
Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.

ArifuretaForever · Anime und Comics
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148 Chs

Chapter 114: Schism Aftershocks

[Jedi Temple, Galactic City, Coruscant]

(3rd Person: POV)

Steadily walking through the halls of the Jedi Temple, Yoda's only companion was the silence.

A silence that had begun occurring one week ago, when the schism that been going on within the Jedi Order for nearly two years finally reached its breaking point.

When it did not only did three members of the Jedi high council resign, but after they did so they headed for Ossus, the base of the Jedaii Order created by Van Sunrider and his allies.

And following the examples of master's Koth, Gallia, and Plo Koon, many more resigned from the order.

A total of 3,500 members to be exact.

From Padawans, to knights, to even more masters.

As well as numerous members of the Jedi service corp's.

They had all left too see what the Jedaii Order had to offer.

Taking several younglings, and even a few Jedi artifacts, such as holocrons along with them.

Naturally when the remaining members of the order found this out they were not happy.

In fact many of them wanted to head to Ossus and put a stop to the Jedaii Order immediately.

But Yoda put his feet down and forbid any action from the Jedi against the Jedaii.

For the Force told Yoda if he allowed such a thing to happen, then the Jedi Order would become extinct.

And as grand master he could not allow that to happen, no matter what.

So Yoda decided to take a wait and see approach.

Hoping that the Jedi and Jedaii Order can co-exist peacefully one day.

Stopping at a window, in the temple hallway he was walking down, Yoda looked out it.

"Wonder what the future does hold. Wish I could see it clearly I do." Yoda murmured.

He then continued on his walk.


A shit eating grin on his face Sidious sat in one of his many secret apartments on Coruscant.

Listening as his apprentice Sora Bulq, also known as Darth Rorn, kneeled in front of him and explained the recent events within the Jedi order.

Of course Sidious had already learned of the incident from the Jedi themselves, but the old Sith wanted to get an unfiltered version of the story.

Hence why he called a meeting with Bulq.

Soon the Weequay Jedi master had finished his explanation to Sidious.

He then asked a question.

"My master, what shall we do about this?"

"Nothing." Sidious immediately replied. "If the Jedi wish to divide themselves then that will make them all the more easier to do away with when the time comes." He explained.

"But master, this Jedaii order, they too practice the ways of the dark side of the Force." Master Bulq spoke. "What if one of them manages to surpass our strength while we are not looking?"

"Silence!" Sidious shouted.

Letting his power wash over Bulq after he did.

"Yes, forgive me for questioning you master." Bulq spoke.

"You are forgiven." Sidious replied. "But do not make the same mistake again. And as for your question none of these Jedaii, as they call themselves, could ever wield the power we do. Trust me, they are nothing but nuisances like the Jedi. They are no threat to our plans. Of that, I am certain." He spoke.

Sidious having no clue how wrong he was.


[Auril Sector, Adega System, Ossus]

Opening his eyes, Van came out of his meditative trance.

Having just balanced the light and dark side energies within him.

As he and the other members of the Jedaii Order regulalry did.

For it was a constant struggle finding balance between the light and the dark.

Yet all of them were working hard to find it.

So that in the future Jedi and Sith could reunite as one, and the constant battles between the Force factions could end.

Standing to his feet Van exited the room in his house he used for meditation and other forms of training.

He then went to clean up, change clothes, and grab some lunch.

After he did so he headed out of his home.

Seeing numerous people walking outside as he did.

Nearly all of them individuals who had resigned from the Jedi Order to come and learn and or become members of the Jedaii Order.

When Van first heard word master's Koth, Gallia, and Plo Koon, who had Ahsoka Tano with him, were heading for Ossus to join up with him and the others he was ecstatic.

Van's excitement only increasing as more and more from the Jedi Order began showing up at Ossus.

Looking to join the Jedaii Order.

And not just from the main order, but from the Jedi service corps as well.

Naturally Van welcomed them all.

But of course he was not so idiotic as to take everyone's word who came to Ossus at face value.

That is why he had enacted protocols he and the other members who founded the Jedaii Order had put into place, for when the situation they were experiencing now happened.

Thus Van and his most trusted allies began screening those who had recently come to Ossus.

Looking for spies from the Jedi Order, spies from the Sith, spies from the Republic, and those who simply wanted to become dark Jedi or actual Sith.

Through there hard work Van and his allies found a few individuals along these lines.

Once they did Van tasked HK-47 with quietly taking care of them.

Since he would now allow anyone to harm the Jedaii Order nor it's members.

It's why ever since Van and the Jedaii made Ossus their first base/praxeum they had been putting security measures in place to make sure the world was secure.

In orbit around Ossus there are several orbital defense platforms.

While on the surface several surface to oribt cannons had been placed, along with many defensive dual turret guns.

Van was even having a planetary-wide defense shield array built on Ossus to protect it from orbital bombardment.

All of which he paid for out of his own pocket.

For Van is very, very rich.

Between the royalties from his books and their related merchandise, the money he has had HK-47 obtain from him from people the likes of Grant Omega, and the investments he's made over the years, he has more money than he will ever need.

Which is exactly the way the young Jedaii wants it.

For he does not want to depend on anybody if he can help it where certain matters are concerned.

Van also wants the same for the Jedaii Order.

Which is why he has been setting up several accounts for the order to draw money from, so even if he meets an untimely demise the order will still be independently funded.

Because knowing what he knows Van does not want the Jedaii Order to become too dependent on any government.

Since he is sure they would screw the force users over if necessary.

Van remembers it vividly happening to the New Jedi Order.

First during the Yuuzhan Vong war, and then during the Abeloth crisis.

Yeah, he is not about to let that happen.

Especially with all the butterfly effects he is creating.

He wants the Jedaii Order to be able to act on their own if and when necessary.

Moving on.

After leaving his home Van headed for the Great Jedi Library.

Which restoration was coming along nicely.

Heading inside Van headed for one of the numerous conference rooms inside of the complex.

Arriving he was met with those who first helped him found the Jedaii Order close to two years ago.

Marcellus, Dooku, Obi-Wan, and Sifo-Dyas present as holograms.

Since all we're off Ossus at the moment.

Master Ood Bnar was also present.

Considering he had experience with what Van and the others were about to discuss.

For now that they had such numbers Van knew it was time to address those who aimed to be part of the Jedaii Order and give an overall view of the orders goals.

It was time for the very first conclave of the Jedaii order.

"Alright, let's get started." Van said.

Thus the planning of the conclave began.