
The Tunnel of Dreams(2)

A force barrier slammed into the last snake. The tenacious impact broke its bones as white foams stained with blood escaped its mouth. 

Reve walked closer to the dead snake, "Whew! That should be all, shouldn't it?"

He had been fighting for hours and had finally cleared the path filled with snakes. 

All over his body were many snake bites that went deep into him. He could feel his bones spasming from the intensity of the bites. His hand shuddered occasionally as he could barely keep up anymore.

Having killed the last snake, Reve collapsed on the cold ground. The dust rolled into his hair and blemished his clothes, but he could not care for that.

Reve muttered to himself, "I guess I should take a quick rest."

Out of nowhere, he felt something coiling around him.

He jerked away but he still could not escape the grip of this unknown body. It was then he saw the tail of a snake wrapping around him.