
Starcraft 2 Beginner in new galaxy!!

John unfortunately dies, but reincarnates in another universe, another earth and starts his Terran empire.. With little help.. Starcraft 2 doesn't belong to me or any possible work of other games, fictions that i might use in future.. Cover is not mine either... Expect Violence, and much more of it, along with curses.. Fanfic is being cross-posted on webnovel...by DanROJE And Wattpad by danijel916

MegaDanijel · Videospiele
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

2 Days later after invasion of Klendathu.

In Klendathu base on the planet...

Command center, control room..

In the control room is John in Marine suit with few difference in his suit..

1. Suit has cape, and helmet part of the suit is still like before but with a crown on it...

John's POV

"How is the construction of walls doing?" I asked Vice Marshal Warfield who just came into the room..

"Good Your Majesty but without Thor's or Odin's we wouldn't be able to build them for sure." Answered Warfield before saluting..

"Send transmission to Research Force, we will let them to control this system .Status on bugs?"

"Your Majesty these bugs are produced in tens of thousands every hour. Laborers and SCV's wouldn't be able to build walls without help of orbital bombardment, and of the Thor's and Odin's..

'Hmm, well i can't blame them, i was in the front lines when invasion happened.' I thoughy before getting flashbacks..


Beggining of Klendathu invasion..

No one's POV

All ships in Arachnid System are stationed around Klendathu ready to begin orbital bombardment...

On main Gorgon-Class Battlecruiser//

"Begin orbital bombardment with normal missiles, after it's done launch dropships on the main location but in first few dropships drop only Goliaths and send Banshees and Vikings as air support..." Ordered John still in his new CMC suit...

"Understand sir!!" Saluted Admiral John Rico, he's Admiral in the service of Royal Guards, ..(He looks like John Rico from Traitor of Mars Starship Troopers movie)

"All ships from Royal Guard open fire on Klendathu!" Ordered Admiral John Rico..At his command over hundred ships began orbital bombardment on the Klendathu and began using Tactical Jump. And mainly orbital bombardment is used for Plasma Bugs..

1 whole hour of bombardment later..

First Dropships landed on the new hostile world to all life as we know...

At first dozens of them landed full of Goliath who opened fire at even single Warrior Bug that even dares to approach.

Second dozens of dropships landed with Marines, Reapers and Spectres..

Third dozens landed with Siege tanks and Artys..

Artys are huge cannons meant for true artillery fire..

Next round of them landed with more SCV's ,Laborers, Assault Troopers and Rocket Troopers..

2 hours after

The whole army Terran army on Klendathu numbered in tens of thousands Marines, Assault Trooper, Heavy Gunners , Combat Infantryman all combined reaching to little over 100,000x Next are thousands of Reapers, Ghosts and Spectres..Dozens of Odins's and Thor's.. Hundreds of air support units, hundreds of Vikings. And thousands of Mobile support such as Siege Tanks, Artys, Vulture's and Hellions...

The whole base where Terrans landed is constantly being attacked by Arachnids Warrior Bugs. While they aren't that much of a treath but their numbers are.. The only solution to diminish dozens of millions attacking is more orbital commandment...

While Zerg may look weaker,but they are superior to Arachnids in many ways one of them is ability to adapt to anything.. And they even had Overmind to order them, while bugs aren't able to think of any different tactic other than attacking Terrans with mass numbers.. This is not even a war but just extermination..

Before offensive Emperor John's ship landed, he joined to frontlines with his Royal Guards...

John's POV time of the offensive action to take over the planet..

"Sir . it's time." Reminded Warfield..

"Begin operation Taming!"I ordered before taking my own C-14 rifle in hand..

"Order positioned Ghost to launch low-level nukes on potential hive location/!" I shouted already running to front lines before opening fire which was sign for beginning of operation..

At first it was horrible sight to see. Hundreds if not thousands of Warrior Bugs corpses are pilled up every second either because of constant firepower of Marines or artillery power of Siege Tanks and Artys, and not even including air support which sprung to life few minutes later.. Vikings would open fire on Hopper Bugs before landing directly into hordes of Bugs in assault mode an opening fire on them with their Miniguns this tactic worked on first day of invasion..

Arachnids would divert their attention from front lines to Vikings who by that time would kill dozens before transforming and began providing air support only few of them were swarmed on the first day and first day already numbered in hundreds of millions Bugs..

Such high numbers were possible because of orbital bombardment and Marines. One round from C-14 rifle not only pierced throught Warrior Bugs armor it continued before eliminated or injuring few more...

Banshees were nightmares to Arachnids they would show up from their flanks before opening fire and retreating..

And Ghost...

Well they do like to nuke hives atleast..

Tank bugs, they would attack in hundreds but they were not match for Artys or firepower of Siege Tanks.. They would just make their tunnels at the back of the Terran forces to cripple them from behind but with Rico's suggestion such tunnels were dealt with easy at the end of the day..

And Research Force began using different types of weapons on new " test subjects " "

And so , this war was over but it costed Terrans lives and injured if not permanently injured some of the Terran forces..

But lets check how first day of the invasion looks from John's POV

John's POV, front lines

*BOOM!!!* Constant fire of Siege Tanks and Artyes..

*RTTT!!* Sound of constant fire from Marines

"Do not fall back we must push!!" I ordered stepping on the dead body of Tiger Bug, before firing directly into weak spots of few of them more...

*Arhh!!!* Screams of Troopers who were either jumpscared or injured but they were either healed or tranported to the ships in orbit..

"Grenades!!" Screamed John before throwing grenade which was followed by hundreds more... battle continued without rest for several hours. After advances of offensive teams were changed. in the orbit are 20,000x more marines which would be assigned to continue advances with all units except of other infantries so they could rest..

in conclusion throught day over 100,000x Soldiers and thousands of other units would fight throught night and the other 20,000x would fight through day making it more easier to advance...

But do remember, Dominion Force have over hundreds millions of units and this is nothing to hundreds of millions. Sadly all ships in Terran Imperium would be able to only sustain and transport few millions of units in them all..

Words count 1034