

It's about a guy that got transmigrated into another world, the memories of his past life were sealed for some time. He grew his skills (sword art) slowly with the help of his father who trains him whenever he is available, he later got choosen by an ancient dual blades. Before getting a system that not only unlocked his memories but also his potential. The novel also consist of different species and creatures such as vampires, werewolves, light elves, dark elves, hybrids, human, nether creatures, demons and magical beasts, e.t.c.

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62 Chs

Chapter 58: Strange lightning finale

"Go to hell!!" Mizzy shouted

Thunder clasped as she stretch her hand forward at Lucin and Roderick, the dark pink cloud became darker and thick like that of a cumulo-nimbus, lightning bolts spiraled together at a concentrated place.

"Lightning strike; termination" she muttered

A large bolt of dark pink lightning shot out of the cloud, aiming at Lucin and Roderick. The thunder bolt was large enough to cover the radius of the crater, giving them no room for escape. The bolt struck with speed, at the same instance, a bright light flashed and a lightning encased in a whitegold color shot out of nowhere and clashed with the dark lightning.

A loud snapping sound resounded as the lightnings collided accompanied by a very bright flash of both lightning colours almost blinding those around the shockwave from the clash spread around the vicinity.

"Who did that??"

"What was that??"

"Who has the power to stop her attack??"

The soldiers which already created for themselves a safe distance from the battlefield whispered.

"What was that second lightning at the last second ??" Lucin muttered

"This doesn't seem like the light lord's power, where did it come from??" Roderick couldn't help but ask.

They all stared at Mizzy who was still suspended in air and could see the dumbfounded look on her face. Her gaze was fixated at a particular spot, which led them to also choose to face the same direction and what they saw made their jaw drop.

"Am I dreaming? I didn't see him use such power since the start of the battle" Mizzy murmured

'Why am I having a familiar feeling from the lightning surrounding him, I'm the only one to ever have such power for ages, how come. It feels familiar but different at the same time' her thought was running wild.

Bright stood there with his eyes closed, his hair fluttering in the air and sparks of whitegold lightning running through it, his right hand which was suspended in air held the edge of the edge of a single sword, his right foot were placed forward, leaving the left one behind, he crouched in a position that suites his slash. His tattered and burnt cloths fluttered in the air as lightning danced on it.

"First form, lightning breathe…..blade fusion, lightning slash." He muttered.

'I felt myself losing connection with the lightning attack I sent at him but I thought nothing of it. How come he can use a lightning power out of the blue and one related to mine...or was he holding back and waiting for the right time??' she held the side of her head as she failed to understand the situation, her face contorted in confusion.

"Guess you thought I was done for when you attacked me with that barrage of lightning bolts but too bad." He shook his head as he stood upright.

"I have a unique power of being able to use others powers as long as I come in contact with it." He continued.

'I see, so that's how he is able to use my lightning power.' Mizzy thought, a smile appeared on her face.

"Even though you can use my power, you are still a newbie. Let me show you how it's being used." She raised her hands, one pointed at the cloud while the other pointed at Bright.

"Behold the showers of lightning ." lightning gathered around the cloud, ready to descend at any moment.

"scoff' he scoffed…."Second form, lightning breathe….phantom slash" Bright muttered before she could drop her hand.

A visible and invisible slash of lightning shot at mizzy, severing her arms before she could react, everything went into standstill as everyone couldn't believe what happened. All they saw was mizzy raising her hand and bright slashing, the next thing, mizzy's arm were severed.

' I can't use this skills any longer unless I want to be disabled, I've used up all my energy, the ones I gained from this power was used to restore my body to shape.

"What is this, he severed my arm without me being able to react, worse off my lightning couldn't neutralize negative aura in the attack, except if it doesn't contain any." Mizzy mumbled, her eyes then twitched.

"Why do I feel that he just passed a message to me, the attack didn't carry any negative aura, how did he learn to do that so quickly, or did the lightning act on it's own??" she mumbled nonstop as she has a conflicting thoughts.

Bright was left in his own thought.' Merging both the white and gold lightning is really draining, I am surprised that my blade can also merge to produce stronger attacks, can't believe I just got an ace.' He smiled at the thought.

"What's up with both of them, what's with the conflicting expressions on their faces??" Lucin couldn't help but ask Roderick who was having his thought.

' How is that guy able to produce lightning power, did she force her ability on him, is that even possible. He just told us how he was able to pull that off, but it's hard to believe, or was he hiding it from everyone??.' Roderick thought

"Cough cough." Mizzy cleared he throat thereby drawing everyone's attention. Unsurprisingly, her severed arms has attached themselves to their respective position. What followed was a conversation that confused the already confused audience

"Is the message you passed to me all true??" she asked

"What message??" bright asked confused

"The message you passed to me through your previous attack." She said

" System, what is she talking about, did you send her a message or did a residue of my attack hit her head??" he asked his system

-Nerh, I ain't involved, this is one of the unique features of the phlegmatic lightning power, it deals with emotions, it merely passed a potion of your recent memories to her, remember she is the true owner of the power and even I haven't come across such thing.- the system said

"I see" he nodded in understanding

"Everything you know is true, though I don't know what exactly it is you know right now and how it's being sent to you, it's all true." He said to Mizzy

"I thought as much, the expression on your face already said it all, you know nothing of it." She descended and all the angry aura surrounding her disappeared. "If you had passed it through other means, I wouldn't believe you but since you did through my power, then I'm inclined to believe you." She added

"How is it your power, I literally sent the message to you." Bright argued

Waving her hand, she said "I am the legit and real owner of that power, plus I'm the first wielder" she winked

"Don't worry, later when everything you want to do is over and you survive, I'll take you in as my apprentice and teach you all you need to know about my power." She said with a smile and turned to the opposite direction.

She walked up to Banny and Clinton which were both at a corner of the crater with debris and pieces of broken floor on them. She carried them effortlessly and turned back one last time.

"Don't go dying on me, make sure you survive, you're the only person with my power aside me, use it well. About this one's, don't worry about them, they won't join the upcoming clash." After saying that, she vanished.

Silence reigned at the battle field, everyone breathe a breath of relieve.

"Did she just left us alone because of this guy, what was the message she was talking about??" Roderick muttered and turned to stare at Bright.

"I can see someone has finally got on the good side of that dangerous beauty." Lucin commented with a wry smile.

Bright's leg gave in, he fell on his knees exhausted, sweats all over him, Lucin chose to seat down on the floor to relax, he didn't meditate right away, just staring at the sky.

"Just go ahead and ask your questions, the stare is too much." Bright said to Roderick who has been staring at him ever since Mizzy left.

"I demand to know what you and the lightning lady were talking about, what message did you Pass to her, every detail." Roderick voiced out his questions

Bright kept silent for sometime before answering. "I said ask your question, didn't say I would give an answer." He then fall on his back and laid on the floor.

"You are really vulnerable right now, I could use that has an advantage" Roderick said

Seeing Lucin move he added " I'm talking to both of you."

"Nice threat man." Bright said

"What real man attacks another when they are vulnerable and helpless??" Lucin asked

" Do I look like a real man to you??" He countered

"Then go ahead and do whatever pleases you." Bright cut in and closed his eyes, Lucin followed suite and did same.

'My pride won't let me kill them when they are worn out, besides he saved my life.' He thought

Looking around him, he could see the soldiers who were previously spectating, were now drawing close, ready to use the opportunity.

"Even if I have my pride, this one's won't spare them in this state." He murmured

His skin morphed , deeping his hand into his now visible pocket, he held a whistle and blew air into it. Almost immediately, a large wyvern appeared out of thin air and landed at his side, it roared at the incoming soldiers, making them halt their steps in fright.

Without delaying any further, he carried the duo who were fast asleep and exhausted, he placed them on the wyvern, he himself jumped on the back and they all flew back to the earth kingdom.