
Sussy Baka in MHA

Dying and then meeting a giant God in the image of an Impostor from Among us in the afterlife was certainly something I didn't expect would happen. Getting reincarnated by it, was something I expected even less. And awakening in a world where heroes and villains run rampant, was certainly the cherry on top on this whole matter. But well, nothing I can do about it. ° (A/N: Check my patreon for extra chapters: patreon.com/TheSynonym)

The_Synonym · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs


There are 8 advanced chapters on Patreon if you are feeling like spending a bit of money to support the creation and read ahead while at it.



"I'm never doing that shit again" Suzaku vowed in a displeased tone after opening his eyes, feeling dizzy and with a light pain in his chest when breathing.

Fortunately, it wasn't anything he couldn't ignore. Though, of course, that didn't change the fact that he would never try to do such a stupid thing again.

"At least not without a gas mask…" Suzaku muttered as he massaged his chin.

Once he finished recalling the events previous to losing consciousness, he sat and began looking at his surroundings. Curious as to where he was.

"An infirmary?" He asked no one in particular. Noticing a faint resemblance to his old school's infirmary room, with the only difference being that this one seemed to be much better equipped in what nursing respected.

"Indeed, you collapsed after the exam ended, so I brought you here to let you rest properly" Someone answered, causing Suzaku to turn his head, and notice that someone seemed to be behind a curtain right next to his bed.


As he moved the curtain aside, he noticed that the person who had answered him was none other than the old woman he had seen along with the orange-haired gir—Err, Itsuka— before collapsing.

He didn't have enough time to notice it at the time he got out of the robot… Since, you know, he fell unconscious a few seconds right after. However, now he realized that the granny in front of him was wearing some kind of nurse-themed hero suit. Making her actual identity rather obvious.

She was UA's nurse.

And as such…

"Am I in UA's infirmary?" He asked, looking around and understanding his situation a bit more once the granny nodded her head.

However, his admiration of the surroundings didn't last very long. After a few seconds of being lost in thought, he recalled that he was supposed to have called his parents the moment the exam ended. Something he kinda missed while being in the lands of dreams.

So, feeling worried that he might have slept for too long, Suzaku asked "How long was I asleep?" to the nurse, as he began looking through his pockets for his phone.

However, to his surprise, upon hearing that question the old woman's expression visibly darkened.

"You have been asleep for 2 days" She said after a deep silence. Causing Suzaku's eyes to widen like platters.


"Hohoho… I'm joking. It has only been like half an hour" She snickered.


Then, as Suzaku was massaging his face after the little scare he had gotten, the old woman grabbed something from a nearby desk and passed it to him.

It was his phone.

"You almost gave me a heart attack there, lady" Suzaku sighed as he grabbed it and checked the hour. Confirming that indeed only some minutes seemed to have passed since the exam ended.

-Cough, cough…!-

However, at the next second, he let out a violent round of coughs. Frowning slightly as he massaged his chest and muttered "I really need a gas mask…"

And, as Suzaku was lamenting his recklessness, he failed to notice the old granny suddenly getting closer to him.

When he finally became aware of her approach, he tried to ask her what she was doing. However, he was quickly shut up by her when she planted a long kiss on his cheek.

"...?" At first, Suzaku frowned with a weirded-out expression after receiving the kiss from the elderly woman.

However, when suddenly the feeling of pain in his chest began to disappear, he realized what had happened and a certain memory began resurfacing on his mind.

'Ah, yeah. Now I remember her!… She was the one who healed the green-haired guy when he broke his arm after the exam… Regeneration Girl, or something like that' He thought, looking at her with a weird expression.

Before he could realize it, he had made contact with yet another character of the show. Though he had to say, his memories of her were rather vague. 

He didn't know if it was because she didn't appear much in the anime, or simply because his memory was shit.

Maybe it was both.

But eh. It wasn't important.

"Thank you, lady" Cutting his train of thought before he got lost in it, Suzaku bowed faintly in gratitude as he sat on the border of his bed. 

Now, he wouldn't need to worry about coughing like a smoke addict for the next few days.

"Don't mind it, lad. It is simply my job" The nurse said as she patted amiably Suzaku's shoulder.

Once she said that Suzaku nodded before he began to stand up. Not wanting to leave his parents waiting any longer.

"Then, I'll be leaving… I've got to make a ca—"

"Just one last thing"

However, just as Suzaku was about to begin walking towards the exit, he was stopped by the nurse.

"Before you leave, tell me… The 0-pointer… Was it you who took it down?"

"Eh? Ah, yeah" Suzaku nodded. Not thinking much of the question. 

Seeing him nod so nonchalantly, the nurse mused a little bit, lost in her thoughts, before smiling at him.

"Hmm… I see. Well, that was all. You're free to go"

"...?" Confused by her reaction, Suzaku raised an eyebrow.

However, not wanting to bother asking what she was thinking, Suzaku gave her a little nod as a farewell, before opening the door and leaving the infirmary.

"Examinees this year are very interesting…" As he left, a small voice sounded from behind him. Nevertheless, Suzaku ignored it.

After that, it took him a while before he was able to find the school's exit. Fortunately, there were still some teachers around on standby to whom he was able to ask for directions.


And, once he was finally out, he took his phone out and began making a call. 

{Beep… Beep… Beep}

The ring went on for quite a few seconds until someone finally answered.

{"How did it go, son?! Are you a hero already?!!"}

"No idea Dad. Anyway, the exam is finished, can you come pick me up?"

{"Hello sweetie! Did you pass the exam?"}

"No idea Mom… Did Dad hear what I asked him? I'm already finished here. Come pick me up"

{"Don't worry son, I know you must have passed. No need to feel nervous!"}





|A few hours later, inside a room in UA|

"The cumulative results for the practical exam are out!" A person in a suit announced, pointing at the enormous screen behind him that listed and rated all the students who had applied for the hero course and taken the exam today.

At the announcement, several gasps and interested hums ran through the room, making the until-then-silent space into a bustling one for a few moments.

The people present in the room were all the UA teachers, who, despite having already observed the examinees and their performances during the day, were curious to see how the rankings had turned out now that the practical exam was finally over.

Two teachers, in particular, stood out from the rest. As they were seated at the front, and were separated from the rest of the teachers.

One of them, you already knew him. The Blood hero, Vlad King. A hero of imposing build and very recognizable silver hair.

The other one, on the other hand, was a man with long black hair, a thin unshaven beard, and reddened eyes that certainly looked like they could use some humidity.

It was none other than Eraser Head, otherwise known by his coworkers as Aizawa Shota. 

As for why the two of them were sitting at the front, away from the rest of the teachers—

"You two are probably excited to know who will be your students this year, right?" A voice sounded from behind the two. Prompting both to turn around on their seats and look at the newly arrived person… Or animal.

"Indeed principal. The examinees this year are all amazing. I can't wait to become their homeroom teacher!" Vlad Kind answered enthusiastically, looking at the… mouse-bear-dog.

To which Nezu, the principal of UA, nodded. Pleased with his response.

"What about you, Aizawa-kun?" He turned to the tired-looking teacher, who just rolled his eyes once it was his turn to answer.

"I don't care who ends up being my student. If they are not up to the task, they are getting out of my class"

"How harsh" The principal laughed before he took out a small control from his pocket and pressed a button. Changing the image on the screen, and causing all the teachers in the room to pay attention.

"Well, let's see if they fit your criteria" He said as he looked at Aizawa with amusement.

As the image changed, the person in a suit who had given the announcement earlier stepped up.

"The Practical Exam's first place of this year, with 59 villain points, and 42 rescue points, scoring a total of 101 points … Suzaku Suzuki!"

""Oh!"" Several gasps echoed across the room as the image of the red-haired youth appeared on the screen jumping through buildings, approaching slowly the 0-pointer.

Upon seeing the image, Vlad King smirked as he nodded in approval.

"That kid surprised me… To think he would be able to take down the 0-pointer…"

Aizawa, on the other hand, squinted his eyes at the image. Watching carefully the movements of the youth on the screen.

"What is his Quirk?" After a minute, he asked in a serious voice. Causing Vlad King's expression to stiffen for a moment.

"His Quirk? Let me see…" Principal Nezu muttered as he grabbed a tablet from a nearby table and began looking for his information. "Here it is!… His Quirk is called Glasses. It seems to allow him to control the shape and color of the glasses on his head to a certain extent… How intriguing"



Upon hearing Nezu's explanation, several teachers let out surprised and confused gaps. Aizawa, on the other hand, frowned. As if he didn't like what he was listening to.

Vlad King was observing Aizawa's countenance from his side with a wry expression. As if he had expected him to react like that.

And, as Aizawa continued observing the red-haired youth on the screen, Nezu approached him and patted him on the shoulder.

"By the way, Aizawa-kun. He will be in your class"

"Nooo…" Hearing that, Vlad King screamed in an almost imperceptible voice with a regretful expression.

However, to his surprise, the answer of his fellow teacher hadn't been what he expected.

"I refuse." Aizawa said, looking firm on his decision despite facing the very principal of UA. Something that caused many teachers around to look wide-eyed at him.

"May I know why that is?" Nezu asked with no change in his expression.

"I admit he did well in the exam... However, if that's all his Quirk can do, then he has no potential for being a hero. Muscles can only take you so far… I refuse to train a student like that"

"Aizawa you…!" Vlad King stood up from his seat and yelled angrily at his coworker.

However, he was quickly stopped by Nezu, who simply smiled.

"I see… But still, he is already in your class. If you don't want to teach him. You can expel him during the first test… Like you did with the first years of last year"

"Nothing I can do then…" Aizawa clicked his tongue.

"Wait please!" However, as the matter was about to die down, Vlad King raised his voice, startling both of them.

"If Aizawa doesn't want to take him in, I will!" He offered himself.

"But Vlad-King, your 18 students have already been decided" Nezu pointed out. Making Vlad King take a step back in surprise after remembering that the principal was right.

Nevertheless, he didn't let that discourage him.

"I don't mind teaching one more student" He said, putting his hand on his chest as he looked with unwavering eyes at the Principal.

Seeing Vlad King's resolution, Nezu massaged his chin in deep thought for a moment, before he let out a small sigh and said "Very well, I approve of it. However, as the teacher who was supposed to teach him originally, do you have any objection, Aizawa-kun?"


The long-haired hero was about to say something. However, upon seeing the puppy eyes that Vlad-King was shooting him, he simply ended up shaking his head with a displeased expression.

"It's settled then. Suzaku Suzuki will be transferred to class 1-B" Nezu declared.

"Alright!!!!" Once the matter was decided, Vlad King pumped up his fist in victory as he yelled enthusiastically to the skies.

"Alright, alright. I get that you are happy, Vlad King. But we must continue checking the rest of the students" Nezu reminded him. Causing the blood hero to bow as he scratched embarrassedly the back of his head.

"Oh, sorry"

After that, more teenagers continued appearing on the screen. From ones capable of producing explosions from their hands to others, others who could make whatever they touched defy gravity, to others who could punch out of existence the 0-pointer in one go… Albeit, with the side-effect of breaking all their limbs after the punch.

The observation and check of who would become the new students of UA this year continued for quite a while. With many diverse Quirks that stood out one more than the other.

In the end, the final list of students in each class was decided.

Now, all that was left was to wait for the classes to start.




|A week later, Suzaku's new home|

"Damn, I forgot how annoying becoming independent was…" Suzaku, who was frying some eggs in a pan, said as he clicked his tongue.

Then, as Suzaku was busy making sure the eggs wouldn't get burnt while doing his best to not crush the wooden spoon on his hand out of frustration after his glasses fogged up for the 30th time, he heard something squeezing under the door of the apartment.



In curiosity, Suzaku turned down the flame and went to check what had caused such a sound.

Then, as he glanced at the door, he noticed a small paper right below the door.

"A letter?" He asked under his breath, before eventually kneeling and picking it up to realize it had come from UA. Thus, understanding immediately that it was the results of the exam he had been awaiting so eagerly.

Not saying anything, Suzaku opened the letter and took out a strange disk that, after placing it on a nearby table, began projecting a small video of All Might telling him his results.

At first, he was a bit confused by his sudden appearance. Not understanding the reason for his presence in what was supposed to be his results on the exams.

However, he quickly remembered that the guy in the show had become a teacher as well. Thus accepting the fact pretty quickly and moving on.

The video lasted for a few minutes after that. 

Apparently, he had managed to do fairly well on the written exam, even though he had already forgotten everything he studied by now.

On the other hand, in the practical exam…

"First place, huh…?" Suzaku muttered, slightly dazed after realizing he had gone a bit overboard on the test.

He had been worried that his points might have not been enough to ensure his enrollment. However, it turned out he had beaten the second place by a difference of 30 damn points!

He had points to spare.

"... So there were points for saving others, no wonder I got so many" He muttered as All Might explained the secret feature of the exam that they had not been told of.

It was obvious by now that his assumption of the 0-pointer being there to test the guts of the examinees had been wrong… somewhat.

Rescuing others at the exam still had required a lot of guts, after all.

Nevertheless, Suzaku didn't care much about his mistake.

"Mission failed successfully, I say" He muttered as he smirked.

Then, as the video ended by telling him everything he needed to know, like what his class would be, or what procedures he had to complete before the classes began in a few more weeks, Suzaku smelt that something was burning.

"Oh shit my lunch!"

Needless to say, by the time Suzaku got to the pan, all that remained of the eggs was some unrecognizable dark matter. Leaving him without lunch for the rest of the day.

"Curse you UA!"

-To be continued…-

(A/N: My internet connection is shit at the moment, and I my notebook's keyboard has some keys malfunctioning, I'm living in suffering

 Give me some powerstones to heal the pain ;))))

Also --->