
Spirit Wit

In a realm where humanity is intertwined with the spirits of animals, each person possesses a distinct animal spirit that grants them remarkable abilities. Yet, amidst this tapestry of power, the narrative centers around Ray, an individual unlike his peers. Unlike them, he lacks a animal spirit, In that world people with spirits sees down on one without. Ray's uniqueness transcends the spirits he lacks, finding manifestation in an inherent physical prowess that defies the limitations of his contemporaries. and Ray aims to become the strongest in the world without a spirit and situations changes when a group of masked people attacks on Ray's college to Kidnap his best friend Julie.

Adi_Kotha · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Unleashing the Ancient Art

As the dust settled, the classroom fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the low murmur of shocked whispers. Ray's electrifying display of power had left everyone in awe and disbelief. Even the other spirit users, who had once taunted and bullied him, now regarded him with newfound respect.

The masked man who had been sent crashing through the wall slowly picked himself up, his dark cloak billowing around him like a shroud of malevolence. He glared at Ray with a mixture of anger and astonishment. He had not expected to encounter someone with such formidable strength.

With a sinister grin, the masked man lunged at Ray once again, fueled by rage and the desire to prove himself. But Ray was ready for him. He stood his ground, his body poised like a coiled spring, ready to strike at the opportune moment.

The other henchmen, still in shock, hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. They were seasoned fighters, but Ray's display of power had rattled their confidence. However, their loyalty to their masked leader and the promise of rewards drove them to press on.

With a swift movement, Ray dodged the masked man's attack, effortlessly evading his blows. He moved with such grace and agility that it was almost as if he could anticipate the masked man's every move.

As the masked man grew more frustrated with each failed strike, his attacks became wild and uncoordinated. It was clear that Ray's calm and calculated demeanor was starting to unnerve him.

Amid the intense battle, Ray's mind briefly drifted back to a vivid memory, one that had been etched into his consciousness since he was a child. In the memory, he saw himself as a young boy, standing among three other children, two girls, and one boy.

A man, whose face was shrouded in shadow, stood before them. He spoke with authority and reverence about a secret martial art, a legacy passed down from the first four users of the Blue Dragon, White Whale, Red Phoenix, and Black Tiger spirits. It was an ancient and powerful style, effective against opponents, and incredibly difficult to master.

In the memory, the man's words resonated deeply within young Ray. The martial art represented a connection to his heritage and a path to greatness.

With a sharp inhale, Ray brought himself back to the present moment, fully focused on the masked men surrounding him. They were armed and relentless, but Ray's determination burned brighter than ever. He felt a surge of energy as if the memories had awakened a hidden power within him.

As the masked men charged at him with their weapons, Ray's movements became a dance of agility and precision. He flexed his body with incredible finesse, effortlessly dodging their attacks. His reflexes were honed to perfection, and every motion seemed to flow seamlessly from one to another.

With a moment of intense concentration, Ray stilled his movements, seemingly rooted to the ground. His eyes narrowed, and a sense of calm enveloped him. In this brief moment, he channeled the wisdom of the ancient martial art, tapping into the legacy of the spirits that had once governed the elements.

As the masked men's weapons closed in, Ray's body seemed to move on its own accord. His arms and legs acted as an impenetrable barrier, blocking each strike with precise timing. It was as if he had become one with the spirits, embodying their strength and power.

With a swift motion, Ray retaliated, striking out with lightning-fast punches and kicks. His attacks were a symphony of force and finesse, overwhelming the masked men with their speed and precision. One by one, they were forced to back away, their confidence waning.

The other spirit users in the classroom watched in awe and admiration. Ray's display of skill and power was awe-inspiring, and it was clear that he had mastered a martial art unlike any they had ever seen.

As the battle continued, Ray's movements became a blur, and the masked men found it increasingly challenging to keep up with his speed and agility. He twisted and turned, avoiding their strikes with uncanny grace.

As the masked men regained their bearings, they exchanged glances of determination, their eyes fixed on Ray, who stood defiantly in their path. Among them, the man with the fox spirit slowly stirred, groaning as he regained consciousness.

Seizing the opportunity, the man with the fox spirit sprang at Ray, attempting to take him down with sheer force. But Ray was prepared. With a swift and powerful palm strike, he met the fox spirit man's attack head-on. The impact sent the man flying out of the classroom, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

One of his comrades rushed to his aid, helping him up as he complained, "I feel weak like all my energy has been drained."

The other masked men watched in disbelief, their confidence now wavering. They looked back at Ray, who seemed to emit an otherworldly white aura. The students, too, were astonished, witnessing this extraordinary display.

Levi, unable to contain his excitement, shouted to the class, "I think Ray absorbed the energy from that man! He can use spirit energy combined with his physical power!"

The class gasped in awe, realizing the significance of what they were witnessing. Ray, a spiritless individual, had somehow harnessed the power of the fox spirit. It was an unprecedented feat, and their amazement only grew as they saw the mysterious white aura surrounding him.

As the chaotic battle raged on in the classroom, Ray's display of power had left everyone in awe, even the spirit users who had once taunted him. The masked man, fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge, lunged at Ray with renewed determination. However, Ray's agility and skill allowed him to effortlessly dodge the attack, leaving the masked man off balance.

In another corner of the room, one of the masked men set his sights on John, hoping to catch him off guard. John, still recovering from the shock of the intense battle, was momentarily caught off balance. But just as the masked man was about to strike, Ray reacted with lightning speed. He swiftly punched the man on the back, absorbing his energy and leaving him drained and disoriented.

Standing atop John's bench, Ray couldn't resist a mischievous grin. He playfully taunted the masked man, "Looks like you forgot to bring enough power to this fight!."

Meanwhile, the situation had become dire for Julie as another masked man closed in on her. Seeing her friend in danger, Jenny leaped into action. With unwavering determination, Jenny interceded, grabbing the masked man's hand to protect Julie. However, the masked man raised his other hand, threatening to strike Jenny instead.

A pink aura began to emit from Jenny as she bravely faced the looming danger. She was a peacock spirit user, possessing the unique ability to manipulate minds, but she hadn't fully mastered her power. 

Amid the intense battle, Jenny's mind briefly drifted back to that poignant memory from her childhood. The memory weighed heavily on her heart, but it also reminded her of how far she had come. She had grown stronger and more resilient, and now, standing in the classroom facing the masked man, she knew she had the strength to protect her friends.

In the present, Jenny's determination surged as she focused on the masked man before her. She refused to let her past define her or hinder her from defending her friends. Drawing upon her spirit's power, she channeled her energy into her hand, using her unique ability to make the masked man fall asleep.

As the masked man slumped to the ground, Jenny knew she couldn't let her guard down. The other masked men rushed at her, and though she was skilled in martial arts, she found it difficult to handle them all at once. Her heart pounded with the weight of the battle, and she struggled to keep up.

But once again, Ray proved to be her saving grace. With incredible speed and prowess, he effortlessly took down each of the masked men, leaving them incapacitated at Jenny's feet. He stood before her, their eyes meeting with a shared understanding and regret for the challenges they had both faced.

Despite the intense fight and their fatigue, Jenny mustered the courage to express her gratitude. Blushing slightly, she said to Ray, "Thank you, Ray. You saved us, and I'm grateful for your strength and courage."

Ray, still catching his breath, replied with a warm smile, "We're in this together, Jenny. We'll protect each other, no matter what happens."

The memory of their past struggles and the battles they faced together strengthened the bond between Ray and Jenny.

Before their conversation could continue, Ray's keen senses alerted him to an impending danger. Suddenly, he felt a powerful force strike him from behind, propelling him through the window of the classroom. Shards of shattered glass pierced his body, causing injuries and bleeding as he crashed to the ground outside the college building.

Inside the classroom, everyone gasped in horror at the masked man who had attacked Ray. He was different from the others, exuding an aura of terrifying strength and power that sent chills down their spines. The masked man's spirit energy was unparalleled, and the class members were filled with dread at the sight of him approaching Jenny with a cruel smile.

Back on the edges of the college terrace, a woman of approximately twenty years old stood, clad in a flowing white dress. Her eyes were fixed on the scene below as Ray fell, and she muttered with a hint of bitterness, "Fool."

Her words held a sense of history and emotion, hinting at a deeper connection to Ray and the events unfolding around him. However, her identity and purpose remained shrouded in mystery.

The classroom was filled with tension and fear. The fate of Ray and Jenny, and their friends, hung in the balance as they faced the sinister masked man, whose strength and power seemed insurmountable.

Every moment of the battle had been filled with intense emotions and courage, as Ray and Jenny fought against their adversaries and confronted their fears and pasts. Their resilience and determination had been put to the test, and they had stood together as true heroes.

Outside the college building, Ray lay unconscious and injured, his spiritless state now exacerbated by the vicious attack he had endured. Meanwhile, Jenny stood alone in the classroom, facing the menacing masked man with a mixture of fear and determination.

To be continued...

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