
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Exploiting things to their limit

Since Jin had shown up, 3 days had passed by, and Seth was nearly caught by the police helicopters patrolling high above several times while looting.

[Congratulations on surviving for a week. For that, we grant you a gift.]

A box showed up in front of Seth, which he quickly opened.

[You receive: Lottery ticket x5.]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the gacha feature.]

A giant wheel appeared in front of him, with countless words written on it, seemingly being rewards. "Fucking gacha. What's next, ads when I wanna talk to someone?" He grumbled before spinning it nonetheless, since he had nothing to lose.

The wheel spun at an unnatural speed as one of the tickets turned to dust in his hand, before it slowly stopped.

[Potential unlockers x5 acquired.]

A bag with five needles in it appeared next to his foot, as he picked it up and inspected it curiously, but not before a message popped up.

[The Gambler praises your unimaginable luck and urges you to use all of them.]

[Potential unlocker: Upon injection, unlocks up to three innate abilities (Depends on the user's luck). Has a chance to damage the user permanently (Chance increases with each use).]

"Gambler? That doesn't sound too good." He said as he read through the two messages, beginning to count something. "Lucky." He mumbled before injecting one of the needles into his arm, immediately feeling pain coursing through his body, like electricity was coursing through every single cell in his body.

[Luck stat unlocked.]

[Equivalent Exchange skill unlocked.]

[Magic stat +5.]

"Magic this, magic that! How the fuck do I use it?!" He loudly complained due to the pain and his own frustration as he punched the wall angrily, leaving cracks on it, to his own surprise.

He then opened his status menu.

[Name: Seth Malik.

Age: 26.

Species: Unknown. Seems human.

Status: Perfectly fine. In pain.

Mana: 950/950.

Class: None. Army classes recommended.


Strength: 35.

Agility: 44.

Vitality: 38.

Intelligence: 78.

Concentration: 40.

Magic: 95.

Luck: 90.

(Other stats hidden)


Emerald Fang (Katana sword).

Crystal Ant's Shell (Exoskeleton armor).

Skills: Taming (Basic) Lv.2. Equivalent exchange Lv.1. Reroll Lv.1.]

"Reroll? When did I get that?" He asked himself before shrugging. "And what's with the remarks?" He questionned, knowing he would get no response before checking the two skills out.

[Reroll Lv.1: Allows you to reroll an item from a pool of items with similar values or the original pool you got it from. Usable thrice per day.]

[Equivalent exchange Lv.1: Exchanges anything with something of the exact same value. Usable once per day.]

"These seem pretty good." He spoke before an idea popped into his mind as he looked at the needles and gacha tickets.

"Equivalent exchange. Give me two weeks' worth of luck right now, in exchange for two weeks of bad luck." He spoke as he felt like something left his body, as he saw his mana nearly bottom out, leaving him a bit lightheaded.

[The gods are astonished.]

[The insect of storms rolls on the floor in laughter]

[The gambler offers you to be his apostle.]

He rejected the gambler's offer. He didn't know what an apostle was, nor what their role or restrictions were. And he didn't feel like asking, since he didn't trust the gods.

He then spun the wheel again and again, deciding to keep the rest of the potential unlockers for later.

[You receive: Dungeon core x1 (Growth). VR headset (legendary) x10. Deck of cards (summoning). Multiple heads cultivation Lv.1.]

[Dungeon core detected. Use it within 30 minutes or it will disappear.]

[Dungeon core: The base of a dungeon. Use it to set an area as a dungeon. Size depends on the item's grade (Currently common).]

[Multiple heads cultivation Lv.1: Created by the reptile gods. Focuses mainly on evil path skills, transformation, and summoning.

Lv.1: Basic mana gathering, Transformation foundation.]

[VR headset (Legendary): Allows the user to use a virtual body until it dies or the user chooses to leave it. Can also just be used to play countless games. Increases cultivation while in games or if you defeat monsters in the virtual body.]

[Deck of cards: A deck of spells, monsters, and traps to use in battle. Can be improved by turning items or monsters into cards.]

"As you would expect from my luck." He said before grabbing a needle. Since he had that much luck, he would exploit it to the best of his abilities.

He then injected all four needles into his arm, each shortly after the other, ending up with throbbing pain all over his body, bloodshot eyes and coughing up blood, but the results were really worth it.

[Hidden bloodline activated. The primordial reptile's blood flows through you.]

[Your bloodline power is locked due to your own body's weakness.]

[Mana manipulation Lv.1 unlocked.]

[+15 to all stats.]

It was a tad underwhelming, but the bloodline thing alone made it all worth it as he stood up to go shower. He didn't want to think about much. Especially not how much it would cost to fix the place.

But before he could leave, he heard a knock on the door that he went to answer. It was a reporter and her team.

"Hello sir, can we-" The reporter spoke before receiving an abrupt response.

"No you can't. Fuck off." He replied as he slammed the door shut, but before he could even set his foot on the stairs to the bathroom —what was left of it anyway— a knock was heard on his door again.

"Sir, please let me interview you." She said.

"Knock my door one more fucking time and I'll punch all of you into a hospital." He didn't even ask how they knew his house was the only one that had someone living in it. He just didn't want them here.

Once again, a knock. He opened the door.

"You are being very ru-" The woman's words were interrupted by a fist to the jaw, followed by the rest of the crew.

As he walked to the shower, thinking about what to do for the rest of the day, a terrible thought came to mind. "Shit! The dungeon core!" He yelled out as the spherical item appeared in his hand.

[05:32:48 remaining to set the dungeon core.]

The cogs in his brain turned as he thought of where to put it, before deciding to put it in one of the ruined staff bathrooms.

[The dungeon core is now bound to you. It detects that the area is damaged. Would you like to repair it?]

It asked him, to which he pressed yes as he saw the place magically fix itself back to normal.

[Dungeon Core mana capacity: 400/1000]

So it seemed that it took magic to repair the place. Which was great, so he decided to inspect its other features later. He then went up to take a shower, thinking of showering the beasts, but Vince wouldn't fit.

After showering, he crashed onto his bed and fell asleep shortly after.

Meanwhile, an entity hidden underground opened its eyes, sending a subtle wave of energy that the stronger creatures detected before it looked around and closed its eyes. "Not yet." It spoke before returning to its slumber.