
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Family visit (Part 2- Final)

Arriving at the large building, Seth got off and walked in while holding Maria's hand and walking to the test room, finding it to be empty as the three picked a number and walked in.

"Hello, what's- YOU. Why are you back here?" A voice asked. It turned out to be the same invigilator.

"What? Am I not allowed to be here? And besides, are you the only examinator they have out of 37 million people?" He retorted.

"Shut up. Get the kid to be tested." He said.

"Go on, Maria, place your hand on the crystal." Seth responded.

"Mm!" She replied with a quick nod as she walked over, struggling to reach it. "Daaad..." She looked back at him with a look of begging, making Seth and Yulia chuckle as he walked up and lifted her to touch the crystal.

[Name: Maria Malik.

Age: 5

Species: Half-Hydra. Half-human.

Level: 3.

Mana: 180/180.

Class: Summoner lv.1.


Strength: 4.

Agility: 5.

Vitality: 4.

Intelligence: 12.

Magic: 18.


Summoning magic lv.1

Mana manipulation lv.1]

"Good stuff. D-rank minimum." The invigilator said. "Next is a preformance test." He said as he pressed a bunch.

"Explain how ranks work." Seth spoke.

"Depends on how strong you are." He said. "You're high S-rank, because you're 10 times stronger than the average man. Other high rankers are there because they're far better than the average man at what they do with their skills and have higher stats. And no, you're not special because you have a dormant bloodline or higher stats and innate skills, there are countless others. Anything else?"

"No, I think that's it." He said as Maria finished her test.

"C-rank. Good work." The invigilator spoke while handing her a license.

"My t-" Seth spoke.

"S-rank. No doubt about it." The examiner spoke. "I don't even have to test you to know how strong you've become."

"Ah. Alright then. Your turn, honey." He said as he smiled at Yulia, walking up to the crystal and touching it.

[Name: Yulia Agapov.

Age: 28.

Species: Human.

Level: 15.

Mana: 250/250.

Class: Warrior lv.5.


Strength: 30.

Agility: 40.

Vitality: 30.

Intelligence: 45.

Magic: 30.


Bash lv.5.

Slash lv.3.

Flash step lv. 7.

Strength magic lv.3.

Sound magic lv.1.]

"Very good. B-rank." He said. "I don't think a preformance test is needed because of your skill levels."

"Explain how classes work." Seth requested.

"Depends on the class. Average classes level up with you. But special classes have requirements. Press your class to check its information." He quickly responded while watching him leave. "Wait. What was that guy's name?" He asked himself. "Seth... Wait. Seth? The guy on the world record?"

[Dungeon master lv.1: A class that heavily relies on magic and monsters to do its job. Upon leveling up, it increases your magic, concentration, and intelligence. Grants a skill every 5 levels.

Levels up by transferring EXP or stats into a dungeon core.]

Yulia picked up her license and walked out while holding Maria's hand, followed by Seth. "Where to now?" She asked.

"You said you wanted to go shopping. Let's do-" Seth spoke before seeing a bunch of businessmen come closer.

"Guild scouts. Let's run." Yulia said as she picked up Maria and ran out of the building, before getting on Vince, who wouldn't move.

"Go!" Seth ordered as he ran out, clearing the scene faster than even Vince, who ran after him.

A while later, Seth stopped in front of a mall, followed by Vince who arrived moments later. "Good boy." He said as he threw a slab of meat at it, which it chewed and ate in a moment.

He then helped the two off, putting Maria on his shoulders before walking into the mall and putting Vince back in the demonica. "Alrighty then, what do we want here? Dresses, pretty clothes, new gear, repairs and..." He said as his thoughts trailed off.

"We don't need anything else, honey. You should look for anything you want." Yulia said.

Seth smiled as he walked into a store while humming softly before sitting and setting Maria down as he waited for the two to buy what they wanted, preparing himself for the onslaught of questions about how they looked.

"Hey honey, which of these should I try?" Yulia asked him as she held three dresses in front of him.

"The orange." Seth honestly responded, knowing this was how he was gonna spend the next three hours.

And four hours later, Seth walked out drained and carrying clothes in his bags of holding, before walking to a store with a hammer as its logo.

Inside was a short man with a beard and a hammer, who was busy making weapons. A dwarf. Instead, they were greeted by a short girl. "Welcome to the drunken smithy. How may we help you today?" She asked.

[The harem king nods at your choice for repairs.]

"We're here to repair these." He said as he took off his gear. "And buy new gear." He spoke.

"Sure. Come back for your gear in... a week. Pay then if you're satisfied with the job." She said while checking a book she held in her hands. "And you're welcome to look at the items on sale. Buy what you'd like." She said.

Seth then looked at the items on sale, picking an engraved sword, some enchanted knives and a red and black human-sized mech suit with wings equipped with some weapons.

"That'll come to..." The assistant said before being cut her off.

"I'll pay however much it is by credit card." He said as he handed her his credit card, which she swiped and handed back to him while he put it in his bag of holding.

"Thank you for your purchase. Please read the mech suit's instruction manual before you use it." She said while giving a bow.

"Will do. Now let's get outta here." He said before walking out while holding Maria's hand. "So what now? It's still only noon."

"You know exactly what." Yulia spoke.

"We can't go on for 12-" He remarked before being interrupted.

"We can with food breaks between." Yulia responded while licking her lips, causing Seth to sigh.

"Fine, fine." He conceded as he walked home while holding Maria on his shoulders. "How are we gonna get her to not hear it, though?" He asked.

"Let her play around with your pets, some skills, and TV." She said.

"I guess we can do that." He said as he walked in, crouching so Maria wouldn't hit her head on the door frame. "Alright Mari, be a good girl and play with the monsters while mommy and daddy do their thing." He said as he put her down while handing her the remote, and unleashing the monsters from where they were stored.

"Okay..." She pouted, making Seth smile.

"Good girl." He spoke before carrying Yulia in his arms towards the bedroom and locking it while she cast sound magic to silence any noise that would leave it.

Following which, the room was filled with moans and screams that couldn't be heard by anyone outside while the skeletons came by with the food, knocking on the door whenever Seth thought of it.

And 12 hours later, a drained Seth brought a sleeping Maria into the room after changing the sheets before he too fell asleep in an awkward position.

Expect less chapters due to an event here.

I also apologise for the delay, because I woke up with a headache today.

Dragostercreators' thoughts