
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasie
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14 Chs

A regular day.

Seth stood up from his bed and headed down to the dungeon, seeing that it was still deep into the night, so he headed down into his basement.

[Bound dungeon core detected. Ruler's authority activates.]

As soon as that message showed up, a menu showed up in front of him, showing his entire house. He then tested some of the features on it, such as moving his bed right in front of him, which he proceeded to put back into his room at the cost of some mana. The dungeon had also grown to have six more floors, for a total of nine.

He then moved the basement entrance to somewhere easier for customers. He planned to use his dungeon as another way to make money, but how would he do it?

Thankfully, his question was quickly answered by a message.

[The beastmaster tells you to set some monsters in your dungeon.]

The response puzzled him somewhat, but since this was one of the gods that helped him, he decided to listen to them as he set a couple minions, and Aurum in one the third floor's boss room.

[Dungeon activated. Changes registered. Monster copy lv.MAX unlocked. Respawn lv.1 unlocked.]

[Monster copy: Allows you to create copies of monsters in your dungeon, but you aren't allowed to bring them out.]

[Respawn lv.1: Respawns monsters in your dungeon 12 hours after their death, when all the challengers are dead or after the dungeon is cleared.]

So he could make copies of his monsters to stay in the dungeon. That was good. He then changed his dungeon layout, putting three minions on the first 2 floors prior to a boss on the third, four minions on the fourth floor, the worm and frog on the fifth, and the dragun on the sixth while he put the two mechs alone on the last floor with a copy of the Junk warrior card, putting a copy of Vince on the floor before them, leaving the seventh floor empty, as a sort of safe zone or resting point.

But then he decided against it, generating a mortal monster with minions and setting it there.

[Name: None.

Species: Shadow snake mantis shrimp.

Level: 1 (Mortal).


Strength: 50.

Agility: 25.

Vitality: 10.

Intelligence: 7


Bullet punch: Doubles its attack while it propels itself with pressurized water, and deals 200% of its damage.

Venom strike: Upon striking the opponent after activation, it can poison the opponent.

Liquid bullet: Can fire bullets of fluids or anything containing fluids at the speed of a bullet.]

He whistled as he saw it, placing it and its summoned minions on the seventh floor before grabbing a VR headset and checking its settings. There, he spotted an interesting option.

[Internet cafe option: Upon activating this option and registering yourself as the owner, you can make people play temporarily for a payment.]

He would use that later, but for now he put the helmet on and picked one of the countless games on it, playing it until it was time to open the restaurant.

Upon hearing his phone alarm, he left the game and activated the internet cafe option on all 10 helmets, before taking it off and standing up. As he did, he realized that his cultivation had slightly risen.

He then walked up and opened the shop prior to sitting down behind the counter. His first customers were a cat and its kittens, that loudly meowed at him which shocked him more than everything else. He didn't expect regular cats to have survived the apocalypse. He walked to the kitchen and brought out some canned tuna for them.

Then shortly after, people came in. It was Jamal and his posse, who opened his mouth to speak, but Seth spoke first. "The usual?"

"The usual." He said with a chuckle taking a seat at his usual table, while Seth ordered the skeletons to make his meal, which they replicated to a T before bringing it out to their table, bowing before returning to the kitchen.

"Seth, you really are the weirdest dude I've known for my whole 34 years of life." One of the men, Illyas, said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Thank you for the compliment." He said while reading through his phone while a new group of people entered. Long ears, surrounded by spirits, and somewhat taller than humans. Elves. He couldn't not know what these were, as they were in many of the games he had played. "Welcome to my shop, what would you like?" He asked as he glanced at them from his phone.

The shortest elf from a group of 3 snorted before taking a look at the menu. "Rice cakes, pancakes, fruit salad and tea." He spoke before watching Seth walk into the kitchen and bring out their food.

"Enjoy your meal." He said as he started walking back to the counter, only to be rudely interrupted by an obnoxious voice.

"Huh? You call this food? For what, dogs?" The shortest of the trio said.

"I wouldn't feed this to the cattle." The next one said.

"It's to be expected. A human cooked it after all." Another elf said before all three of them broke out into laughter.

Time seemed like it had frozen to the first five who had entered the shop and the currently entering customers. They knew they were in for a top tier show because they were regulars for years and understood how volatile Seth would get at the smallest hint of disrespect towards him, his employees or anybody he cared about. Some even pulled their phones out to record it.

Seth stopped in his tracks, taking a deep breath before he turned around to face them. He knew these guys only came here to cause trouble no matter what he gave them, but he found troublemakers fun, because they served as good stress relief.

Upon walking back to the table, Seth's mouth curved into a sinister smile as he spoke. "Oh I'm sorry that you didn't like my food. Here, let me fix it for you." He apologized before flipping the table, spilling scalding hot tea on the two elves and causing the third to fall. "Since you like dogs and cattle, how about you eat on the same level as they do, you subhuman scum." He said while glaring at the three. "Enjoy your meal." He said as he remained in his place.

"I'm gonna kill you, you motherfucker!" The shortest one yelled out before grabbing Seth by his collar, only to find a something cold and metallic under his mouth, causing him to freeze in place.

While this was all happening, the skeletons took orders, continuing business as usual.

"I've seen that guns are ineffective against monsters. But I wonder, would .50 cal be effective against a soft-skinned elf. Just the thought of doing it gives me goosebumps." He said while pointing his gun under the man's head. "Now, payment for your food." He ordered.

The man didn't dare to delay, immediately handing him his money and running off, followed by his two companions.

"I'll make him pay for this humiliation tenfold." The elf said once outside, before leaving with his lackeys.

Seth kept the money and got back to his job, completely forgetting about the dungeon until it was night. He then opened his basement entrance, mostly because the pub was down there and not the dungeon, where he spent the night serving costumers normally.

After time passed, he closed in time before crawling in bed and falling asleep.

Last chapter for this week.

Dragostercreators' thoughts