
The Tunnel of Dreams - [Winter Rose]

With a growing determination, Reve snapped his fingers, and two transparent screens collided with the snake.


Suddenly, a bright light attracted his eyes from the top of the snake. 

The moment he looked at it, a sheet of stone began growing on his arms. 

Reve hastily closed his eyes and distanced himself from the snake. The sheet of stone regressed until his arm was back to normal.

He sent a loose force barrier at the snake to keep it preoccupied while he analyzed what just happened to him.

'It is those tiny snakes! Petrification! I should have expected this medusa-looking creature to possess something like that.'

With his eyes closed, Reve evaded another attack from the snake but this time, barely. 

His clothes tore apart from the attack and blood seeped out from the wound that it made.