
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasie
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14 Chs

A day off (Part 2)

Seth rode on the direwolf's back to the dungeon, since it was much faster than Vince. He arrived at the dungeon after making an agreement with a high rank party to be their porter on the awakeners' app, due to them wanting to cut costs.

He arrived after on his wolf, and bought a few low-level bags of holding and a gun on his way there, before sitting down and reading his book near the entrance because they had settled on meeting up an hour later.

He then summoned Vince instead, since he was much bigger and capable of carrying more than the direwolf. He then sat down and waited while reading his book.

Exactly an hour later, the party arrived on their own mounts, and were stupefied by the fact that a porter had a mount that was better than their own, but were quickly snapped out by Seth's words. "Are we going in or not?" He asked them.

"Ah, yes, yes. Let's go in." The leader, a man wearing a witch's hat and robes, and holding a staff in his hand.

The party consisted of a female swordsman, a male tank, the leader who was a wind mage, a female archer and a male healer. They showed their awakener IDs to the guards before they were allowed entry.

Seth followed them in, but refused to be added into the party, since he had seen online that the stronger the monster he had as his first kill, the better skills and class options he could get. So his plan was to slip away while the party was fighting and throw hands with the boss.

He grabbed the loot and kept it in his bags, playing the role of a porter quite well to gain their trust. And then, as they were fighting a particularly large group of magic apes, he quietly emptied out the bags before sneaking off on the direwolf's back, who sprinted towards the lowest floor with the help of Seth's dark magic that hid their presence.

Once there, Seth saw a giant door in front of him, as he checked his gear, summoned his monsters and weapons, including the deck of cards, which shone for some reason.

Two cards then flew out in front of him, one showed a purple mech with wings, and the other showed a mechanical arm. He then grabbed the two, four of his monsters disappearing and turning into the monsters drawn on the two cards, surprising him to the point that the cards fell from his hand, returning to what they were like before.

He then breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't permanent, so he decided to pick the cards back up and read through them.

[Name: None.

Species: Junk warrior.

Level: Sky.


Strength: 50.

Agility: 100.

Vitality: 120.

Intelligence: 30.


Unity: Upon summoning, it gains the strength of all allies from Earth level and below.

Scrap fist: A simple punch packed with enough power to destroy a mountain.

Tuning: Can equip itself to an ally, transferring its stats and skills.]

[Name: God's claw.

Type: Weapon (Gauntlet)

Stats: Attack +270.

Strength +100.

Defense +70

Agility +20.


Return to sender: When equipped to something and it kills an opponent, it can deal the enemy's strength back as damage to its controller or any opponent at random.]

He then summoned Junk warrior first, watching the junk and speed mechs disappear, as it shone with a green light, growing stronger before equipping itself to Seth. Following which, the lizard worm and three minions disappeared, turning into a mechanical clawed arm.

Seth tested his mobility and attack in his shiny new gear that covered him from head to toe, finding out he could maneuver far better than he normally could, and discovering flight was delightful.

He then unsummoned the others, since he wanted to take out his new ride for a spin. He pushed open the doors, holding his katana in his left hand, and the armory arm in his right.

He then laid eyes on the boss, which left him wide eyed.

[Name: Zarall, the demon slayer.

Species: Angel (Power)

Level: Sky.


Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Vitality: ???

Intelligence: ???

Skills: Unknown]

"So the demons think I'm so weak that they'll send a fucking lizard hatchling wearing some toys to kill me, huh?" The giant winged figure equipped with a red spear and shield said.

Seth did not respond, merely getting ready for combat as he steadied his nervous breathing and quickly beating heart, activating his partial transformation, two horns popping up on his head while his limbs grew scales under the armor. This guy's pressure was on another level compared to anything he had ever faced.

[Partial transformation activated. Some of your bloodline power activated. All stats +50 temporarily.]

[The harem king smirks and applauds your bravery and willingness to get stronger. Emerald Fang's ⟨Pierce⟩ unlocked.]

"Bastard! You must think I'm some sort of joke!" He said as he swung his spear, generating a powerful wind. "Ready yourself, you subhuman scum, for today, you shall die by my spear." He said before growing smaller, but just a bit bigger than a human, before he flew directly at Seth, who could only react a second later by parrying his spear, moments before it pierced his cranium.

"Fuck." Seth cursed before punching the angel with the mechanical fist, only for it to be dodged by the angel jumping, before he spun and struck him with his spear, cracking several of his bones.

To Zarall's surprise, Seth grabbed the spear with his mechanical arm while he swung the sword, into the man's chest, making it slide through his armor like it was butter, before he flew away in order to prevent himself from being cut.

Seth's heart was quickly beating, as he began to think of ways to defeat his opponent while his dark magic materialized on his body as mist.

[The battlefield is where you belong.]

A message appeared in front of him, but this one was gray while the two waited for the other's move.

[Roar, O son of the mighty Emperor Hydra.]

[A skill is being forcefully implemented into your body. ⟨The Emperor's touch⟩ added to your arsenal.]

Seth took a deep breath, before an animalistic roar that shook the whole dungeon left his lips, leaving every being in it unable to move.

[Hydra Fear (Basic) lv.1 created. Hydra roar (Basic) lv.1 created.]

Taking advantage of the angel's surprise, Seth flew directly at him, nearly breaking his ribs with his fist, but he managed to dodge in the last second, only ending up with a broken leg.

"AAAGH!" He cried out. "Bastard! I'm gonna obliterate you!" He yelled out in pain, before he charged with his spear, before he had to defend himself from Windslash.

Seth then jumped off from the wall and flew toward him at max speed, only for Zarall to send out a holy light in his direction, which pierced through the armor and into Seth's arm and leg.

"Don't think I'm easy to kill. I am still an angel after all." He said while throwing balls of holy light that travelled through the air, forcing Seth to go on defense and dodge, attacking him from a distance with Windslash.

The chase went on for a while, before Zarall decided he needed to heal. Except Seth didn't allow him to, charging directly at him and slicing his arm off, due to the angel dodging. However, his healing spell was cancelled due to it.

Zarall suddenly fell from the sky, aiming to get away, but Seth quickly chained him down with dark magic chains. These wouldn't have had an effect on the angel if weren't for the black mist permeating through the room, amplifying his dark magic's effect by leaps and bounds as Seth proceeded to punch his head off while Zarall stabbed his spear into the right side of Seth's torso, leaving a big hole in his chest before Seth crashed into a wall due to his speed.

He panted loudly and coughed up some blood, before a message showed up.

[You are dying.]

[You leveled up to level 1. Your health and mana are restored.]

[System is calculating your...]

Were the last messages he saw before he passed out.

Another chapter to celebrate... nothing.

Again, remember to add to library and review.

Dragostercreators' thoughts