
The Chronicles of Ken

A man who recently died found himself floating in a void when he is visited by an entity that sends him to a world of heroes and villains. The only problem is that he never wanted to go in the first place. Follow along as he traverses this new world and tries to be a decent person through this cruel world.

Panda_core57 · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs



I had to do some stuff before I could go on vacation. Disposing of the Joker's and Harley's body was first on my list.

No resurrection for them that's even if my clone did kill them. If memory serves me correctly, he has more than once had a body-double take his place when he thought, he would die.

I would need to keep my eyes and ears open to see if he escaped.

On the bright side my clone was still in the clear to be in the Shadows so there is that. I also got word from my Sozu clone he found Bronze Tiger.

My Ryu clone said he is almost ready for extraction. He will soon be able to go out on his own. So, there is that.

Enough of this business talk. He had a vacation to attend to.

Day one of vacation he wasn't really sure where to start...so he went for what felt right food. He began to research the different foods and the best places to go to eat them.

The best part about his power is that he could convert food into excess energy. In other words, he could eat all day every day WITH.OUT.PAUSE.

He took full advantage of this.

Place after place country after country dish after dish he didn't stop. He occasionally took a moment to see the sights but that was just barely.

He was currently in Washington DC at a store gathering a concerning amount of ice cream and other sweets. His next stop was a pie shop that claimed to have the best apple pie...he would be the judge of that.

There was nothing better than warm apple pie and cold vanilla ice cream. He stopped mid stride when a massive...quirk??? entered his range. It was similar to a quirk but...different. He couldn't put it into words, but it was just...different. He had been around a few meta-humans, and they copied just like a quirk, felt the same as well.

It was lightning based and very, very strong. It had some control over the weather, but it was mostly lightning based. It was approaching quickly and almost directly at him.

He didn't immediately leave but was getting ready if he needed to book it...and if he took the sweets with him, he really couldn't be blamed.

The thing was right outside the store and Ken positioned himself so he could catch a glimpse without being out in the open.

A tall brunette with piercing blue eyes entered the building and drew the attention of ever male and some females in the store. Nearly every eye in the store roamed over her body...nearly.

Ken was filling his cart with as much junk as he could he needed to leave and needed to do so as soon as possible. There was no doubt in his mind that was Wonder Woman, he wasn't sure what he copied but he could figure it out later right now he needed to get his money's worth before leaving.


Diana had just finished her shift on the watch tower when she decided to stop by a store and pick up some ice cream.

It was something she did daily, and today would be no different. She had entered the store and stopped in her tracks when she felt...something. It reminded her of magic but at the same time different.

It was subtle nearly nonexistent really. The only thing that let her know somethings was there, was the years of experience and her little knowledge of the mystic arts. She was sensitive to such things but never personally used magic.

As she roamed the store, she kept her eyes open for what could be the cause of the feeling. She was drawn towards the back of the store by a ruckus that everyone else seemed to ignore.

She came across the sight of a teen that for a lack of a better word was plain. Short brown hair, brown eyes, stood at about 5ft 8in and if it weren't for the fact that his cart was overflowing with different junk food he would have faded into the background.

She didn't know how long she stood there just watching as he tried to add onto the mound of snacks in his cart. She had apparently watched for too long because he stopped and met eyes with her.

Princess Diana of Themyscira was not blind. She knew that many looked at her with lust villains, heroes, and the everyday people she had seen the lust in their eyes when they looked at her. When she looked into this teens eyes she saw sorrow, pain, and panic.

Almost immediately the teen grabbed his cart and whipped around. Before she could blink the teen was halfway down the aisle. She quickly followed after; she had a feeling this teen was the source of the...magic?

He wasn't fast especially with the cart, but he was surprisingly slippery. He seemed to run if for no other reason than to avoid her. Their little chase lasted for about five minutes until she cornered him, and when she did, he was looking at a package of cookies and acting like nothing happened.

Clearing her throat she had expected some sort or reaction, but she was just ignored. Frowning she cleared her throat again and spoke. "Excuse me. May I have a word."

He ignored her.

Frown deepening, she walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Turning towards her he had a look of surprise as he addressed her. "I'm sorry can I help you?"

The nonchalance he said it with made her want to punch him. "Yes, I am Diana Prince may I know your name?"

Giving an uncomfortable smile the plain teen gave his awkward response. "I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable giving my name to a stranger. If you'll excuse me, I would like to be on my way."

Trying to maneuver his overflowing cart around her still form. He was stopped however when she put a firm hand on the cart preventing it from moving.

"I mean you no harm, but I must insist on a conversation." The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. It was a battle of wills, and she has faced God's before. She wouldn't lose.

Then suddenly he shouted breaking their contest of wills and got the attention of everyone. "PLEASE MAM!!! I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU!!!"

Eyes widening Diana looked around and noticed everyone looking at her. Before she could say anything, the teen pushed past her letting out "PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"

In the blink of an eye, he was gone and before she could pursue him a nearby cop had approached her.


Fuck that was close. In retrospect I should have just left, but my stomach was bigger than my reasoning. I did manage to take the food without paying, so like small victories.

Sitting down on a couch I began to wonder if I should push my luck and go to the pie store. Like within the week I ran into both Deathstroke and Wonder Woman. Before I could make a decision a phone in my pocket rang.

The phone was given to me by my Cane clone. It was apparently untraceable, nearly unhackable, and nearly unbreakable. I of course had my doubts but hey if you can't believe in yourself than who will?

Answering the call I was immediately met with. "HEYA BOSS!!!" Fuck I forgot how loud my Cane clone could be.

"What's so important that you felt the need to call me?" I got the memories of my clones when I slept so we got phones when some things can't wait.

"Weeeelll you might want to come over for this." The way his clone said that made him become nervous. He and his clones all agreed to stay away from each other to prevent any kind of connection to be formed, especially since most are undercover.

"Just get over here it's best if you see it for yourself. I'll send ya a photo of my current location." Before I could respond the call ended. I could teleport if given coordinates, but I find it easier if I have a visual reference.

Sighing I summoned my warp sword and made a portal where the picture showed. It was a desert in the middle of nowhere. The only thing for miles was a RV and his clones, and two people whose abilities he copied.

He had an idea what this was about but wanted to hear it from his clones' mouth. Turning to said clone I saw him wearing...is that a fucking tin foil hat? Pinching the bridge of his nose he motioned for Cane to speak.

Cane: "So like hypothetically if one of your clones found a Cadmus facility and took some stuff from there how mad would you be?"

Ken: "What did you do."

Cane: "Who said I did any-"

Ken: "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO."

Cane: "I may have taken some clones. To be specific Superboy, Galatea, and Roy Harper...but he's not a clone he the original."

Ken stared at Cane then slowly his head turned towards the RV.

Cane: "That's my tactical RV."

Ken's stare increased in intensity.

Cane: "I'm not getting rid of it."

Ken: "J-just bring me to them."

Entering the RV it was surprisingly spacious and very high tech. Despite all the equipment what really got my attention was the black-haired teen sitting on a chair and was scowling as he played a game.

Next to him was another teen with reddish orange hair and a controller in one regular hand and one robotic. They both were wearing foil hats and when I entered, they both stopped what they were doing and turned towards him and began to size him up.

In a pod was an unconscious form of the same teen that looked similar to the first black haired teen.

They held Ken's attention only for a moment. The cradle towards the back not only held his attention but, made him want to kill his Cane clone.

Ronin: "The fucks this?"

Roy: "Who the hell is this?"

Superboy: "*Growl*"

Despite the situation all of the voices quiet. They didn't want to wake the baby.

Cane: "Whoa guys this is a friend and K-"

Ronin: "Ronin, don't use my name in front of them."

Cane: "OK Ronin. I couldn't just leave them there or drop them off at a hospital. They have several trackers inside their bodies so it's not like I can't leave them wherever, and it's not like they are gunna do anything so once they are all healed up, we can get them a place or send them home."

Canes hands were held up in surrender and placed himself in front of the others. He had a pleading look in his eyes as he looked at me.

Ronin: "Fuck. Once those trackers are out

I want them out. I'll arrange something for Superboy and the Galatea."

It wasn't that he didn't want to help but they would without a doubt put a large target on his back. Especially since Cadmus didn't want their existence to be known by the heroes.

Sighing for what felt like the millionth time in the last couple of hours he walked over to the cradle and saw a blonde haired blue eyed little girl. When she saw him, she smiled and reached out a tiny hand.

He picked her up and walked over to Cane. Both Roy and Superboy eyed him suspiciously but made room for him as he made his way through the RV.

He looked at his clone and at the baby. Thoughts swarmed his minds as he tried to figure out what to do. He just wanted to get back.

Looking at Galatea his shoulders slumped, and he looked at Roy and Superboy. Gaze finally making its way back to his clone resignation was all that could be seen on his face.

Ken: "What do you need from me?"


She had just left a meeting of top heroes in Japan and was board as fuck. It was mostly just a whole bunch of old dudes telling them what they need to do and other stuff, she didn't really listen.

Shit the only reason why she goes to the meetings is because of the free food they offer...and the wallets and other items she can steal.

Slouching in the couch in her office she opened her purse and began to look through her loot. Many wallets and phones filled her purse. She didn't really take jewelry anymore unless she liked what she saw of course.

As she was looking through the number four hero's wallet the phone on her desk rang. That phone was to be used only by other hero's and only for emergencies. Nobody used them for that.

Groaning as she rolled off the couch, she made her way over and picked up the phone. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! I KNOW YOU HAVE MY WALLET!!! IM STUCK AT THE AIRPORT YOU-*

Eri: " Excuse you. I don't take too your implications Mr. Number Two. Now I can understand your frustration at something of this nature happening to you, but that doesn't give you the right to accuse me. Do you understand?"

Bakugo: "Yes Er-I mean Mam."

Eri: "Good now remember this next time you feel the urge to call and accuse me. I can put you in the hospital far faster than I can get you out of one."

Hanging up before he could respond Eri went back to looking over her loot. Finding his wallet and taking it out she opened it and snorted. "Only twenty dollars broke bitch."