
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Filme
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26 Chs


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March 23, 2 BBY

Sienar Fleet Systems

"A good day for the empire… Mr Sienar , and a bad one for it's enemies",

"Indeed Fleet Admiral Shale ,"Raith Sienar replied.

" I have to admit Fleet Admiral. When Thrawn informed me he had acquired … investors for the Tie Defender Initiative . I didn't think in a long shot it would be the sons of Grand Moff Tarkin".

"Indeed", Shale acknowledged

"An endeavor they've made sure to see through till the end. The Tie defender shall bring about a new era in space combat. Plus Moff Tarkin values the life of every soldier and personnel serving under him , materials can be replaced easily; but a pilot's and a soldier's lives cannot. Too bad High Command doesn't want to acknowledge this fatal flaw within the Navy ,"shale stated, as he and the head of Sienar fleet systems slowly strolled down the Tie Line.

"Your words hold weight Fleet Admiral , Grand Admiral Thrawn himself also voiced his displeasure for our standard tie fighters. I myself take no pleasure in their flawed design . They were equipped with the best repulsor technology of this time yes , and it's maneuverability outmatches any another other fighter the enemies of the empire could field ; but the tie fighter was not meant to fight against heavily equipped Star fighters, it was more of a policing craft. And I had made that very clear to Imperial Centre and the Navy just as soon as the first prototype was ever built . If blame was to be placed it would be on your Naval Command , for I only designed and made what was asked of me",

"I place no blame on you Mr Sienar. You are one of the best, if not the best star fighter engineers in the galaxy . You redesigned and customized Shadow Command's and the Tenth Fleet's entire Tie fighter line. And for that we are extremely grateful. Although they lack a hyperdrive the Tie shadows have shown themselves to be the back bone of our Star fighter core including the Shadow Interceptors ( Tie Interceptors), and Now that the Tie defender Project is complete. We will truly dominate the air, and space, and hopefully in the future, … our other experimental crafts will show their worth."

Tie Shadow


2 SJFS L-s9.6 laser cannons[1]

SJFS Lb-14 dual heavy laser turret[1]

KDY missile launcher:[1]ST7 concussion missiles[1]

Mag-pulse warheads[1]


"That I do not doubt… Fleet Admiral, now if you may follow me so we may finalize the documents for the required payments", Raith Gestured , as he showed him the way.


Planet Triton, Seswenna Sector

Secret Imperial Stronghold Research Facility ( High Guard)

"Lord Vader. It is a great honor…

"I didn't travel here to listen to your Flattery, General Drost", the dark lord stated coldly.

"Of Course Lord Vader!," the officer replied quickly.

Vader was in no mood for petty profanities today. His master had been watching his every step , his spies lurking in the shadows like the rats they were. Observing and watching for any signs of dissent or betrayal to report to his cursed overlord.

The bond they had shared a long time ago was no longer present .

He had trained an apprentice to help destroy his master as the way of the Sith dictated ; but his plan had failed.

All that time spent training star killer, the knowledge and training he imparted on the boy , all went down the drain . His apprentice had betrayed him and conspired with the rebellion, which eventually brought about his downfall.

He was so close yet so far. If only star killer wasn't fooled by that jedi then they could've ruled the galaxy together. But alas, his plan failed, his apprentice dead and his master had become even more paranoid and weary of him. It didn't matter in the end though , his master was doomed to fall , and by his own hands . The force had shown him and deemed it so . And he was hell bent on making the vision come to reality.


"Here we are Lord Vader. Moff Tarkin has procured many artifacts and foreign technologies from pirates and smugglers over the past few years," the General said as he showed Vader around the massive room of artifacts, foreign devices, weapons and armors, most if not all were encased in a transparisteel boxes , like any art piece you would find in the musem.

"No doubt", Vader replied , while gazing at an artifact , He could feel the light side energy rolling off of it's surface . 'It must been a Jedi artifact from the old republic 1500 years ago, for he hadn't seen anything like this back on Coruscant ', he thought.

"This is it Lord Vader," the officer interrupted his stupor as he showed the dark lord a Holocron within a transparisteel display .

"Moff Tarkin , had stated in his reports that this particular Holocron might to date back 2000 years . Admiral Thrax found it a year ago when he disabled and boarded a pirate ship in the Nyx Sector ", the officer , reported the small history of the artifact within their possession .

"I see," he said calmly yet disturbingly.

But beneath that calm was a raging storm, a raging storm of dark emotions ready to erupt and burst forth.

His foreboding breathing combined with his silence was making the General Nervous.

'Was this, punishment for his recent actions of planned betrayal? His master sent him all this way across the galaxy for a puny insignificant holocron!'

'The great Lord Vader sent on minor errands, like a slave! ', he thought in rage.

"Lo-rrd Vad-er," Drost Gurgled out as he clawed at his throat, the feeling of dread shrouded the entire room .

Lord Vader was angry

Cough!Cough! Cough!

Drost coughed out as he collapsed to the floor , the somewhat invisible grip released from his throat.

Vader proceeded to take the holocron and walk pass the man without uttering a word.

Sorry for the short chapter.


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