
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Back in business

Rising early at 6 in the morning, Seth did his morning routine before checking out the dungeon core and finding out his basement suddenly expanded to have three floors below it, and a pub in his basement.

"No. No I'm not even gonna ask." He said as he checked the uses of the dungeon core.

[Dungeon core: Creates a dungeon and binds it to the user. Respawns monsters for each entry.

User: Seth Malik.

Skills: Create monster lv.1. Synchronized. Rule and reward lv.1.

Activate the skills by touching the crystal ball and speaking their name.]

[Create monster lv.1: Allows you to create 5 random minions that are on a lower cultivation level as you are (Can't go below your current level) and a random monster of the same level once per day or a random boss monster 1 level higher than you are.]

[Synchronized: Upon being bound to a user, it shares their mana stat. Is destroyed upon the user's death, alongside the dungeon. The user also dies if it is destroyed.]

[Rule and reward lv.1: Gain experience and cultivation increase for every monster killed. Low chance to drop loot.]

[The VR headset detects a potential game. Add it?]

He pressed yes, before the basement and the other three floors were scanned by something.

[Game registered. Any changes will be automatically updated.]

He was about to withhold on creating anything, before deciding to go through with the creation. He wasn't gonna publicize it yet, so it didn't hurt to test it out.

He put his hand on the crystal ball before speaking. "Create monster. Minion and monster." After which 6 creatures appeared behind him. A frog with small wings, one of its halves being pink and the other being black before it flew up and sat on his head. He looked at the 5 minions that turned out to all be skeletons.

[Name: None.

Species: Skeleton (human)

Level: Mortal.


Strength: 10.

Agility: 5.

Vitality: 8.

Intelligence: 3.

Skills: None.]

He didn't feel like inspecting the toad, so he just left it on his head. It looked funny, and a bit cute, so he didn't mind it.

On his way out, he found out that the skeletons followed him, so he walked to the kitchen where he prepared his and his three beasts' breakfast. Fruit salad for Luna, and meat for the other two.

The skeletons watched him, beginning to replicate his actions, and Seth was unaware of it until he heard a clanking and turned to see the skeletons using knives and cutting meat. "Put those back and stop." He ordered, to which the skeletons immediately obliged.

He gazed at the undead squad in his kitchen. 'Maybe they could serve as waiters and chefs.' He thought to himself before having his breakfast and handing the monsters theirs.

He then opened up the shop, and to his surprise, the door was opened by a woman with a human top and a snake tail for a bottom, a naga who was holding seven lizardman and lamia babies in her hands. Following after her was a muscular and very tall lizard woman with a big build. She was so big she could barely fit through the door by crouching and entering sideways, with her tail following.

On her shoulders sat a little lizardman with dark eyes, who held onto their mother's horns with a big smile, before Seth's attention snapped back to the lamia who came up to the counter as he noticed a wedding ring on her finger. "How may I help you, ma'am?" He asked her.

"Give me... Two paninis, four steaks, and 5 uncooked steaks." She ordered while looking at the menu.

"Right away ma'am." Seth didn't care whether she was a monster or the biggest criminal alive. A customer was a customer. He also didn't care if they wanted their steak raw as he got to cooking.

After a while, Seth came out of the kitchen to see Vince growling at the dark eyed child who was giggling while walking up to him, despite how far they were. "Shut up, Vince." He ordered the lizard. "If you growl at the kids again, I'm taking away your lunch." He then threatened, to which the lizard folded immediately, obediently sitting back down as the child kept approaching.

"Please enjoy your meal, ladies." He said as he caught a glance of the lizardwoman's hand. On it was a ring. The exact same design as the lamia, before he heard a giggle from the two.

"Cute frog." The tall woman said as she smiled while staring at the frog, that caught any insect that came near.

"Oh I completely forgot this guy was on my head." He blurted out as he returned.

'So they're married to each other from the looks of it.' He thought while walking back to the counter and sitting down. 'Must be nice.' He mused while sitting there and staring at the ceiling before activating his cultivation technique, feeling refreshed as mana coursed through his veins and condensing in his stomach, causing him to unconsciously sweat.

He kept cultivating until the two women and their eight children came to him to pay. "What currency do you use? Dollars or crystals?" He asked.

"Coins." The lamia immediately responded, leaving Seth confused.

"How much is 60 dollars in coins?" He asked the two.

"1 copper is a cent. 100 is a silver, so that would be... 6 large silver coins." The lizardwoman said before handing him the money. "Thanks for the meal, pretty boy." She said before carrying the children and walking out.

He smiled at the woman's words, cultivating until his alarm told him it was time to close. He stood up and locked the door, before heading up.

Thankfully, no one came in after the two women. He sniffed the air, detecting the pungent smell and looking at his own sweat soaked clothes before he walked into the shower and changed his clothes again, then feeding his pets and heading to bed.

2nd chapter for this weekend. Goodnight lads.

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