
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime und Comics
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179 Chs

100 -=Moryo=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N






The figure of a demonic shadowy dragon roared in anger as two smaller dragons of shadows attacked it

it didn't matter how many times he 'killed' those dragons... they always came back

'This is ridiculous!' He thought in anger as he looked around the cave in search of a way out of this situation, his eyes glue to two people

At the side, and now at Moryo's gaze, there was two people, Rimuru who albeit Moryo knew nothing about, he felt he shouldn't mess with, because of his eery shadow

and the current Miko, Miroku who was staring at the fight in front of her with her jaw hitting the ground

"H-How can this be?" She asked incredulously

some time ago, Rimuru, the man beside her, appeared out of nowhere and said Moryo had escaped but was weak and he could help her contain the creature

she just didn't expect that by contain, he meant not even let the demon move properly

She also didn't know that Rimuru himself freed Moryo, but that's not relevant, is it?

Moryo pushed the dragons back and jumped at Miroku, but before he could even get close to catching her


"Chibaku tensei" Rimuru said by her side, and what happened next almost made her have a heart attack

the cave trembled a bit before collapsing completely, but instead of falling on them, all the debris started going towards Moryo, encasing him in rocks and levitating the rock encasing into the air

if it wasn't for her years of experience in keeping her emotions in check, she would have a much stronger reaction

"Just who are you really?" She asked Rimuru knowing very well that he was way stronger than her

"Me? I am just a hero for a hobby"

"Okay, you are a horrible liar, next"

"Oy, it's not a lie! it's just a reference, uncultured fool!"

Miroku just looked at Rimuru with an expressionless face

'Man... why am I only dealing with this kind of people lately?'

"Anyway, I came to bargain with you" He said

"A bargain involves both parties exchanging something, so what do you want?" She asked, straightforwardly

"Oi, shouldn't you listen to my offer first?"

"What is there to listen? You are probably going to offer to end Moryo, no?"

"If you say so..." Rimuru didn't deny it

"So, what are you after?" She asked again

"What? can't you see the future or something?"

"That's not how it works" She deadpanned

"... okay, so

as I was saying

I'll take care of this edgy dragon for you, and in exchange I want you to be part of my new village" He said, ignoring her previous words

"Absolutely not" She answered caughting him completely off guard

"Ehh? why not?"

"I have my reasons" Miroku decided to not say her reasons

most of them involved Rimuru being suspicious, the convenient timing of Moryo breaking the seal, and her daughter Shion

Suddenly, a ghostly shape of herself appeared in front of her and said


but before she could understand why her ability didn't tell her how someone was going to die, and acted weirdly she saw Rimuru who said

"It's such a shame really...

well, I guess I can just let it go-NOT"



After Miroku left, Rimuru looked at the giant planetoid on the air

"Well, I don't want a future sigh that can only show tragedy, but I guess another army to control is fine... right?"


With a convenient timing, a crack appeared in the surface of the big planetoid



Moryo roared as he freed himself of what he supposed was his opponent's strongest move

but as soon as he stopped roaring, he saw a tiny man standing right before him on the planetoid

"You are the one who did this?" He asked, recognizing him as the man with a weird aura from earlier

"Yeah, what about it?"

"We can make a deal"

"A deal you say? I'll ask what it is then"

"I can give you power, all the power you will ever need, but in exchange, you will work for me" Moryo said, trying to persuade Rimuru

"Let's see if I got it... you want me to ask to be your servant for power?" Rimuru resumed it, but his uncaring tone didn't give his true emotions away to Moryo

"Not really that, but close" Moryo said, frowning that h couldn't sense Rimuru's emotions

he didn't have a special skill to sense emotions, but a millenary demon has his own quirks

"You don't seem to understand one thing here demon" Rimuru said as he uncrossed his arms

"And what is it?" Moryo asked instinctively before frowning

"Gods don't ask, they take [Ammutseba]" Rimuru said as he touched Moryo

Immediately Moryo turned into a dried husk of what he once was, and Rimuru heard the monologue loving Ceres say

<Skill [Ghost army] acquired

skill [Darkness creation] acquired>

'Oh... cool but, isn't darkness the absence of light? how can I create an absence of anything?'

<Are you really going o ask how a magical skill works, having skills that are l, quite literally, impossible?>

'Uh... fair point...

anyway, resume the new skills please'

<Sure, [Ghost army] is your shadow army but way weaker, it can summon countless stone golem things that are immortal as long as you live

but they are generally weak, slow as they get and their only redeeming quality is resistance... but they are immortal so... yeah

and [Darkness creation] allows you to turn chakra into darkness

darkness can make you physically stronger at the cost of damaging your mind

also, weirdly I can't fuse those two skills with any skill, even [Ashborn] that would fuse perfectly with [Darkness creation]...>

'Really? that's weird... but they are generally the same but with a different concept, so they may be incompatible... or the skills are incomplete since I didn't absorb the Miko... and I won't, it's not worth it... yet'