
The Daughter of Them? Nah, Couldn’t Be Me.


CrownedLich · Anime & Comics
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Why Wouldn’t They Tell Me? +Movie Night

I was being the very curious bird that I was destined to be.

Hawks has acted really weird- is acting really weird. Where are his bird instincts?

It might just be me having a higher developed mutation quirk, but I didn't think so, I think something happened to him. This is why I have created a plan.

I first noticed this weirdness from Hawks when I realized he would open his mouth to respond to a chirp, but then would snap it closed and go on with his day as if nothing had happened.

Or even worse, dissociate from the world around him. The first time had been scary.

"Hey Da-Hawks!" I said happily bouncing up to him.

"What do you need?" He asked.

"Can you take me flying today? I'm bored," I pouted.

"Of course, give me a moment and I'll be there!" he said.

I happily trilled. Woah, that was new.

Hawks mouth opened and I barely heard the beginnings of an amused warble, when his mouth slammed shut. His face lost all expression. What had happened to dad?

He stared off into space almost as if disconnected from the world around him. "Papa?" I called.

"You know you're supposed to be practicing using our codenames righ-" he cut off the second he saw Hawks.

"Is dad okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just give us a moment," said Dabi.

"Okay if you're sure," I said. Then asked,"Do you want me to get him some ice cream?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice," said Dabi.

He was already crouched down in front of Hawks.

I went into the kitchen and used my feathers to grab a bowl and a spoon, then I pulled out the chocolate ice cream tub from the freezer. I didn't want to wait for it to thaw, so I heated up my hands to let the ice cream thaw from that.

After a second I easily scooped the ice cream out of the tub and into the bowl. I added some sprinkles. "Perfect!" I said and cheerily walked back over to where my parents were.

Hawks looked shaken, and Dabi looked concerned. "I don't know wh-" he stopped talking once he noticed me.

He then smiled.

I frowned. Then said,"if you want to know what happened, I'll tell you."

I didn't give them an opportunity to answer me and continued,"You told me that you would take me flying in a minute, so I made a weird bird-sound I guess? I don't know what it was. You opened your mouth as if to answer and I heard the beginning of a… what's it called? Warble? Yeah, that's it. Then you just closed your mouth, and your face went cold. Are you okay? I brought you some ice cream to make you feel better."

"Oh shit…" started Dabi. He paused and said nothing more.

"Thanks for the ice cream Aooni, I'm fine, that just happens to people sometimes. Nothing to worry about!" Hawks's cheery voice sounded fake.

I didn't like it when they lied to me, but I wouldn't push it for now. I handed him the bowl of ice cream and said,"We don't have to go flying anymore if you need time to recover after that."

"Nah, it's fine," Said Hawks,"Flying helps me relax. Go get changed, we'll go flying in a minute."

"If you say so," I responded.

That wasn't the only time, either. It happened really often when I was younger and I finally decided that I wasn't going to just wait around and watch it happen, I wanted to know why it was happening.

So here I was in my investigation. It was really easy to steal his laptop and find out his passcode.

Maybe later I would check his search history. First thing I had to do was research his past life.

I'm pretty sure since he's the #2 hero he might have some access to the Commissions files. I scrolled through everything I could think of on his computer, his files, his media player, even his emails. Nothing but official hero assignments.

This is stupid, he wouldn't just keep the files on the computer where someone might steal his device and get all of his information. So what else is there?

My mind flashed back to something I had seen before.

Hawks always had one particular thing he never let anyone but Dabi see. He didn't let me get a glance. Or so he thought. I had stalked him for days, until finally he took it out of the safe. It was just a small USB, but hey, it was worth a try. The password to the safe was four numbers.

What does he love more than anything hmm… Toya! Not to discredit myself, but my name was 5 letters long. The thing he loved most that was 4 letters was his husband and childhood friend Toya. Okay Toya in number form.

I pulled out my phone and went to the area where you insert a phone number.

Okay so T is 8. O is 6. Y is 9. A is 2. I quickly punched in the four digit code on the safe.

There was a beep and a light flashed green. I quickly turned the handle and pulled out the USB.

I have to be quick about this. I closed Hawks computer and set it back perfectly to the way it was, making sure nothing had shifted from where it had been when I came in here.

I ran to my room, snatching an empty USB we had laying on the counter for some reason.

When I was in my room I grabbed my MacBook and slotted the USB into the adapter I had. I went back to the door and closed it, making sure it was locked. When I got back to the laptop I opened the file that it had shown me.

Of course, the document was password protected. I typed in 8692, and the file opened. For a hero, Hawks isn't too smart when it comes to passwords or security. I guess he did put the USB in a safe. The file wasn't just about Hawks, it was about every hero, every villain, every vigilante that had existed for the past 50 years.

He doesn't just have access to some files, he has access to all of the files. Why would the Commission trust him with that? A thought came to mind. Did he steal this from the Commission? He wouldn't do that- right?

I quickly downloaded everything to my computer. At first I was scared it would take forever and I wouldn't have enough storage, but I guess the extra storage and speed plan I had bought for myself really paid off.

Heh, the extra storage and speed plan, I remember the day I got it. I also remember the day Dabi taught me what a job was.

"Hawks!" I called.

"Yes Aooni?" asked Hawks.

"Can I get the extra storage and speed plan on my laptop?"

"Only if you pay for it yourself," he responded.

I stared blankly at him. How do you earn money? I couldn't hold back the confused warble.

"She doesn't know how to earn money, Keigo," said Dabi,"You haven't told her and just give her everything she wants, here Oni, I'll teach you."

He brought me to their room and had me sit on the bed, then, for the next 2 hours, he explained to me what a job was and how to get money.

I don't know how he actually kept a 12 year olds attention for two hours without them falling asleep on him, but this was cool! As Dabi finished up on his ways of jobs and money I said,"But I'm 12, what job could I get?"

"You could babysit," said Dabi.

That was how my babysitting career had been born.

I went around for that entire year and babysat at every opportunity.

I collected over 200,000 yen and was very proud of myself. I know babysitting in Japan isn't that common, but if you go around the entire city, you'll be surprised at how much opportunities there are to babysit.

That year was worth it! I wonder if I'll still be able to babysit, even though I go to UA. Maybe, if I quickly get through the work I'll have from actually going to school.

"Agh! I get lost in my thoughts too easily!" I scolded myself. "I gotta get back to work before dad- Hawks, gets home."

After the download was completed I plugged my USB into the computer, saving the file on that. Then I deleted the file and erased any proof of the file existing on my computer.

Shit! It's 4:58, Hawks patrol ends at 5:00!

I slammed my laptop closed and raced back into their room. I frantically keyed in the code and made sure the USB was perfectly sitting in the small area where there was no dust. I closed the safe as I heard the light Thump! of Hawks landing on the roof.

I sprinted back out of his room and flung my feathers out to grab the scoop, spoon, and tub of ice cream. I snatched a bowl and had a few scoops ready when Hawks strode in.

"O-oh hi," I said, sweeping the ice cream stuff off the counter and catching them with my feathers.

"Were you trying to take ice cream secretly again?" asked Hawks.

Good, he fell for it, that was scary. "N-no," I said guiltily.

"Really?" asked Hawks.

"Well you see, when I get a craving for my ice cream I need my ice cream," I told Hawks.

"I won't tell Toya if you make me a bowl," said Hawks enticingly.

"Sure, you good?" I asked.

His hair was in a mess and he had dirt smudged over his face and in his hair. His costume had multiple rips in it.

Definitely not the worst I've seen from him, but what happened? Eh, I'll look up any hero fights after I go through that file I found.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a few small scratches is all," he told me.

His pants were fine, so I walked up and helped him take his jacket off.

This seems to be the only thing in need of repair. His weird glasses and headphones aren't broken. Well, at least I think they aren't.

I had spent a whole summer practicing sewing and fixing small gadgets so I could repair Dabi and Hawks's suits for them. They had gotten used to giving me anything that needed repairing. I liked being helpful.

If I'm not useful, what's the point of me staying here? I know my dads don't like me thinking that way, but I can't help it. No- you can't get lost in your thoughts around Hawks. Snap out of it!

I pretended like I was just looking at the tears in his jacket and then let my feathers prepare two bowls of ice cream. One for me, and one for Hawks.

"Thanks," he told me.

"No problem!" I answered. "Am…" I hesitated then continued," Am I allowed to call you dad again?"

"Only at home," he told me with a small smile.

That might be a wrong choice on his part, but I'm happy with it for now.

"Yay!" I said.

I was always more cheery around my parents than I was in public, just instinct for me at this point.

I know the reason they are such good and overprotective parents is because of something that happened with their parents.They give me more freedom and responsibility than I deserve. Once again, you cannot allow yourself to get lost in thought around Hawks, and you know if you continue down that line of thought you will.

"I'm going to take a shower," said Hawks, bringing me back to reality.

"Toya should be back by the time I'm finished, and we can watch a movie together. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great, thanks dad," I said with a smile.

The second he left and went into his room, I darted into mine. I unconsciously pulled on his jacket when I sat down on my bed.

Movie time sounds fun, but that means I gotta do this quickly.

I saw the USB was still in my computer.

I have to be more careful. If dad came in here he might wonder what it was and find out I have a copy of his file. I scrolled through the file and eventually came to Hawks.

"Hold up… dad is only 5'7?" I said out loud.

I never knew he was that short. I'm only 5'3 myself, but still.

"Wait.. I'm getting distracted. I need to find this out," I said to myself.

I continued scrolling through his info, but the more I read, the more my heart sank in my chest. Not only was he abused from a young age, his dad was a killer.

Why did he never tell me? Did I do something wrong?

His mom had practically sold him to the Commission and he didn't join a school like UA. His training was something more brutal than what we were taught at UA. My heart started beating faster as I got angry.

Why would he ever want me to be a hero after that!? He was constantly monitored and every word he says they took notes about. I take back everything I said about being a hero wouldn't be so bad. They control his entire life! Why would I work for someone who does that? They have a record of every injury he's ever sustained! Why didn't they tell me? Did I do something wrong? No- No! I know they wouldn't do that. Dad had a rough life, and I bet it was hard to even confess that to Dabi. Besides, I'm only 14. They might think it's too much to burden me with right now. Yes- that's it. It's not that they don't trust you. Calm down.

I took a few deep breaths.

Why did that impact me so much? Oh well- it's fine.

"Everything's a-okay. Nothing to worry about," I told myself.

Just as I finished the sentence I heard the front door open and close.

That must be Papa. I opened my door and peeked out, feathers at the ready just in case. As Dabi's masked face came into view I relaxed.

I opened the door fully and said,"Hi Pops!" I said.

"Dad is in the shower, we're going to watch a movie after he's out."

"Sounds fun," remarked Dabi.

"Keigo's in the shower you say?"

"Yep!" I answered.

He was already filling a cup with ice water.

Okay, I'll listen to some loud music. For no reason, I just think it would be nice is all.

"Thanks for the info Oni," he said, shedding his coat and walking into their bedroom.

I went back into my room.

"Okay, let's just find dad's playlist… there it is. Let's hope they never find out I have his playlist, they might get mad at me for that," I said to myself.

They'd get mad at you for having the file too.

A second later I heard a loud shriek.

Well that's from the ice water then. I plugged in my earbuds and was going through all of the information the Commission had on villains when I felt my phone buzz.

I glanced down and saw that Amaya had texted the group chat. I grinned and picked up the phone.

Amaya: Everyone ready for this weekend?

Yuki: You bet!

Aooni: Yeah, definitely!

Yuki: I'm a little nervous though, what if I don't get into UA?

Amaya: There's nothing to worry about, even if you didn't get into UA, we would still love you.

Aooni: But you will, no problem, the only thing I'm worried about is the café we're going to I

don't know if I trust Amaya with my food.

Amaya: Don't worry, I'll just steal all of yours so there isn't anything to complain about.

Yuki: Don't even think about touching my food, especially my coffee

Aooni: You take my fries and I'll fry your face off.

Amaya: No messing with Aooni, I got it.

Yuki: Lmao…

Yuki: HEY! What about me?

Amaya: You're a cute little kitten I can pet.

Aooni: Cats have claws, and I'm pretty sure 9 lives as well.

Yuki: Aooni you're my favorite.

Amaya: I feel insulted.

Aooni: Don't worry, being Yuki's favorite is an insult, so I'm insulted with you.

Yuki: I feel bullied now :(

I felt the door hit the wall as it opened. I closed my computer and pulled my headphones off.

"Movie time!" said Hawks.

"I'll be right there," I responded. I quickly typed on my phone.

Aooni: I gtg, see you on Saturday!

Yuki: See you, I still don't forgive you.

Amaya: Bye!

I put my phone face-down on the bed and walked out to the couch.

"Why are you wearing Keigo's jacket?" asked Dabi.

"Huh? Oh wait-" I realized I was wearing the jacket and shrugged it off, letting two of my feathers float it back.

I don't even remember putting on the jacket. Oh well, my quirk can be very useful sometimes.

"You saw nothing," I said and sat down on the couch beside Hawks.

"Okay, the third Star Wars movie?" asked Hawks.

"Yep!" I answered. Hawks went to pick up the controller, but Dabi snatched it before he could.

"You got banned from controller privileges, remember?" said Dabi.

Hawks got banned from using the controller because last time he did he turned on an air horn at max volume.

I know it was meant as a joke but that really hurt my ears. Sometimes my quirk can be a pain.

"Yeah dad," I said, nudging him.

"But that was funny," he whined.

"My ears were ringing for days after that," I responded flatly.

"But the look on Toya's face was worth it," said Hawks.

"I didn't see the look on his face because I was too busy covering my ears while they were in pain. Also, you gotta follow the rules dad, no getting out of it," I told him.

"But Toya gets out of the rules all the time," complained Hawks.

"He has an excuse, his job is villainy, he breaks the laws everyday," I reasoned.

"You are my favorite child," said Dabi.

"I'm your only child," I responded.

"Fine," Hawks grumped, flopping back onto the couch.

Dabi put it on Star Wars and I snuggled into Hawks side. His wing curled around me and I smiled slightly.

When Anakin Skywalker caught on fire, Hawks said,"Dabi, I didn't know you were in Star Wars!"

I burst out laughing as Dabi said,"What!? Hawks you bitch!"

I laughed harder as they kept fighting, until Hawks wing flared out, and smacked me off the couch.

I let out an oof! As all of the air was expelled from my lungs.

Dabi started laughing, his laugh was apparently infectious, because me and Hawks joined in. We missed a lot of the movie, but that was fine. These were the moments I liked to share with my family.

Afterwards as we were sitting around eating ice cream, Hawks asked me,"So what did you think about the movie?"

"I'm surprised we got a scene of pops. I just wish he could only survive with a helmet and suit on too," I answered.

"That joke isn't going away is it?" Dabi asked, apparently resigned to his fate.

"Nope!" answered Hawks.

"I think Obi-Wan should go die somewhere," I said.

"And why is that?" asked Dabi.

"Instead of killing Anakin and putting him out of his misery, he left him there to burn with no legs. That must've been very painful," I responded.

"I wonder if you could regrow a limb," said Hawks suddenly.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, your neck was broken, and it healed, so I wonder if you can regrow a limb," he said.

"Hopefully she never has to find that out," said Dabi.

"I agree with pops. I would rather NOT get a limb chopped off, thank you very much," I said.

Should I ask them about Dad? No, I already made up my mind on this. All heroes but Hawks suck. My mind whispered, It wasn't the heroes it was the Commission. You would be leaving Yuki and Amaya behind. Was I really going to become a villain and lose my two friends? I never really had any friends because I was homeschooled, and I wasn't out of the house often. I made friends with the kids I babysat, but they were around 6 and didn't count. Maybe I can give it a shot. Heroes don't really talk to each other much if they don't feel like it. That isn't anything like the villains, they're practically a family. Well, not family enough if pops doesn't trust them with the info that I exist. He hasn't even told them he and dad are together. I trust the fact that if we became heroes me, Yuki, and Amaya would stick together. Besides, dad hangs out with the bunny lady a lot, what's her name? M- M something it started with an M… Mirko! That was it! Hawks and Mirko were close, but still, heroes never actually got the family vibe like villains do when they create a group.

"So whatcha thinking about?" asked Hawks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing important," I said, waving it off.

"Uh-huh," said Hawks.

He obviously doesn't believe me. That's fine, he doesn't have to.

"So Papa, how's it going with the L.O.V.?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

They were like a second family who didn't know I existed. I sometimes made up imaginary scenes and scenarios with me talking and hanging out with them. Me and Hawks leaned in to listen as Dabi started talking about how annoying Toga had been today.

"I don't know WHY but she took it upon herself to drench the entire hideout we were staying in with blood. She got blood in my sheets, in my pictures- no not on them- IN them, on my computer; there was blood everywhere. And while everyone was complaining about it she just said,'now everything looks so pretty' I don't get her."

I grinned and said,"Maybe just tell her to clean her shit up. Bribe her with your blood, or a lot of other people's blood. Tell her that if she doesn't do that again you'll give her a reward. Something along the lines of that."

"That might work…" said Dabi, his voice trailing off as he got lost in thought.

Maybe I inherited the getting lost in though gene from him. Dad doesn't get lost in thought often. Then again, he normally doesn't get lost in though either.

"Sooooooo- Aooni, you excited for UA?" Asked Hawks.

"I guess so," I answered.

"What, you nervous about you're first day at an actual school?" He teased.

"I'm not nervous, I just don't get what all the fuss of getting into UA is about, it wasn't that hard or exciting," I responded.

That's true, it wasn't that exciting. The most fun I had there was when I rescued Yuki, and when I was talking to Amaya and Yuki.

"It just wasn't hard because you have such a strong quirk," said Dabi.

"Yeah, besides, school is fun. Drama and shit happens there," Hawks added.

And how would you know? You didn't go to school.

"Meh, paps just has to promise not to attack me so I don't get an excuse to hurt him," I said jokingly.

"How would you hurt me?" Asked Dabi,"I can't feel pain."

"I can still hurt you, even if you don't feel it," I answered,"Besides, you wouldn't be able to scratch me, I'd just fly and your flames don't affect me."

"Actually that is true," said Hawks,"Knowing the Commission, when you become a hero you might be tasked to hunt him."

There was a long silence at the table.

Good thing I don't want to be a hero then.

That was what I wanted to say. But I didn't. I didn't want to let them down.

Don't worry, I'll make you guys proud.

Then Hawks jumped up and said,"Aooni, your shirt is on fire!"

"Fuck!" I growled,"Where is your shirt?"

"I'll get it," said Dabi. He stood and walked into their room.

I went into my bedroom and closed the door, throwing my shirt down and throwing my feathers every which way as my wings got smaller and smaller. The feathers stopped burning and flew onto my bed.

I stomped on the shirt, then threw it in the garbage.

"Hopefully you get a fireproof UA uniform," said Dabi from the doorway. He held out Hawks shirt.

"Thanks!" I said, pulling the shirt on and re summoning my feathers.

"I need a more fire-proof wardrobe," I told Dabi.

"Yeah, I'll get you some fire-proof clothes from the villain hideout, Toga might have some in your size," he told me.

"Thank fuck," I said.

Dabi grinned and we continued eating our ice cream.

"Ah! Brain-freeze!" Exclaimed Hawks.

"I am superior," I said with a wide grin. "My quirk stops me from getting brain-freezes!"

"Lucky," groaned Hawks.

"I can't feel brain-freezes," said Dabi.

"Damn, I guess you're the only one who can get a brain-freeze in this family, I guess me and Aooni are stronger."

"Fuck you!" Growled Hawks.

"When?" Asked Dabi.

Hawks blinked then said,"You ruin everything."

I sighed and plugged my ears.

I didn't want to hear THIS either. Why did I get the dumbest set of parents ever?

I got up and walked to my room.

Time for some more loud music tonight I guess. I always knew how these feuds would end, it was the consequence of living with them my whole life. Oh well, if I got idiots for parents at least they're nice idiots for parents.

I slid on my wire-less headphones and started up a playlist of my own to sleep to.

If I don't get a fireproof uniform I'll be pissed. I really needed one. If I got a non-fireproof uniform, I'd be catching it on fire every five seconds. I am going to tell my friends my problem and have them suffer through it.

Aooni: GUYS!!!

Yuki: What's wrong?!

Amaya: Yeah, what's wrong?

Aooni: I just caught my shirt on fire :((((((

Yuki: HOW??

Aooni: My wings were on fire, and I didn't have a fire-proof shirt on.

Amaya: Damn, I just realized that could happen to you.

Aooni: If I don't get a fire-proof uniform I'll be pissed.

Yuki: Hopefully they account for that.

Amaya: What will happen if they don't..?

Aooni: I'll spend $2000 on a custom made uniform from somewhere else.

Yuki: Sorry guys I gtg, it's my bedtime.

Aooni: It's ONLY 9:30!?? I just had dinner!

Amaya: yeah, what is up with that?

Yuki: My parents assigned me a bedtime, it keeps me from being tired in the morning.

Aooni: Don't worry, we'll beat that out of you one way or another when we get dorms.

Yuki: okay then… 😥 bye.

Amaya: Buh-bye!

Aooni: Amaya, when do you go to sleep?

Amaya: around 1

Aooni: Me too!

Amaya: Wanna collab on some fan-art

Aooni: Sure, any ideas?

Amaya: Ted, and the high school girl from the Lorax.

Aooni: what..?

Amaya: Don't tell me you haven't watched the Lorax!

Aooni: What is the Lorax..?

Amaya: I will remedy this situation when we get dorms, for now we need a new ship idea.

Aooni: Maybe a hero and a villain???

Amaya: Good idea! Have you heard of HotWings?

Aooni: What now?

Amaya: It's Dabi and Hawks!

Oh shit, she ships it. Hopefully if they create ship children they won't look like me… but how did they get that right? Oh well, just people with good taste I guess.

Aooni: XD that sounds like a good one, we should do a scene!

Amaya: Like what?

Aooni: Maybe… like a movie night, ooh, they could be watching the clip of where Anakin and

Obi-Wan are fighting, and Anakin gets caught on fire.

Amaya: What does that have to do with HotWings?

Aooni: Then Hawks could say,"Dabi, I didn't know you were in Star Wars!"

Amaya: That would be funny!

Aooni: Ikr

Amaya: That's the thing we are making, let's do it!

For the next 2 1/2 hours we were just drawing the picture. We finished just as it turned to 1:09.

Amaya: Yay!

So that's what it would've looked like without me… The actual scene with me in it was better, but now I can actually see how cute it was.

Aooni: Just as I pictured it!

Amaya: Imma post this, you good with it?

Aooni: Yeah, just don't forget to add me as a creator too!

Amaya: Np, I think imma sleep for the night.

Aooni: Yeah, me too, Good Night

Amaya: Good night!

Okay… now I am really confused about if I want to be a hero or a villain. I guess I'll be able to decide by the time I graduate from UA. I keep assuming I'll get in, I probably will, but what if I don't? Nah, we won't even think about that.

I paused my music, and when I heard silence, I sighed in relief.

"Okay, we're good now," I said to myself.

"Goodnight world."

I wonder what I'll choose after everything is said and done.