John unfortunately dies, but reincarnates in another universe, another earth and starts his Terran empire.. With little help.. Starcraft 2 doesn't belong to me or any possible work of other games, fictions that i might use in future.. Cover is not mine either... Expect Violence, and much more of it, along with curses.. Fanfic is being cross-posted on DanROJE And Wattpad by danijel916
Ok. i need to warn you what you would find in this fic so you wouldn't in conclusion waste your time on it...
some spoilers
This fanfiction is going to be fast pace...
It has now and probably will only have 14 chapters ever... (not including this one)
I have changed cost to few units from the game, such as Dominion Trooper to be 20x minerals...
At 10th chapter it would be an great expansion and war with Arachnids from Starship Troopers.. it won't be that much of a war when I am just making Terrans more powerful and the Arachnids i'm talking about are movie's version so in conclusions are much weaker from novel (in my personal opinion, now of course i didn't read novel but i liked movie and thought why not include them in this fic)
And all chapters are already in drafts,,
And if you spot grammatical errors then just correct them in comments and I will in chapters...
My idea was for main character to form new Terran nation and meet galactic community in later chapters but i just lost motivation to continue this story..
Currently i'm thinking of making a new one, similar but at the same time different from this one...
This time i'm thinking of making a three main characters reincarnated in Earth populated by Arachnids, Xenomorphs and what not aliens..
But all of them are going to be friends and have summoning system main one of them is going to have Starship Troopers one but system will be more mission oriented and he in future will be able to summon all things humans and human made from Starship Troopers universe..
While other two are going to have Warhammer 40k systems. One will be able to summon Space Marines and Custodes while other all types of guardsman and sisters of battle..
Now for this fanfic i will have to research more about Warhammer 40k universe, particularly i want to research how strong Custodes truly are as I am aware of their position...
And please do not waste your power stones on this prototype.
Maybe someone will create another Starcraft 2 fanfic