

It's about a guy that got transmigrated into another world, the memories of his past life were sealed for some time. He grew his skills (sword art) slowly with the help of his father who trains him whenever he is available, he later got choosen by an ancient dual blades. Before getting a system that not only unlocked his memories but also his potential. The novel also consist of different species and creatures such as vampires, werewolves, light elves, dark elves, hybrids, human, nether creatures, demons and magical beasts, e.t.c.

godslove · Action
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62 Chs

Chapter 57: Strange lightening 3

"Here it comes." Bright muttered as he braced himself while closing his eyes.

Lucin who saw this tried to intervene but more lightenings shot at him with stronger power, keeping him

at bay. The dark pink bolts crashed at Bright's position, a very loud and large explosion rang out, pushing

everything and destroying everything around.

As the bolts touched Bright, the temporal protective garment vanished accompanied by all the energies

and auras he summoned, living him unprotected. Bright's closed eyes shot wide open as he gave voice

to a loud wail.

"AHHHHHH...."He screamed at the top of his lungs, his whole body shook violently as the bolts struck

him on all sides. His hard skin couldn't withstand the power of the bolts, his skin was being cooked on

the spot, not being able to bear it, he gave an ear piercing cry.

-Damn, I didn't expect her to use this kind of power against you- the system panicked.

(Acquisition continued...55%, 60…..)

(Acquisition successful.....100%)

(Host can now use the phlegmatic lightening ability)

(A calm lightening that can chose it's own enemies, it can be friendly and also chaotic if well used, a

lightening that is connected to it's users emotions and if well used can be used to confuse others based

on it's features, the phlegmatic lightening can take in....)

"Get this damn notification off my sight." Bright groaned in pain

(Due to host being out of energy, the effect of the phlegmatic lightening has kicked in.)

(The lightening has chosen it's attacker as a friend, thereby siphoning every bits of energy in the dark

pink bolts and transferring them into host oval)

...Outside the dark pink bolts...

Mizzy charged at Bright, aiming to finish him of once and for all.

"No you don't!!." Lucin shouted, he hurled large fireball to intercept her, giving her no choice but to

stop her charge to avoid the incoming attack. Avoiding the attack, she launched multiple lightening

strikes at Lucin, trying to stop him from interfering. Thinking she has succeeded, she proceeded to

resume her attack toward Bright, unbeknownst to her, Lucin did a follow up and launched a fireball that

immediately exploded, raising a cloud of smoke that obstruct her view.

At the last second, she leapt in the air, shrouding her feet with lightening, she kicked the air, pushing her

away from a large cut that went through her previous position.

"Here I thought I'll end this two, now someone else has chosen to join the game." She said amidst the

cloud of clearing smoke.

A large figure, 8 feet 11.1 inches, his width 650 kg, 1,430 lb. The figure descended into the crater, his

landing was rough, making debris to be pushed everywhere. When the pile of dirs. And dust cleared, the

figure's face could be seen.

"Ohh it's you, I guess Russ was involved after all." Mizzy said having seen the intruder.

"You know, I was trying to decipher where this people came from an who sent them, but now I don't

need to stress myself." She said with a smile.

Lucin also seeing the new comer sighed a sigh of relief, the attack against him as being suspended. He

quickly used the opportunity to descend so as to conserve his energy.

'Using the crimson sun is really taxing to the body, this is why it's been used by selected few.' He


"Lord Russ knew you were going to show up, so he sent me." The figure whose name is Roderick (the

rocklike man) said.

"That sick lord of yours who is close to his grave sent you?? For what?? To aid them in their deaths or to

add to the number so they won't feel lone??" she asked sarcastically.

"I know I alone can't defeat you, I came to support them to take you down." Roderick said.

"How do you intend to do that, when it's just you two?? You took too long to show up." She said


Roderick looked around and could see Lucin standing alone, not far from him are tons of lightening

bolts, corroding a certain place, muffled screams could be heard coming from within.

'I see, he's the first to go down in the two, but he seem to have something different about him, his

tenacity is commendable.' Roderick thought

"You have expended lots of energy and this giant rock here hasn't, I myself isn't out of the fight yet. I

have enough to stand my ground, if I think it through, we have a chance." Lucin said.

"Haha haha, that was funny." Mizzy laughed heartily.

"Are you telling me that you didn't tell them about the unique features of my power??" She asked


Lucin stared at him, demanding for answers.

"Sigh, she can never run out of energy as far as her attack hits." Roderick said

"I guess you now understand the situation at hand." Mizzy said with a cunny smile plastered on her face.

'I noticed that something was odd, no matter how many times I tried to block her attack, I do feel an

impact. Does that mean she steals energy from me and energies in my attacks.' The realization hit Lucin

that he failed to keep his emotion in check .

"Why didn't you inform us about her at first and about her powers!" he shouted

"Ohh, see that. Now he understands his situation better." Mizzy said

Calming down, lucin sighed and said in a low tone. " Now that I think about it, you didn't give us an info

about the duo we came to meet, we were plainly used and sent to our graves."

Clapping her hand " Let's get this over with already, I've played with you guys for too long." She said, her

demeanor changing into a serious one.

Roderick created large spikes from the ground and swung at Mizzy, he charged right after the spikes.

"Don't slack off" he shouted at lucin

Fireballs shot at Mizzy at a fast pace, she avoided it with ease and did same to the incoming spikes.

Roderick swung the axe on his right hand in a downward arc, simultaneously, he swung the left one


Seeing that she couldn't stop the attack without receiving damage, she leapt backward, lightening

surrounding her feet. As she landed and prepared to attack, two rocky spikes shot out of the ground

beneath her. At the speed of light, she avoided the spikes and without stopping she retaliated with a

lightening strike of hers.

Roderick who was tailing her with all he got, stomped his feet on the ground, making earth rise speedily

underneath him into the air, the earth propelled him forward as he swung his axe downward at Mizzy,

who side stepped the attack. Not giving her a chance to escape, multiple spikes shot out of the ground

from different angle, aiming to impale her non-stop.

With her good reflexes, she was able to avoid everything until fire balls, fire bombs, fiery whips crashed

on her, making it difficult for her to avoid the spikes without getting hit. Roderick clasps his axe

together, making them fuse and elongate , they grew large in size, the weight of the axe increased as it

grew, making his muscles bulge.

He swung the axe horizontally at Mizzy who was busy deflecting the barrage of fire attacks coming at

her. Sensing the incoming attack, she bent backward at the last second, her back almost touching the

ground, the axe passed over her. The force from the axe alone is able to cleave a newly awakened

human in half.

Seeing an opportunity ,Lucin charged in with fire encasing his whole arm, he leapt from his position and

swung his both arm together like an hammer. "Fiery hammer" he said.

A large hammer made of made of fire appeared in his grasp, he didn't hesitate to slam it on Mizzy who

was still bent backward.


A bang resounded as the fiery hammer slammed heavily into Mizzy, Mizzy whole body slammed into the

ground making the ground cave in. The air rippled as the fiery hammer exploded in the same position, it

burnt everything around. Roderick had to encase himself in earth and ran away from the impact and

explosion, the shockwave spread around.

'he isn't holding back' he thought then decided to charge in again.

"Don't give up, that isn't enough to get rid of her!!" he shouted as he close in the distance between him

and Mizzy.

He raised one of his axe, bent his knee and leapt in the air, channeling a large quantity of brute force, he

swung the axe into the hole created by lucin's hammer. Sharp spikes, fireballs, bombs, axe arcing

continuously rampage the hole non-stop until an angry scream reverberated, the scream shook the


A large pulse of pink aura shot out everywhere, pushing everything away, the pulse flung Lucin and

Roderick away, making it hard for them to continue their attack.

"You piece of craps, you've really overstepped your bounds, I will end your petite lives now!!" he whole

body shook with anger as she shouted, in response her lightening spiral about like crazy. Her body was

levitated in air before being suspended in air, pink colored lightening bolt covered her whole body,

making her skin barely visible.

Dark lightening aura seeped out of her figure, it shrouded the atmosphere. The pink lightening that

covered her body all vanished being replaced by the dark pink lightening, her eyes glowed a dark pink

shade, it's sharpness caused all present there to cower.

Blood trickled down from her head, and orifices, her lightening with the aid of the special trait of her

specie was doing well to heal up all the grievous wounds on her body. Blood was flowing down her body

as a result of the previous beating she received. She raised her hand into the sky, the cloud of dark pink

aura reacted with claps of thunderbolts, anger was visible all over her.

"We can't avoid this." Roderick said

"This is the end." Lucin muttered. "I couldn't make it after all" sigh

An angry voice interrupt them...

"GO TO HELL!!"...