of you feel sad that I've returned?"

She suddenly asked as a trace of sadness surfaced on her face, causing Baraqiel to panic as Akeno hesitantly opened her mouth.

"T-That's not it... It's just that... I need more time to absorb everything..."

Akeno said as she lowered her head, causing Shuri to helplessly sigh before sending a light jab at Baraqiel's side.

"... I've kept our home clean and safe in the years, would you like to go home for the meantime?"

He asked causing Akeno to raise her head in surprise while Shuri softly smiled at his actions.

"It's been a while since I've last cooked for both of you. Shall we go back home?"

Shuri asked causing Akeno and Baraqiel to show a trace or nostalgia to appear in their eyes as Shuri stood up from her seat.

"I'll give you two some lone time so... talk and make up before I come back alright?"

She said before glancing at Baraqiel with a light smile on her face.

"I don't blame you for my death, honey. So that's why stop blaming yourself, you were not at fault of what happened in the past"


"I just want our family to come back together. I want to retrieve the happy family that we had in the past. I'm so happy to finally able to meet you two again, and... I hope you two feel the same way"

Shuri said before leaving the father and daughter duo alone inside the room, causing silence to slowly devour them as they both waited for the other party to speak.

"I'm sorry"

Akeno genuinely apologized as she slightly bowed her head down in front of her father.

"... I'm sorry, for my one-sided accusations... I was frustrated because of mom's death... so I blamed you for everything to release the frustrations I had... Mom explained everything to me, and... I'm sorry for everything"

Akeno added as the awkward silence started to spread out the entire room once again, waiting for him to talk while keeping her head slightly bowed.

"... I'm sorry... for not being there for both of you to protect you in the past... If only I was cautious enough to properly come back on time. All of this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry... for not meeting you for all this years. I know you hated me, and I just wanted you to be happy"

He said causing Shuri who was secretly watching behind the door to smile as they made some progress in fixing their relationship.



Awkward silence once again spread throughout the room as none of the two spoke, but unlike before both of them had a slight smile visible on their faces.

"... I want to ask you something... do you like him?"

He asked causing Akeno to tilt her head in confusion from his vague question.


"Hyoudo Issei"

He answered causing Akeno to wryly smile as she started to play with her fingers.

"He is just my cute underclassmen... like a little brother, that's all"

She answered causing Baraqiel to nod his head in satisfaction before asking another question.

"How about Lucias Frey?"

He asked causing Akeno to suddenly stop her actions as her face suddenly flushed red from remembering a certain golden haired man as she heard his words.

"... I like... no, I love him"

She said with a shy yet resolute expression on her face as she stared at Baraqiel's with slightly flushed cheeks.

"I see"


"As long as he can make you happy, I'll support you however I can, but you need to remember. He is not a normal person so his love will be shared together with other women. Is that alright for you?"

"I know, I'm already prepared for it. And... I know he is not the type to neglect his loved ones just because of his large number of fiancée. Sharing is much more acceptable than not having him at all"

Akeno said with a light smile on her face with resolution written in her eyes, causing Baraqiel to sigh.

"Then, I hope you can be happy with him"

"I will"

-with Lucias-

"... Why do I feel like something important is decided without my knowledge again?"

Lucias muttered as he sat in front of both Grayfia and Venelana with a complicated expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Lucias-san?"

"Nothing, I just felt a bit chilly that's all"

Lucias answered while pressing the earpiece with his finger to connect a call with Jeanne from the faction.


A familiar voice resounded from the other side of the call.

"Jeanne, remember the tomb of chastity that you two weren't able to enter before? Can you tell me the specific reason why? I'll try to capture it by this day"

Lucias said as he signalled for the 3 ladies around him to quite down.

[Hmm... The tomb of virtues are much more complicated to capture than the tombs of sins since in those tombs you just need to clear all the floors then your done, but the tomb of virtues requires us to accomplish a trial to properly capture the tomb itself]

[You will also need one person that fulfill all requirements needed to open the gate of the tomb... The requirements for the tomb of chastity is a bit... difficult to accomplish]

Jeanne explained as both Grayfia and Venelana listened along with Lucias to the call out of curiosity.

"What requirements are needed to enter the tomb of chastity?"

Lucias asked causing Jeanne to hesitate before answering his question.

[One person that is pure in body, mind, and soul. A person that has never committed any sins related to lust. That is what is needed to enter the gate]

Jeanne answered causing Lucias to raise his eyebrows in confusion as he knew that Jeanne met the requirements in entering the tomb.

"That's weird. Why couldn't you open it?"

Lucias asked causing Jeanne to pause from the other side of the call before hesitatingly answering his questions.

[W-Well... I'm your fiancée so I had to learn a few... techniques to avoid dissapointing you in bed...]

"... Who told you that?"

[Modeus and Kuroka... They convinced me to learn a few techniques in bed for our honeymoon in the future... I was a bit hesitant but... they had a point. I don't want you to be dissapointed in our honeymoon]

"... Why... nevermind..."

Lucias said as he sighed with a helpless smile on his face before both of them cut the call.

"The tomb of chastity? I surprised that you were able to find that tomb, and here we thought it was long gone since none of the Angels were properly able to locate it's location"

Velelana said in surprise as she sat down next to Lucias while Grayfia sat down on the otherside.

"... A person that is pure in body, mind, and soul? Is there any being like that in this dimension?"

Lucias muttered causing both Grayfia and Venelana to look at him in confusion since they knew themselves that he met such a person not too long ago.

"Why don't you ask Gabriel from heaven to accompany you? She is the only angel that remained pure since she is the only remaining seraph that has not been exposed to temptation and sin"

Venelana asked causing Lucias to frown, remembering his relationship with heaven.

"... Gabriel? Well... if you put it like that I guess that's true..."

Lucias said with a reluctant expression on his face as he contemplated on what to do next, ignoring Venelana and Grayfia who were both whispering to each other.

"Can we join you in this expedition? I always wanted to see what a tomb look like, Lucias-san"

Venelana asked causing Lucias to look at her direction.

"... I don't think Zeoticus would agree with you two being alone with me"


She asked causing Lucias to awkwardly scratch his cheek with his index finger.

"Haven't you heard of the rumors circling around the devil faction?"

"Is it about you seducing both young and married women from different clans and Mythologies? We already knew about it, and it's not really a rumor since most part of it is true"

Venelana said with a light smile on her face, causing Lucias to look at her in confusion.

"What part?"

"You didn't seduce them intentionally, but unintentionally, judging from your reactions a while ago. I heard that Aphrodite and Freya are both captivated by you, but was afraid to approach you because of your status"

"... I should've wore my sealing rings back then"


"... Is it really necessary for the 3 of you to follow me here?"

Lucias asked the three devils behind him with a tired expression on his face.

"Don't mind us, Lu-chan!✧"

Serafall said as she excitedly observed the exterior of the tomb in front of them along with Grayfia and Venelana.

"... just don't blame me for whatever happens inside"

Lucias said before opening a projection in front of him connecting to heaven, causing Michael, who was dealing with the sudden pile of work in front of him to get caught by surprise from seeing Lucias.


He called out as he set aside all of his work to focus his attention to the future (?) ruler of heaven.

"Michael, sorry to bother you while you were busy but could I borrow your sister for the meantime? I have something I need to do and I need her help to get it done"

Lucias got straight to the point, causing Michael to smile brightly before nodding his head in response.

"Of course! We'll help you however we can, Lucias-sama"

Michael enthusiastically answered as he quickly ordered the angel beside him to call his sister inside his office.

"Thank you, don't worry. I'll protect her, and return her safe and sound. It will just take at least 1 day for us to finish the task that I have in hand"

Lucias said with a kind smile as Gabriel hurriedly entered the office, holding her cross staff in her soft hands.


Gabriel cutely called out as she saw Lucias who was watching them with a wry smile on his face.

"I'll do my best to help you!"

She said causing Lucias to unconsciously smile at her actions before pressing his hand on the projection in front of him.

"I'll send her to your location, Lucias-sa-"

"Thank you for your offer, but I can handle this myself"

Lucias said as he transfigured the projection in front of him into a portal that connected heaven to his current location using his [Reality Manipulation] skill.

"You can enter this portal to come here. We are in a bit of a hurry, since I'm in charge of advising the rest of the faction on how will they deal with the defenses of their respective territories"

Lucias said as Gabriel quickly entered the portal without hesitation, causing Lucias to smike wryly from her vulnerable personality.

"... Then, I'll see you tomorrow, Michael... Also, I'll think about your offer from before as thanks for lending me one of your seraphs"

Lucias said causing both Michael and Gabriel to look at him with bright eyes before he cut of the portal in front of them.

"Now then, how do we do this..."

Lucias said as he casted [Appraisal] on the large tomb in front of them to gather more information about it before they enter.

[Tomb of Chastity

Grade: God

A tomb created by the Biblical God to protect and house one of the seven runes of virtues, the rune of chastity 2000 years ago.

Conditions for entering:

One party member must have not committed any type of sin.

One party member must be pure in both mind, body, and soul.

One party member must have endured sexual desires or had little sexual desires for his/her partners for at least 3 years. 

Durability: None]

"... Gabriel can you place your hand on that side of the gate?"

Lucias requested causing her to obidiently place her hand on the gate while Lucias placed his own in the other, before both of them pushed the gate open, revealing an extremely spacious room that had little to nod decorations but a single rune floating inside a ball of light.

[Player has entered the Tomb of Chastity. Status of both the player and his party members has been decreased by 50%]

[Current Party Members:

Serafall Leviathan

Venelana Gremory

Grayfia Lucifuge

Gabriel Seraphim]

[Would you like to enter with the current party members? Yes/No]


[Please enter inside the tomb]

The notification rung in front of him as him and his party entered inside the tomb with wary, preparing themselves for any potential suprise attacks from their monsters or the tomb itself.

Suddenly the gate behind them shut tight as a layer of mana surrounded the entire gate, giving them no chance of escape as another string of notifications appeared in front of Lucias.

[Trial of the tomb of chastity has commenced]

[Fulfill one of the conditions to conquer the Tomb of Chastity:

Condition 1:

All party members must resist all kinds of temptation given by the Tomb of Chastity for 1 day under the influence of Aphrodisiac.

Special Condition 2 (If the holder of one of the runes of virtues is present):

One man/woman must take the chastity/purity of the other party members under their full will and consent without any form of force nor hesitation.

Permanent rule: The man/woman must take full responsibility of his partners, once the rune has detected an abnormality among the partner's behaviour and emotion relating to their partner. The rune will reject the current holder as its master.

Condition 3:

One party member must resist all kind of temptation brought by the rest of his/her party members, under the influence of the tomb's aphrodisiac for 1 day]

"... So this is what she meant about trials, huh?"

Lucias muttered with a casual expression on his face, not minding the hidden excitement and nervousness of the girls behind him when they read the conditions to conquer the tomb.

"You're not worried, Lucias-san?"

Venelana asked as she saw that Lucias wasn't worried of any of the conditions presented by the tomb.

"I have a skill that can resist all types of poison, aphrodisiac, and diseases. So I can fulfill the 3rd condition pretty easily, how about you 4? Can you resist the aphrodisiac of the tomb?"

Lucias asked causing Serafall, Venelana, and Grayfia to avert their eyes in response while Gabriel looked at him with an innocent expression on her face.

"... I'll take that as a no, don't worry, I'll clear this place myself with the 3rd condition. Don't worry, I won't be doing anything else to you 4 so you can rest assured, and just trust me"

Lucias comforted as another notification appeared in front of them.

[The trial will now start]

The notification read as a pinkish mist covered the entire room, causing all of them to unconsciously cover their mouths to avoid inhaling the gas that suddenly spread throughout the room, but was too late as some of the particles of the aphrodisiac entered their nose and mouth.

"... It's not so bad, I guess?"

Lucias muttered as he felt nothing before starting inhaling the gas without hesitation.

"How about you 4?"

Lucias asked as he turned his head, but froze as he suddenly watch them rub their thighs against each other with extremely flushed cheeks, looking at him with hidden desire visible in their eyes while Gabriel only looked at him in confusion, not understanding the uncomfortable feeling that she felt.

"... [Bind]"

Lucias immediately casted, causing a string of mana to engulf their limbs while cold sweat slowly ran down his back.

[??? has temporarily disabled the [Gamer's Mind] skill to aid the player in achieving his optional quest]

[Note: Be grateful, you lower lifeform]

"... I knew it wouldn't be easy... "

[The mark of the nine-tailed fox has been activated]

[The mark of the infinity dragon has been activated]

[The mark of the dragon of dreams has been activated]

[The mark of the dragon empress has been activated]

[The mark of the 'creator' has been activated]

"Wait... Mark of the 'creator'!?"

Lucias muttered in shock as he binded his own limbs to the ground with his own mana, causing the 'creator', who was watching from her realm to guiltily scratch her cheek.

"It seems like I made the wrong decision in giving you that mark this early..."

"Mama, what are you watching?"

"... Something that you shouldn't watch, Hanna"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts