
The Best Entertainment Era

This is the worst era, the six major companies monopolized Hollywood. This is also the best era, the Internet continues to impact the traditional models. Ronan wants to climb to the pinnacle of this entertainment era and overlook the vast scenery under his feet. This is the story of Ronan, who builds his entertainment empire through many obstacles set in front of him Disclaimer: I am just the translator. The actors and other celebrities mentioned in this novel are all just fictional.This novel and its all rights belong to its author White Thirteen and has nothing to do with me. I am just translating it, as it was written in the original He is also one of the best Hollywood-type novel writers... https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-best-entertainment-era/....this is the link for this novel, if you want you can go And read it here - I just liked this novel very much and wanted others to enjoy it as well, I have tried to translate without any grammar mistakes as much as possible, if you find any mistakes please mention them in the comments. - I have also changed many sentences to make it more understandable

crazy_wizzzard · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Pulling Investments

After the investment conference started,

Ronan stabilized his mentality and was not eager to talk about money.

In the first two days, he introduced the basic situation of Hollywood, the history of Sand Sea Entertainment, the films produced, and the negative images of Arabs in Hollywood movies, etc.

Whether it is the information of Sand Sea Entertainment or the relevant information of the "Human Removal Project",

They have been sent to everyone participating in the conference.

The people of Abu Dhabi don't take money seriously, nor they can be treated as fools.

If you want people to invest, you must first win their trust.

Ronan made a special effort to find out that most of the participants were real businessmen, not some old guys who were just waiting to die.

Compared with those closed Middle East countries,

The UAE's policy is relatively open.

Many people have access to the Western world, and many wealthy people were also doing import and export business in North America.

He also set aside a certain amount of time to allow potential investors to understand the situation of Sand Sea Entertainment in Los Angeles through their channels.

If he tries to desperately pull investment from the beginning, then the result may be counterproductive.

Arabs have a lot of money, but they are not fools.

He wants to swindle money... No, no... He wants investment, the biggest trouble is that everything he prepared can withstand their verification

On this basis, he can draw the pie appropriately.

All the information provided by Ronan was true and credible, except for the budgeted cost of the "Human Removal Project."

In this era, Hollywood movies have a very large budgetary operating space, and many people in the industry can't figure it out, let alone outsiders.

In the first two days, Ronan was also watching carefully.

Among the more than 100 people who came here, many were interested in investing.

Even some royal children from Abu Dhabi have come to the venue to watch.

Even though human beings have an innate fear and rejection of things that they don't understand enough,

Under Ronan's careful calculations, many people intend to invest.

"Hassan, what's going on with your friends in Los Angeles?"

Two Arabs in white robes walked into the venue.

The younger one lowered his voice and asked the guy with a big beard, "Is this project okay?"

The bearded guy glared at him and warned, "Don't talk nonsense, Hussein! This is a project brought by the Investment Bureau."

"It's not that I don't believe in the Investment Bureau." Hussein came to the exhibition area with many posters and said,

"We are incomparable with the Investment Bureau. The money was all hard-earned in business."

Hassan took a copy of the Los Angeles Times from the showcase and gave Hussein,

"This is one of the three major newspapers in the United States."

Hussein looked at the report in the newspaper about the "Human Removal Project" and said, "I've read it all."

He put down the newspaper, picked up a few posters and sketches, handed them to his followers behind, and said, "It's beautifully done, my child may like it."

Hassan also asked his entourage to take a few copies and then said, "My trading partner helped me check.

This company is located in Burbank, Los Angeles. It was established more than ten years ago.

A press release was held at the Hilton Hotel not long ago.

My friend also told that he can still see relevant reports in American newspapers and magazines...

But, there was a problem with Ronan Anderson's capital chain, otherwise, he would not have raised funds."

Hussein lowered his voice: "No problem with the project?"

Hasan stroked his beard, "From the information I got, this company is more reliable than the American export company I worked with."

"Yes." Hussein put down his luggage, took a copy of Sand Sea Entertainment's introduction, and said while looking at it,

"This young man with glasses seems to be honest.

In the previous two days, he introduced the basic situation of Hollywood and the risk of investing in the film industry.

People who cheat money will not say that the film industry is risky, They will promise indiscriminately with many beautiful words."

Hassan pointed to a place in the conference hall: "I'm going to talk to him, are you going?"

Hussein asked: "Have you decided to invest?"

As he walked, Hassan said, "Let's invest a small amount of money first, didn't he say it?

In the future, he wants to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority to prevent Sand Sea Entertainment's movies from being affected by those Jewish forces! "

Hussein followed, "American Jews have been discrediting us for many years!"

He remembered the script profile he had read, and said, "Not all the people in Hollywood are jerks, there are also many good people."

Just as Ronan sent away a person who consulted about investing, he saw two people in white robes and turbans approaching.

"Good morning." Ronan greeted them with an Arabic word he just learned.

Hassan and Hussein both spoke English, greeted him, and introduced themselves.

Ronan adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, with a sincere smile on his face, and said, "Two gentlemen, please sit down."

"I want to ask about investment." Hassan didn't talk nonsense, and said directly,

"What is the minimum investment limit you can accept?"

Ronan took several contract templates and placed them in front of Hassan and Hussein, and said,

"You can look at the contract template, which was reviewed by lawyer Ibrahim of the Royal Abu Dhabi Law Firm.

This contract will also be filed with the Investment Bureau."

That Saleh is a competent leader and he had helped a lot in the past few days.

Hasan and Hussein both turned it over and it seemed that the contract had two styles of English and Arabic.

"Sand Sea Entertainment was repelled by Jewish funds because of the script. We urgently need investments"

Ronan did not mind the difficulty and greatly increased the credibility of his words,

"Sand Sea Entertainment launched three investment quotas this time, they are $100,000, $300,000, and $500,000.

Of course, we can also accept higher investment, but I need to state in advance that no matter how high or low the investment is, you cannot rashly intervene in the production of the "Human Removal Project".

We need professional people to do professional things."

Hussein nodded, "It makes sense."

Hassan also acquiesced that this young man has the honesty that is rarely seen in many people, and he also directly told some unpleasant things first.

Projects hosted by such people are more reliable.

"What about the rate of return?", A hint of shrewdness flashed in Hasan's eyes.

Ronan did not fool around.

The opposite person did not look like an ordinary man but looked more like a shrewd businessman, so he appropriately drew the piece of cake,

"In addition to the principal, there is also a profit share of the movie box office in the same proportion as the investment."

"Not a fixed income?" Hussein interjected.

Ronan explained, "The higher the box office of this film in the future, the higher the share you will receive.

Regardless of the box office income, the original investment principal will be refunded after three years."

Hassan touched his beard without speaking.

Ronan pointed to the model contract, "These are all reflected in the contract.

If there is a dispute, Abu Dhabi will be used as the place where the contract is legal"

Hassan raised his eyebrows. This is full of sincerity. If anything happens, he can directly file a lawsuit in Abu Dhabi.

Before coming to Abu Dhabi, Ronan had been learning about North American society.

As long as he had enough funds, three years would be enough to do a lot of things.

Especially the stock market, I roughly remember that the Nasdaq collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium.

Naturally, the sooner it enters the market, the more profit it will gain.

"The yield is not very high." Hassan suddenly said.

Ronan smiled and said, "The impact of a movie cannot be measured by monetary gain alone.

The investors of this movie, their names, and avatars will all appear in prominent positions in the ending subtitles, and this was also written in the contract.

In future movie releases, investors' names can spread throughout the United States and even wider regions.

I believe this will also benefit your business."

"Really?" Hussein was a little excited,

"Can my children see me in the film?"

Ronan replied, "There is no doubt about this."

Hussein looked at Hassan, who nodded slowly.

"I will invest 300,000 dollars!" Hussain no longer hesitated.

Hassan thought for a while, and said, "I will also invest 300,000 dollars."

He picked up the contract and said, "We need to get a lawyer to review."

"No problem" Ronan specifically asked Saleh to find a barrister of the Royal Law firm.

There will be no problems with the law. This project was originally true.

He smiled and said, "You can take the contract back. Please leave your contact information."

Hassan and Hussein took the corresponding $300,000 contract model and left their contact information and also discussed some details with Ronan before leaving.

Looking at the two people walking away, Ronan let out a sigh of relief.

Hassan and Hussein are very cautious, but the investment was very large.

Those who are interested in investing will understand this in detail.

"Ronan!" Saleh suddenly walked over, with a smile on his face: "Tell you some good news."

"What good news?" Ronan asked.

Saleh came to him and said in a low voice: "One of my cousins, Mansour Zayed wants to talk to you alone."

Mansour Zayed? Why does this name sound familiar?

Ronan asked quickly: "Who is he?"

"The real power figure in the Investment Bureau, currently concurrently serving as the Deputy Director of the President's Office."

Saleh emphasized, "He has the power to decide larger investments!"

Saleh asked Ronan to go quickly.

If this investment can be achieved, it will not only open up Abu Dhabi's investment in the cultural and entertainment industry in the United States,

But will also allow him to get a lot of political achievements.

He doesn't want to be a royal kid who is waiting to die.

Before leaving, Ronan found Mary and Robert, confessed a few words, and then asked: "How is it going?"

"It's going well!" Robert looked at Ronan with admiration.

His voice was low, but he was uncontrollably excited, "I signed three investment intentions here, two orders of 100,000 dollars and an order of 300,000 US dollars."

Mary took the conversation: "My side is almost the same, and the intended investment is close to 500,000 US dollars."

"Okay!" Ronan exhorted,

"Keep calm, this is just intention. It would be nice if half of it can be converted into investment."

He glanced at Saleh who was waiting not far away,

"You continue, I will go to see the boss of the Investment Bureau."