
The Best Entertainment Era

This is the worst era, the six major companies monopolized Hollywood. This is also the best era, the Internet continues to impact the traditional models. Ronan wants to climb to the pinnacle of this entertainment era and overlook the vast scenery under his feet. This is the story of Ronan, who builds his entertainment empire through many obstacles set in front of him Disclaimer: I am just the translator. The actors and other celebrities mentioned in this novel are all just fictional.This novel and its all rights belong to its author White Thirteen and has nothing to do with me. I am just translating it, as it was written in the original He is also one of the best Hollywood-type novel writers... https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-best-entertainment-era/....this is the link for this novel, if you want you can go And read it here - I just liked this novel very much and wanted others to enjoy it as well, I have tried to translate without any grammar mistakes as much as possible, if you find any mistakes please mention them in the comments. - I have also changed many sentences to make it more understandable

crazy_wizzzard · Urban
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Chapter 23: Producer's power

It took five days for Ronan to finalize the negotiations with James Wong,

The two parties formally signed the director hiring agreement.

James Wong is the director of the "Human Removal Project", and the remuneration is 300,000 US dollars, without any subsequent share.

This has been negotiated a long time ago, and it is not time-consuming,

but the real time-consuming things are the other small matters.

For example, during the work period the crew,

The director should provide a special car service;

The director should have an independent office or lounge in the studio, it should be equipped with a corresponding nanny car when going out in the shooting spot;

Under the same conditions, the crew should give priority to hiring behind-the-scenes staff recommended by the director;

Priority should be given to the equipment within the price range of the crew.

For these alone, Ronan argued with Edward for two days and finally marked 17 clauses on the contract.

This is not an exaggeration.

In the Hollywood environment, James Wong and Edward's requirements are not excessive.

For the First-tier and Second-tier directors, such clauses can be as many as 40, 50, or even hundreds.

Some are so demanding that there are even clear regulations on food, drinking water, and even the bed sheets and quilts used in hotels.

Ronan had been a small producer in his previous life,

And he didn't care much about these side details, as long as they didn't overdo it.

What he cared about was the actual power within the crew.

For these, he talked with Edward for three days, and based on appropriate compromises, he held the final decision in his own hands.

For example, James Wong has the right to make suggestions for actors,

but the right to decide is in the hands of the producer;

The director can participate in Post-Production,

But the Post-Editing rights still belong to the producer;

The producer cannot interfere with the director's normal shooting but still has the power to veto some director's decisions.

This is a Producer-Centered Hollywood.

Unless they reach the level of James Cameron and Steven Spielberg, the directors would be restrained by the producer.

At the same time, the two parties also signed another contract.

Sand Sea Entertainment bought out all copyrights of the script of "Final Destination" in the hands of James Wong and Glenn Morgan for $5,000,

including the sequel copyright and peripheral development rights.

James Huang and Glenn Morgan are both members of the Screenwriter's Union.

Now the minimum buy-out price for scripts set by the Screenwriter's Union is between $4,500 and $50,000.

This price range is directly proportional to the investment of the project.

After the Screenwriter's strike in 2008,

the minimum buyout price of the Screenwriters' Union will rise from $30,000 to $90,000.

In the Iron Triangle composed of Screenwriters, Actors, and Directors,

Screenwriters are the most tragic, whether it is before, now, or in the future.

The Screenwriters Union has never been the only one in Hollywood to launch a strike against the Producers Union,

But as soon as the Actors and Directors union strike appeared, the Producers Union quickly negotiated with them to resolve the strike.

In 1988, the Screenwriters Union went on strike and signed a 20-year new agreement with the Producers Union.

Twenty years later, the screenwriters wanted to fight for more, but they were flatly rejected by the Producers Union and had to strike again.

This contract stipulates that James Wong personally directs the project and concurrently serves as a co-producer;

Glenn Morgan, in addition to serving as a screenwriter, will also serve as an executive producer.

No one is a fool.

James Wong and Glenn Morgan agreed to sell off the script at a low price to gain more power so that they can have more say in the production of "Final Destination".

For other projects, Ronan may do everything possible to suppress James Wong's power,

but for the "Final Destination" project, he gave James Wong far more power than the "Human Removal Project".

As long as the final editing rights and the one-vote veto power are firmly grasped,

James Wong can't do much.

Ronan will not relax the supervision on James Wong just because he was a Chinese director,

If he gives him both money and power.

Then what will be the difference between him and a fool?

Business is business.

The contract also stipulates that the minimum budget for "Final Destination" shall not be less than US$6 million,

and preparations will also begin after the release of the "Human Removal Project".

No way, Ronan has no money right now.

According to James Wong's initial plan, a simple film like the "Human Removal Project" would take just three to four months from preparation to filming or even shorter.

Ronan can't move money in the stock market in such a short duration

So, his eyes are fixed on Abu Dhabi again.

As long as the "Human Removal Project" can be released smoothly and the Arab characters in it are positive,

I think the big guys in Abu Dhabi will be more satisfied.

He, an old friend of the UAE people, can go to Abu Dhabi to meet these friends again.

Anyways he is also good friends with them

He would then get together from time to time to talk about feelings and reminisce.

But it would be a bit stupid to raise funds before the release of the "Human Removal Project".

Just like the first time he went there, he should bring something convincing.

After getting the director, Ronan still didn't relax at all.

There are a lot of things at work, and he can't relax in his study.

He bought more than a dozen books for the second time and returned to the USC Film School again to ask his former tutor, Professor Johnson, for some questions about the production.

Professor Johnson is nearly sixty years old.

He has worked in Hollywood for many years and then transferred to the University of Southern California to teach.

There are a lot of behind-the-scenes personnel in Hollywood who were his students.

Ronan not only picked up this network of relationships that was originally dropped by Little Anderson,

but he is also still carefully maintaining it.

Sand Sea Entertainment needs talents.

Fortunately, he was not alone, he also has helpers now.

After Sand Sea Entertainment recruited new people, it was expanded to ten employees,

All of whom have more than three years of experience in the industry, and all of them would be added to the crew.

Of course, everyone's wages and expenses were all included in the cost of the film.

Mary is in charge of financial affairs, and making a good-looking account is her top priority.

Robert Lee settled the location and negotiated a house in a suburban town in the north of the San Fernando Valley.

This house was often used by the San Fernando Valley company to shoot some messy movies.

It was beautifully renovated inside and outside.

Robert Lee has negotiated a lease for the third week of May so that the crew can use it for exterior shots.

George Clint led people to negotiate with Warner Studios about a small studio, which will be leased from mid-April to mid-July.

With the director and venue ready,

The recruitment of other behind-the-scenes staff can be carried out on a large scale.

Ronan appropriately respected James Wong's opinions and employed a wide range of candidates recommended by him with similar salaries.

James Wong has been in Hollywood for more than ten years and has worked in three TV crews for a long time, and has met many relevant practitioners.

Familiar hands are more conducive for shooting.

Since the "Human Removal Project" is ready to be filmed,

Ronan certainly wants a successful and outstanding film

In the studio of Warner Studios, Ronan was talking with James while walking out.

"I have already visited the location, and the conditions are good." James Wong said,

"I am also working on the relevant shooting plan.

I will submit the full version of the plan at the latest this Friday."

Ronan nodded slightly, "Good"

James Wong asked, "Did you read the sub-shot artwork?"

"I have seen it," Ronan said directly,

"Set up as you imagined."

Most of the scene layout of the early stage preparations of the crew was handled by James Wong

Ronan saw it very clearly.

Even though James Wong has never been a film director.

In terms of actual ability on the set, he is much better than him.

What's more, the producer coordinates the overall situation instead of wasting energy on a subdivided work item.

Approaching the entrance of the studio, Ronan asked,

"Have you chosen the photographic equipment?

Once you have chosen it, tell Mary about it and let her talk."

James Wong said, "I will submit the detailed bill to her tomorrow."

The two walked out of the small studio and suddenly heard a rumbling sound from a large studio next door.

The sound was very loud and audible.

"Which crew is next door?", James Wong asked with a frown.

"A TV drama crew called 'Roswell',"

Ronan already learned about it,

"Recently, they are shooting an action sequence.

Don't worry, I specifically asked about it,

They will end the action sequence shooting in early May and switch the shooting location, so there won't be many influences."

He thought for a while, and then said, "After you make your plan, we will start recruiting the main actors."

After a few words with James Wong, Ronan walked to the crew parking lot.

Just before he came to the car, his cell phone rang, and it turned out to be a call from Carmen Kass.