
The Daughter of Them? Nah, Couldn’t Be Me.


CrownedLich · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Are We In?

Okay! Today is the day! Time to meet up with Amaya and Yuki to see if we all got into UA or not! Let's see how it goes.

I quickly checked myself in the mirror and made sure that the small marks on my face were covered with make-up.

Good, at least I didn't forget today.

I grabbed a fire-proof shirt of Toga's Dabi had managed to smuggle back for me.

"This is nice, not having to worry about my shirt catching on fire today."

I carefully inspected all of the new shirts in the section I had made in my closet and saw a sweatshirt as well.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed, quickly using a feather to cut large slits in the back. I pulled it on, and found out Toga had a fucking good taste in clothes. Not ONLY was it a slightly darker shade of beige which went with a lot of stuff, it was super comfy.

Maybe I have to get Dabi to steal more of Toga's stuff for me. That's a good idea.

"Okay, make-up, check. Clothes, check. Phone, check. Backpack, check. Shoes, about to be check. And hair, not check. At all," I sighed.

I forgot I have to actually deal with my hair now. Hawks was good at this.

"Dad!" I shouted.

"What do you need?" He asked, talking in a normal pitched voice.

Sometimes it was useful to have super sensitive ears. Other times, like when Dad played the air horn. It wasn't.

"Help me!" I called.

"Fine…" I heard Hawks grumble.

Uh-oh. Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? This might not be good.

When he walked in I asked,"Dad, can you pretty please help me with my hair?"

"Sure," he answered,"I'll be right back."

He returned a second later with a brush, and made me sit down.

This is why you always let Hawks do your hair in the morning. Well, more like afternoon, but I'm getting as much sleep-in days as possible before I start UA.

Thankfully, this was Hawks day off. After a moment he said,"Finished."

I glanced in the mirror and said,"Thank you!"

I quickly gave him a peck on the cheek, and darted out my door. After that, I sprinted through the kitchen and to the front door. I pulled on my go-to, blue high tops. I had used some of my baby feathers to make little tiny wings on either side of the shoes.

My hand was on the handle when Dabi asked,"And where are you going?"

Why, just why did this have to be scheduled on both of their off days?

"I'm meeting up with friends at a cafe to see if we all got into UA or not," I responded.

"How did you meet people at an exam, I mean I know you can talk for a few minutes, but I didn't that was enough time to make an actual friend," Dabi reasoned.

Then I started the story,"Well, about that, some kid named Amaya came up to me and asked to team, so I said why not. And then, when the exam was almost over, there was this huge, robot thing, and someone almost got ran over, so we helped her. And I got their numbers, so we made a plan to meet up?" "You didn't think to tell me and Keigo you had plans? Especially on both of our off days when we have more family time!" Asked Dabi.

"You guys are always so busy, and I thought you'd be gone at 'work' right now, so I didn't think to tell you."

Just like you guys didn't tell me about what happened to Dad. No- completely different scenario, stop it.

"It's fine," said Dabi,"Just tell us next time, okay?"

"Okay!" I responded and pecked him on the cheek as well. "See ya later!" I told him.

"Have fun with your friends," he responded, already back to what he was doing.

"I will."

Will I? I mean they both want to be heroes, and I'm already keeping so much from them already. I don't know how they would respond if the fact that I was Dabi and Hawks's child somehow became public. Oh well, better enjoy them while I have them I guess. Nothing can last forever.

I opened the door and snuck out of the apartment. It was more like a condo, though. I couldn't let anyone see me leaving because this was where Hawks lived, and I was supposed to be an orphan.

Eventually, I got out onto the street and started walking towards the cafe from the directions on my phone.

Oh fuck, I gotta steal my note from the orphanage mailbox. Here goes nothing.

I quickly walked in the direction of the orphanage and opened the mailbox. I checked inside and saw a letter addressed to me.

Yes! Found it! Now I gotta get to that cafe, hopefully I'm not late.

I shoved the letter in my pocket and continued, pulling out my phone for directions. When I got there though, I was confused.

This is a bookstore, not a cafe… why are the directions wrong? Did they not want to meet up? Hold on. They wouldn't do that. I have some major trust issues.

I heard footsteps behind me and swiveled to see Amaya and Yuki walking up, seeming to have found each other first.

"I thought we were going to a cafe, not a bookstore," I said.

"Yeah!" Said Amaya,"The bookstore is the first level, we're going up there!"

She pointed up above the bookstore and I saw a cafe that must've been made by someone who was in the support course, or had a technology quirk. That's amazing! It was a floating building, seeming to be on a cloud.

"Wow," said Yuki, staring at the cafe.

"It's great isn't it?" Said Amaya.

"I don't know," I responded,"We haven't tasted the fries or food yet."

"Who said there were fries?" Asked Amaya.

I gave her a look and said,"Amaya if there are no fries here I will seriously murder you."

"No-no," she said with a nervous laugh,"There are fries, I was just messing with you."

"Okay then!" I responded.

"You are scary," said Yuki.

I just grinned at them. We walked through the bookshop to an area in the back where they could climb up by a swinging rope-ladder.

Not very good for marketing. People who aren't physically fit enough wouldn't be able to get up here.

"You guys have a fun time scaling this ladder, I'll wait for you at the top," I told them.

"What-?" Asked Yuki.

I just smirked and spread my wings.

"Not fair!" Complained Amaya.

I just leaped into the air and powered myself upwards towards the building. The climb isn't that long, maybe two to five minutes. I like this spot. There aren't many places where you can be so high up.

I waited by the railing for a good 7 minutes before Yuki climbed up.

"Took you long enough," I said.

Amaya was here a second later. "That's because Yuki is so slow!" She complained.

Shouldn't Yuki be more agile since she's part cat? Whatever… maybe she just isn't good with heights or ladders. She does look a bit nervous.

"Whatever, let's go inside!" I said.

"Yes!" Said Amaya,"Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce, my favorite cafe!"

When she opened the door I walked in and paused, looking around. It was all natural browns and greens. There were a lot of plants and shrubs with little golden highlights here and there. I grinned as Amaya led us to a table.

The seats were a mini nest in design, with one wall gone, and the rest there to make a back and sides. Not to mention the fact that the seats were in their own little glass bubbles poking out of the cafe. I saw a few feathers here and there, and then a bird, this place didn't seem like a simple cafe at all.

The scent was something just out of nature, kind of like when you were around a waterfall, when the air was fresh and a slight bit of mist in the air.

"Wow," I breathed.

This place feels like a second home already.

"Oh! This place must feel like a home to you if your quirk is related to an actual bird," said Yuki,"I get what that feels like!"

"Really? This place must be our go-to spot then, if you already like it so much," said Amaya.

"I agree!" Said Yuki.

"If you guys are sure…" I said, trailing off.

That seems a bit too nice of them, shouldn't they be looking out for themselves? I mean, I didn't get to go outside much, but Papa and Dad seemed to be the only people who didn't care what was weird or wrong about me. They just accepted me as I was. Everyone else was mean.

"Of course we are! This was my favorite spot already anyways!" Said Amaya.

When we sat down in the chairs I perched near the front, my wings spread out comfortably. The tables were enlarged versions of logs.

"From what I read I didn't think cafes were so extreme," I mused.

"You must've been reading American books then," said Yuki,"Americans don't go as into the theme as people in Japan do! Wait- you've never been to a cafe?" "That's nice," I said, breathing in deeply and completely ignoring her question.

A waitress came over and immediately saw my wings.

"Nice cos-play! They look so realistic!" She said.

"Ahh, thanks but they aren't fake, it's my quirk," I explained, shifting my wings.

I don't like when people point out my quirk, it makes me feel exposed and afraid that someone would find me out.

"I thought only Hawks had wings. I guess I was wrong then. I love yours, they're so pretty!"

"Uhm, thanks..?" I said.

At least she didn't catch on about Hawks being my dad.

"No problem! You can call me Sana, what can I get for you ladies today?" She asked us all.

"I'd like a crane coffee, and a cinnamon roll!" Amaya said cheerfully.

"I'll-um…" started Yuki.

Indecisive about ordering at new places, nice to know.

I randomly cataloged stuff like that into my brain. It made me feel better to know everything about everyone I met. That way I would know the signs of them about to turn me in or figure me out so I could cut them off.

"Do you like sweet or bitter coffee?" Amaya asked Yuki.

"Sweet!" Yuki immediately replied.

"Okay, she'll have a crane coffee as well as a sandwich and a cardinal cookie," Amaya ordered.

"I'll just take a crane coffee as well I guess? With an order of fries," I said uncertainly.

"Coming right up!" Said the waiter.

She turned and I finally noticed the fake wings on her back and the feathers around her ears.

"Their outfits look cool," I said.

Is this cafe a cafe that worships Dad, or just likes the bird theme?

"I know right, not as realistic as before now that I've seen actual wings up close, but still epic!" Said Amaya.

"I think they look cool too! Also, I read through your texts while I was gone, and who is Dabi?" Asked Yuki.

I swallowed. She won't find out if I explain his quirk and description right? Probably not.

"A villain with a blue flames quirk, burn scars up his neck and face and arms, ring a bell?" I explained.

"Oh yeah! I've seen him before, he's my favorite villain! I can see how he and Hawks would be a good ship! Wait… isn't his quirk really similar to yours? You could totally cosplay him at the con!" Exclaimed Yuki.

I did my best to keep my expression neutral.

Everyone seems to be poking around the subject, but not figuring out what is the truth. That's good, but makes me nervous.

"I have recruited two new members into our cult, welcome to the fandom," said Amaya dramatically.

I snorted and rolled my eyes.

It's an actual relationship too, they have a child. If Amaya ever found out they were my parents she would kill me for not telling her. I don't know if I'm a supporter though, I see my parents affection towards each other way too much.

A few seconds later, Sana came back and said,"Here's your food, enjoy the rest of your meal!" She was gone a second later.

"What the?" I started.

The tray was styled as a bird nest, and the dishes were eggs. The eggs were porcelain dishes with intricate patterns.

"How do I open this?" I asked.

"Watch and learn," said Amaya with a cocky grin.

She pushed a button around the middle of the egg, and it split into six parts, three going one way, three the other, to make an oval bowl.

Heard the whirring of gears and heard a faint scraping sound as the un-smoothened edges slid together.

"I am starting to love Japanese cafes!" I exclaimed, pushing the button.

My egg was white with blue accents and designs.

Yuki's was a minty color, paired with a very dark brown.

Amaya's was a bright red paired with yellow.

"It looks so pretty!" Said Yuki.

That sounds like something Toga would say about blood. I'm scared someone here will have a mind reading quirk and pick up one my thoughts. No, not going to happen. If anyone had a quirk like that everyone would know about them.

"The most amazing thing about this cafe is that it's open 24 hours!" Amaya said, seeming to be very happy.

"Why are you so happy? I thought you would be a little more nervous because you're about to see the most important message of your life," I questioned.

Not of mine though. Not even close.

"If I want to be prepared for future battles I can't be worried, and just have to accept if I fail, it's not the end of the world. There are schools other than UA, although I want to go to UA with you two, if I don't get in I'm going to another hero school. Hopefully," she explained.

"Damn, I never thought you would be the one to say that," I responded.

I glanced down at my coffee and saw they decorated the cup to look like a cracked egg, and had bird-coffee art in the center.

"I thought you were to do or die one of the group!" Said Yuki.

Now for the moment of truth… the fries.

I carefully brought a fry up to my mouth and took a bite. I quickly finished it off and started eating the rest. They were done in 2 minutes.

I didn't expect the fries to be so good! Very salty, but just how I like them, a little bit crispy, but not too much. They aren't as good as Dabi's, but that's fine. Speaking of Dabi's fries, imma get him to cook some for me tonight as celebration.

"They good?" Asked Yuki.

"Delicious!" I approved.

"This is why the cafe is so great! Great food, great design, great cos-play, and great customer service!" Amaya praised.

"Okay, okay, I get it, you love the cafe," I responded.

I mean, from what I can tell, the praise is well earned. But this is my first time here.

My phone buzzed and I glanced down to see a hero fight alert.

"Hero fight," I said, putting my phone on the table so we could all watch.

It was Hawks and Dabi.

Isn't it their day off!? Why the fuck are they both fighting each other right now? We all agreed that it would be best for them to not fight. If Dabi got Hawks in a vulnerable situation, he wouldn't have an excuse to not burn his wings off or kill him. Shit! Shit! Shit!

My heart stuttered in my chest as Dabi got Hawks pinned to the wall. The audio finally managed to kick in.

If Yuki and Amaya see my expression I'm done for as well. I have to stay calm.

I made my face look interested, and decidedly not terrified, thank you.

I heard Dabi say,"This is your warning number 2. Mess with the league and you will feel the cost of your actions."

Hawks grunted as Dabi threw him into another wall and walked off.

Thank fuck.

My shoulders relaxed and my heart started beating normally again.

That could've been so much worse. I'm glad Dabi played it out as if Hawks had just gotten in the way a bit and he was showing him a lesson.

"I'm glad that didn't get too serious," Me and Yuki said at the same time.

"Hey!" We both exclaimed. Amaya started cackling.

"Not funny!" We both said to her.

"Fuck you," I said,"Good, that worked."

Then, all of a sudden, Hawks stumbled to him feet and grabbed two of his sword feathers. Dabi seemed to sense this and turned around.

What is Dad doing!? Are they upset at each other or something? Their fights are almost so much worse when they're mad. Maybe that's why they went to work today, if that's the reason I might seriously kill them when they get home?

Then again, them fighting like they actually hate each other is good to keep up appearances.

"Number 2, number 2," said Dabi, quickly moving forwards with fire in his hands. Hawks started attacking, but was soon pinned to the wall again, his wings all but gone.

Oh no, what will Papa do to him?

"Come on number 2, I thought you were smarter than that. I'm not in the mood for a hero fight today, and I know there are more heroes on the way. Why don't you just sit down, and accept defeat?" Asked Dabi.

"What kind of hero would I be then?" Asked Hawks defiantly.

If he did accept defeat right now, people would wonder why, especially the Commission.

"What kind of hero would you be dead?" Asked Dabi.

That doesn't seem like something Papa would normally say… what actually happened?

Hawks went silent.

This is his sign of surrender, and Papa knows that.

"Good number 2, not so high and mighty now huh?" Said Dabi.

He then didn't hesitate, well to an outsider who didn't know him. I saw the look in his eyes as he slammed Hawks head against the wall. Regret.

Did they not have a fight then? I'm just getting more confused.

"I'm just glad Dabi gave him a chance to live," I whispered.

That hopefully won't sound suspicious.

Amaya and Yuki were silent for a second, then "I wonder when the alert will come," said Amaya.

"Umm, you realize there isn't an alert… right?" I asked.

"What!?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, a letter is sent to your house?" I said, still questioning what was going on.

Did they think they'd get an email? Oh shit, the probably did those stupid motherfuckers.

"We get a letter? Not an email or something?" Questioned Yuki.

"Nope, UA is old fashioned, you get a letter, see?" I asked, holding mine up.

"Well shit," said Amaya.

"Do I need to fly to you guys's houses and get them for you?" I asked jokingly.

My first illegal act, besides being born and forging documents and normally conversing with a villain without getting them turned in. Okay, never mind, I forget how illegal me and my family are. I just wish using your quirk in public wasn't outlawed… oh well. There's nothing I can do about it.

"Okay, so, who wants to walk around the city with me and get our letters?" Asked Amaya.

"I kinda have to," said Yuki.

"I'll come with you idiots," I responded,"Didn't they tell you you would get a letter?"

"Probably, me and Yuki just didn't pay attention," Said Amaya.

"Of course," I muttered,"Let's go then, we could've opened our letters when we got here if you guys paid attention."

I didn't even pay that much attention and I knew. These are the people who might convince me to be a hero? I don't know how these two idiots are doing it.

"Who's paying?" I asked.

"My treat," said Amaya with a sigh, pushing around 1000 yen onto the table.

Then we all stood, and I glanced down at the bustling city streets below.

Would I really be willing to attack all those people? But even then, I acknowledged a voice, buried deep in my head. Yes, yes I would. If it means I would get to work with Papa and the LOV.

We casually walked out of the cafe to the ladder, and Amaya didn't waste any time.

She leaped down, the light seeming to once again bend around her, welcoming her home. Her dirty-blonde hair billowed out behind her and almost seemed to glow, along with her hands which glowed for an instant, and a platform appeared beneath her feet, cushioning her.

It almost looks like molten candy.

And a second later, the platform dispersed, little strands of light un-weaving and joining the rest of their friends somewhere else.

Yuki sighed, and almost started down the ladder, when I shoved her off the side. I leaped down after her. I felt the wind rush against my face and vaguely realized that it would be freezing for her, she was in a t-shirt.

Hopefully no one on the street sees us.

I let some of my larger feathers cushion Yuki's fall, and stop her before she landed.

Then, right before I touched the ground, I buffeted my wings, the air filled them and they ballooned outwards. I felt the muscles in my back flex before I landed.

That would've hurt when I was little, I didn't have the strength. I remembered my mindset when I was little as well. Pain shouldn't stop me from doing things, I wouldn't let it stop me.

When we went back through the bookstore, I actually registered the old book-smell, and saw a nice-looking old lady behind the counter. She flashed a grin at me, and I smiled back.

I registered as her face almost, rippled, for a second. I saw how her eyes barely shifted from brown to yellow, how her eyes turned in a bit more, then, she sipped some red drink from a cup on her desk, and she was normal again.

What was that? Meh, I was probably just imagining things. I have enough to deal with watching these two bastards.

Even though, I walked a bit more quickly out the door.

I held on tightly to Amaya and Yuki, making sure to keep us all together as the crowd on the streets threatened to tear us apart. I felt someone stomp on my toe, and I almost hissed in pain.

Then I said, almost in a shout to be heard over everyone else,"We need to get out of this crowd!"

Amaya and Yuki quickly agreed, but there was no end in sight.

Until there was. I saw a spot where there was no crowd at all, freedom. And I quickly pulled us out. I saw what everyone was looking at.

Why is Endeavor here? My eyes narrowed and my lip curled. But I didn't say anything and instead let Amaya lead me to her house.

My poor toe, my healing ability makes it go away in a few seconds though.

Sure enough, my toe had stopped aching by the time we got to Amaya's house.

Amaya said,"Welcome to my humble abode!"

And quickly opened the mailbox, pulling out a letter. Yuki hesitantly led us to her house, and I saw how massive it was. They even had pillars!

Damn, her family is rich.

The sun sparkled off of the quartz walls. I saw a huge pool and a well trimmed yard before we were dragged away by Yuki.

"Damn, you're rich," admired Amaya.

"I guess so," whispered Yuki.

I almost forgot that she could be timid. Eh- I guess it just depends on the situation. Maybe she's like me and doesn't like talking about her parents.

Finding common ground between us is a good way for me to try and establish more trust in them. Then I asked,"So what do we do now?"

"I guess we find a new place to open them," responded Amaya.

"Maybe at my house!" She added.

"That sounds cool!" Said Yuki, past timidness forgotten.

"I guess so, but wouldn't it have been smarter to go by Yuki's house first?" I asked.

Don't be a trap. Don't be a trap. Don't be a trap.

"Yeah, it would've been," responded Amaya.

"Nothing we can do about it now," said Yuki.

"Let's go then," I said, motioning for Amaya to take the lead.

If this is a trap I just fell right into it.

When we got to her house, she didn't even let us glance at anything inside before she dragged us up some stairs to her room. "Okay, let's get this over with," I said, tearing open my letter.

Yes! Not a trap so far at least.

Amaya and Yuki watched as I threw the small circular device down on the table. A hologram appeared floating above it, a hologram All-Might to be precise. He started talking about how I helped others, how I saved someone, basically nonsense as he told me my score was number 1 on the leaderboard.

I didn't think over 100 was that much, I guess Amaya and Yuki didn't either. Yuki would've gotten in with or without my help. That's good I guess. This is all… fine. I don't really care if I get into UA, which I have, I wanted to be a villain. I guess it's a little late for that, besides I have to make my fathers proud.

Father is what I called them when I meant either one. After that, the device shut off, and Yuki said,"Congratulations!"

"Yep!" I responded, forcing my voice to sound cheery.

A second later, Amaya's letter was ripped open, and it was talking about how with good teamwork, she managed to place second on the leaderboard. It was about how she had a strong quirk that was very promising and that she got in.

"I'm getting nervous now," said Yuki.

Amaya was grinning, and the room got a lot brighter.

I guess her quirk reacts based on emotions as well.

Then Yuki went. It was talking about a lot of random things that we didn't see her do, and then, showing respect to the people that helped her, and shit like that.

She had placed fourth on the leaderboard, right behind someone named Ohori Takeo. She was also in.

"Yes!" She shouted.

"Good job guys," I said.

"Ready for UA?" Asked Amaya.

"Ready as we'll ever be," said Yuki.

I guess so. If being a hero is the path for me, I guess this is the best I could've done. But I want to be both… a lot of people would call me crazy. I can't let other people's thoughts affect me.

I guess this is the first step from the small section between both worlds, and to the side of heroes.