
The Devil Monarch

In a society where magical abilities exist, Drake Ryu, a 16-year-old teenager, is a boy from a poor family who who can't afford an ability so he tries living life without being sad he has no powers, he had been bullied but just endured and thought maybe the next day would be better. That was until a day came when he got robbed and almost killed. In his moment of near death, He heard a voice asking him if he wanted to live when he answered yes. he heard a female voice say Condition Cleared: 《Experience a moment near death》[You have unlocked The Devil Monarch System ] Now that Drake has acquired the power to change his life, he will grow stronger and take control of his life on his way to become a Powerful Demon.

Aceryu31 · Urban
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6 Chs

Bad People

When the war had ended new countries were made and they were 20 countries in total and were all named from Ancient mythological creatures or deities, Each country has a military school. Drake lived in the country Amaterasu, so he will be attending military school Amaterasu.

Drake' s dad is currently escorting him to the nearest warp station in order to go to military school.

Good thing, the warp station isn't far away from drake house as it is only a few kilometer away. Drake has never gone outside his city before or even followed his dad to general areas.

Meaning he has never used a warp pad in his life. Thinking of using a warp pad made him even more excited than he already was.

His dad kept looking back at him confused on why drake was excited.

'He just smiled and thought maybe Drake was just happy to go to military school and get an ability?

After 20 minutes of walking, they finally reached the warp station. There were around 70 warp pads arranged in rows. Each warp pad had a long line of at least 15 people behind it. The station was packed full with people. They waited for 10 minutes and it was finally their turn, before They could enter a man in uniform said

"Follow me."

As he took them into a completely different area of the station. They took a few steps before reaching a completely empty section of the warp station. There were only 15 warp pads in total but nearly all of them were empty. Drake found this somewhat strange. But before he had the chance to ask the question, it was already answered by his dad who said that this was probably a military warp station, Then the Private confirmed it by saying

"This is the military section of the warp station. Only military personnel and military students are authorized to use these."

The Private pulled out a futuristic holographic looking card with an image of Drakes's face on it out of his pocket and handed it over to Drake.

"Here you go, boy. That's your student ID. Keep it on you at all times and don't lose it. This card will allow you to access many privileges only available to the military. For example, this will allow you to use these warp pads in order to teleport to the island where military school betaA is located."

Drake took the card and inspected it:

Name: Drake Ryu

School: Country A military school

Age: 16

Year: 1

Rank: ??

Class: ??

Division: ??

Drake was looking at the card all confused. This was because of all the question marks.


"Don't be confused by the question marks. This card will automatically update your information when it becomes available," the Private said with a somewhat annoyed expression.

"Now, go on and scan your card on the warp pad and see what happens."

Moby slowly walked over to one of the vacant warp pads and scanned his student ID.

" Scanning"

" 1% "


" 50% "


"Scan Complete! "

"Drake Ryu "

" First year military student >"

" Rank Unknown"

"Division Unknown "

" Please select your destination "

Then, the Private's voice came from behind him saying:

"Ok now select military school Amaterasu as your destination."

Drake nodded and did as he was told.

"Military School Amaterasu has been set as your destination"

"Please enter the portal when you are ready and you will be swiftly transported to your set destination"

Before drake entered he told his dad "goodbye" and his dad told him that "He hopes drake succeeds in military school", Then after that the Private approached drake and took his belongings.

"Don't worry you will receive your belongings back when you enter your dorm. Please grab any combat equipment you have. You will need them for your starting examination."

Drake nodded to the Private as he took out a pair of worn out fighting gloves from one of his bags and put them on. Then he took out his very old rusty looking blue tinted daggers and sheathed them around his waist.

Drake wasn't exactly the most well dressed. He wore a dark blue shirt and dark blue cargo pants that looked like they were abused every day. For footwear, he wore light blue running shoes that looked really old.

As Drake was preparing his equipment the Private could not help but stare at him.

Many thoughts went through his head at that moment.

'Hmph, you can tell that he is very poor by just looking at him.

When Drake finished preparing he looked at the Private and said with an a scary looking annoyed face and said

"I'm ready sir!"

At that moment, the Private was startled and quickly put on a fake smile. He wasn't expecting Drake to finish preparing so quickly so he caught him a little off guard.

"Now, please enter the portal and sign up for what division you want to enlist in. We currently have 3 divisions. The divisions are as follows:- the combat division which is for those with attack-oriented magical abilities, the science and research division for those who have useful abilities for performing scientific research and technology control, and finally, the support division for those with support-oriented skills such as healing, scouting and buffing. Looking at your equipment, I assume that you will enlisting for the combat division."

"Yes, you are correct," Drake responded.

"The sign-ups shouldn't be very far from the warp station. Just head south for a few minutes and you should see them just past the school entrance gate, you really can't miss them."

"Thanks for the help, I'll be heading in now," Drake replied.

As Drake was walking towards the portal he couldn't help but feel like something was off. When he looked at the Private after he finished putting on his equipment, it looked like he was cringing at him in disgust, but when he blinked and looked again, he was smiling like usual.

Drake just thought that if the Private was cringing on him then he should go fuck him self then he waved goodbye to his dad and his dad also did the same.

As Drake entered the portal he felt his vision go completely distorted. Before he knew it, he was already transported to the entrance of military school BetaA.

The school was really massive. It was at least 110 times bigger than Drake's previous high school. The school was white and had a futuristic look to it. There was a huge open gate that leads to the expansive front yard of the school. When looking around, he can see lots of students around his age all heading towards the school gates. He smiled and clenched his fists in excitement. He lifted his head up and walked through the gate of the school while admiring the beautiful scenery. He wasn't really paying attention to what's in front of him as he was lost enjoying the view when all of a sudden.


Drake ended up bumping into a big fat student. He had black hair and a slightly overweight physique. He looked very intimidating standing at least 6 inches taller than Drake.

He lifted his fists as if he was ready to give a punch.

"Hey, kid watch where you're going you made me spill my drink!" The student shouted in a harsh and annoyed manner.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going please forgive me," Drake nervously said while bowing.

"Well, how are you going to compensate me? That drink was really expensive you know!"

Drake immediately said that "do you think I'm stupid that I would believe that your stupid drink was expensive or is it because I look poor that you thought I was naive"

The student scanned Drake's clothing and equipment and thought that why was this poor boy talking back at him.

"How about you compensate me with that fancy looking ring of yours?" the student said with a sinister smile.

"I am so sorry but I think your brain is too dense to understand what I said a few minutes ago I won't compensate you for your stupid drink.

At that point, the student looked very angry and annoyed.

"Listen, kid, you already made it on my bad side, either you compensate me with a 1000 dollars or I beat you up."

At that moment, Drake became really confused.

' Does he think I'd pay him a 1000 dollars, if so then he must be very dumb,' he thought

Drake decided to apologise for spiling the drink in order to avoid any further conflict.

The student still threatened drake to compensate him or else

"No that will not be possible," Drake replied with a serious tone.

The student was taken back by Drake's sudden furious tone. This made the student more intrigued about what would happen if he annoyed this poor boy, he made up his mind that he would teach the kid a lesson he will never forget to show him what happens when you mess with him.

"Ok fine, don't compensate me. But now you're officially on my bad side, so you better be scared shitless," the student said as he turned around and walked the other way.

Drake felt relieved after hearing that. like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders.

'Thank God this didn't escalate into a fight' Drake thought.

"The name's Derick, Derick Wilder. you better not forget it," Derick said with a mean scowl.

"I really don't wanna make any enemy's on my first day" Drake thought.

All of a sudden an announcement went on:

"This is a reminder that the sign-ups for the divisions will end in 20 minutes."

"Oh crap, at this rate I'm going to be late for the sign-ups," Drake said as he ran straight for the combat division sign-ups.


Derick just returned to all his lackeys all mad and annoyed.

His goons were a little worried after witnessing the exchange between Their boss and Drake.

"Hey, boss. Is it smart to start beef with other students already? We don't know what rank they will get from the starting exam or how strong they are. We might start trouble with someone we can't handle," one of the lackeys said while worried.

"Relax, that kid ain't shit. he will at most be a low rank. From the clothes he's wearing, you can tell he has no strong family backing," Derick calmly replied.

Derick's words made them feel a little better.

"I want one of you to spy on that Drake Ryu boy for me. I need to know what rank he gets, and what ability he has before we attack him. Ken, that person will be you," Derick said while pointing at his subordinates.

"Don't worry. I'll get you all the info about that Drake Ryu guy by the end of the day I can assure you that," Ken said while smirking.

"I'm gonna have fun making that guy suffer. Nathan said with a disturbing smile on his face.