
Star Wars: Senator

A man in transmigrated into the Senator Thalron Veridian. While simultaneously being the King of Thyferra. Watch as he fights for his homeplanet and form factions in the Senate, while at the same time preparing for the Clone Wars.

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79 Chs

My Discord

So, yeah. This book is reaching a dead end, but believe it or not it is not because I'm getting bored. Or sure that's a factor.

But mainly I lack fun arcs to write and additionally my time as been focused on other areas.

So, I've made a discord community. Here you can DM me with suggestions for arcs or generally suggestions.

Additionally, the community sometimes does project, which is interesting roleplay-sort of genres. Where one makes factions and fight it out. I currently control a Game of thrones ones, but it's quite stressful. So if ya'll could just come down and attend stuff, I'd be great. But that's not all!

People who join our projects and attend events, which is like 2x30 mins every week, get to view every single chapter ahead, of any of my stories. Which is currently at 12.

Here's the link:

I'm ponds btw
