
Chapter 11

TI 2501 1st January

New year begins and with it further prosperity for Terran Imperium and it's people..

Terrans populations reached 18 billions..

Around 40 moons in Sol system are colonized for research facilities and medical facilities.. 30 Jupiter moons and 14 Neptune moons...

The forces of both Dominion Force and Colonial forces spans over hundreds of millions and thousands of various ships..

Military expansion was stopped temporally out of need for more faster and massive expansion of territories.. over 5 new solar systems were induced into Terran Imperium and had already built space stations to classify them as such..

TI 2501 3rd Mart

Research of new ships began..

Athena-Class ship, currently designated as future corvette, over 200 meters long.. Armed with less tenacity and weapons than Battlecruisers but more focused on continuous firing than quality..With cloacking technology..

Artemis-Class ship, currently designated as future frigate over 250 meters long, same arsenal like Athena-Class Corvette but also armed with nuclear warheads, low version

Research on new type of Artillery to not be too dependant on siege tanks..

Supply bunkers drops from orbit are integrated into Gorgon-Class and Behemoth-Class Battlecruisers....

Elite Marines are introduced, they are best of the best Marines, have better armor, weaponry and better training, they are units taken from Marines and made elites out of them. Currently established as special forces..

TI 2501 1st May

Mass exploration began on , hundreds of ships are launched across many systems . Main objective was to find more habitable planets..

Terrans population reached 20 billions.

First-Contact situation was made. With an alien species , but it was not peaceful one.

Aliens are named Arachnids. They come in various species. They are mostly parasitic and devouring species. Ruled by an a Queen and come into many types..

When Colonial Force exploration fleet found them it was on a single moon 20 systems away from nearest colony.

With this action it came to a stop before next exploration of further systems.

The system that Arachnids are found is their home system. It has one star, 6 planets of which all are habitable with dozens of moons and hundreds of asteroids...It was named Arachnid System..

Two weeks later new race was being spectated and have been marked as aggressive race that destroys every alive organism .Even it was able to redirect asteroids to crash into ships but thankfully missed... After debate of both Military council and Citizen council it was time to declare war...

Human-Arachnid war was declared. On 17st May

It wasn't that much of a war all together. It was series of orbital bombardment and deployment of units. Such as Goliaths and Marines..

Emperor John is leading fleet into Arachnid System himself. ( In need of real battle experience in leading fleet.) With assistance of Vice Marshal Warfield

With first day of the war it became testing ground for new weapons and orbital bombardment on Asteroids..

In the Arachnid System a fleet of 100x Leviathan-Class , 20x Behemoth-Class , 20x Gorgon-Class Battlecruisers along with 40x Athena-Class corvettes were deployed..

At first two days of the war All asteroids were successfully destroyed. But it isn't without causalities' where only 3x Athena-Class Corvettes and 2x Leviathan-Class Battlecruisers were lost because of mass Artillery of Plasma Bugs.

Two days later, it was time for troop deployment on moons where Arachnids activity was detected.. Firepower of Marines was proved to be too much even for Tiger Bugs.

Giant bullets from marines easily pass through even Tiger Bugs armor, siege tanks would work as mobile support along with Artillery successfully taking down dozens Tanker Bugs. With the assistance of Goliaths and Vikings for clearing mass hordes of Warrior Bugs . Ghosts infiltrating into hives and successful nuking them from orbit..Along with dropping dozens of supply bunkers with Assault Troopers directly into hordes of bugs followed by Banshees and other air-units....

In two weeks all moons are cleared up from any Bugs..

Many sub species of Arachnids are discovered in the following war.. Many weapons are tried from prototypes of missiles, plasma weapons even to chemical weapons..

Now it's left 6 planets full of bugs, numbering to billions..

After inevitable debate and Emperor suggestion it was decided that Arachnids aren't going to exterminated but will be devolved after successfully taking 5 planets and leaving their home world where they would need to diminish their populations...

It was time to launch Thor's and Odin's.. On the planets for the first time..

All 5 planets are the same time attacked only leaving their home world un-attacked for now.

Battles for planets lasted 3 weeks because of the sheer number of bugs ,after all billions of them coming straight at you is hardly an easy task to defeat. Adding their reproduction ,it was even faster than Zergs.. Even nuclear bombardment from Gorgon-Class and Behemoth-Class ships were needed ...

It was time for their home world to fall, Klendathu..

All ground forces from fleet stationed in Arachnid System are deployed on Klendathu.

After only one week the whole population of Klendathu was reduced to pitiful millions and are caged in one big sector of planet.

Multiple bases on Klendathu are made in order to keep whole Arachnid race in check..

...The losses in war

15+ billions of Arachnids....

200+ Assault Troopers.

1000+ Marines

10+ Ghost

5x Leviathan-Class Battlecruisers

12x Athena-Class Corvettes

And thousands members of crews..

Thousands marines wounded...

Chapter word count 872

Next chapter will actually show war in first person from John's perspective...

Next chapter