
Spirit Wit

In a realm where humanity is intertwined with the spirits of animals, each person possesses a distinct animal spirit that grants them remarkable abilities. Yet, amidst this tapestry of power, the narrative centers around Ray, an individual unlike his peers. Unlike them, he lacks a animal spirit, In that world people with spirits sees down on one without. Ray's uniqueness transcends the spirits he lacks, finding manifestation in an inherent physical prowess that defies the limitations of his contemporaries. and Ray aims to become the strongest in the world without a spirit and situations changes when a group of masked people attacks on Ray's college to Kidnap his best friend Julie.

Adi_Kotha · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The Old Blind Man

Ray's fury burned in his eyes as he attempted to unleash a devastating blow upon the mysterious figure who had appeared in the midst of their ravaged city. His clenched fist crackled with energy, ready to deliver a punishing strike.

But just before the blow could land, Max, with her incredible speed, intervened. She blocked Ray's punch with a firm yet gentle hand, her own aura flaring in response. Simultaneously, Julie rushed to Ray's side, grasping his trembling hand.

"Ray, stop it!" Max implored, her voice laced with urgency. "You have to control yourself."

Ray's muscles tensed under the combined efforts of Max and Julie, and he slowly began to relent, his rage gradually subsiding. His eyes, once ablaze with anger, now showed a glimmer of clarity as he struggled to regain control.

Ray's grip on the man's collar loosened as he let him drop to the ground. The man's sinister laughter echoed through the grim, devastated cityscape. Ray's expression remained stern, his anger still simmering beneath the surface.

The man, still chuckling, spoke in a tone that dripped with malevolence. "Is this the way you treat a messenger, Master Ray? It would be such a shame if you were to kill me now."

Ray, though still seething, hesitated at the mention of a messenger. He wanted answers, wanted to understand the purpose behind this sudden, brutal attack on their home.

"Fine," Ray bit out through gritted teeth, "Speak. Tell me why you're here and what you want."

The man's grin widened, his eyes glinting with a strange mix of amusement and malice. "Oh, Master Ray, you've made the wise choice. Let's have a little chat, shall we?".

The man continued his narration, recounting the events that had led to the brutal attack on Vaalash.

He described a chilling scene where the leader of Umbranox addressed his army. The soldiers were assembled in front of large screens, displaying their boss's ominous message.

"My dear soldiers," the leader began, his voice echoing through the room, "our task is to find something. The base of D.W.P.T is strong, with half of their soldiers on missions and some assisting at the college, thanks to Renchy's splendid job."

He paused for a moment, his tone growing darker. "As for their commanders, one of them is on a mission, but the other is at the college. Both of them are threats to us, capable of defeating our gang except for me and our first commander."

The atmosphere in the room grew tenser as he continued, "So, this is why we are launching our attack now. But remember, there is still a lurking threat out there. Beware of it and don't forget that is the chance given by our fallen comrades so we can't waste it and our aim is destroy that base."

The leader continued to divulge the intricacies of their plan. "We have two helicarriers at our disposal. The first helicarrier will deploy half of our soldiers on the front side of the island. Their primary objective is to create chaos and distract the D.W.P.T forces stationed there. They will initiate fires in the surrounding forest and launch an assault on the unsuspecting civilians. This will force D.W.P.T to divert their attention and resources to deal with the immediate threats.

"At the same time, the second helicarrier will approach from the rear side of the island. It will also deploy half of our soldiers. Their mission is to catch the D.W.P.T off guard and attack from the back. The element of surprise will be on our side as they won't be expecting an assault from that direction.

"Lastly, I and a small team will strike in the middle, targeting the heart of D.W.P.T's base. This coordinated attack will divide their forces, making them vulnerable and disoriented. It's a strategy designed to maximize our chances of victory."

The scene was one of chaos and desperation as Umbranox's forces began their ruthless assault. The forest was ablaze, with innocent people running in all directions, screaming for their lives. Umbranox's soldiers showed no mercy, ruthlessly cutting down anyone in their path.

Meanwhile, within the heart of D.W.P.T's base, a man stood ready, his eyes obscured by a cloth. He could feel the tension in the air, the impending storm of battle approaching. With a determined spirit, he grasped a sword, its blade gleaming with purpose.

As the battle drums resounded, D.W.P.T's soldiers were divided into three groups. One third of them rushed to aid the panicked civilians, providing protection and solace in the midst of chaos. Another third mobilized to combat the raging forest fires, working alongside local government officials to extinguish the flames that threatened to consume everything.

Amidst the fiery chaos in the forest, Umbranox's army descended upon D.W.P.T's forces, launching a ferocious ambush. Battle cries and clashes of steel echoed in the midst of the raging inferno. It was a relentless struggle for survival as soldiers fought valiantly, their determination unwavering.

In the heart of D.W.P.T's base, the situation grew even more dire as a deafening explosion rocked the island. One of Umbranox's helicarriers had targeted the base, unleashing a devastating blast that tore through the defenses. Vaalash Island quaked, its very foundation shaken by the devastating assault.

As the helicarrier readied for a second shot, an extraordinary event occurred. A blur of unimaginable speed streaked through the sky, moving at a velocity beyond human perception. The figure, his eyes concealed by a cloth, clutched a gleaming katana blade. In an instant, he pierced through the helicarrier, slicing it in two, and descended gracefully to the ground.

The impact of his landing sent shockwaves through the earth, and he stood amidst the wreckage of the fallen helicarrier. The world around him was a symphony of chaos, with the distant sounds of battle and the roar of flames. The man, shrouded in mystery, had arrived, and his actions would undoubtedly tip the scales of this desperate conflict.

Upon closer inspection, the middle-aged man who had landed in the midst of the chaos was a formidable figure, resembling a seasoned swordsman of great prowess. As Umbranox's soldiers encircled him, their numbers totaling around 150, one of them couldn't resist taunting the man, dismissing him as an old, blind warrior who posed no threat. He jeered, declaring his intention to dispatch the man in mere seconds.

In a fraction of time that caught the soldiers off guard, the arrogant taunter was cleaved in two by a single swift stroke of the man's sword. Shock and disbelief rippled through the ranks of Umbranox's forces as they witnessed the incredible display of skill. One of the soldiers, his voice trembling with fear, murmured, "Could it be... Kanoshi the Blind? I've heard tales of him from long ago. In his youth, he singlehandedly defeated a small army of highly skilled fighters with nothing but his sword. After that, he chose to bind his eyes for reasons known only to him. He was once counted among the Supreme Seven, the elite council of advisors and commanders who served the leader of the Spirit Society."

The revelation of the man's identity sent a shiver down the spines of those who recognized him. The battlefield had just witnessed the emergence of a living legend, and Umbranox's soldiers were left with the unsettling realization that they faced a foe of unparalleled skill and experience.

With each step the man took, the trembling bodies of Umbranox's soldiers seemed to react in fear. They involuntarily stepped back, their courage faltering before his mere presence. The man, his sword held high, raised his voice in a resounding shout that reverberated through the battlefield.

"This is my sword, Gryffon!" he declared, the name resonating with the weight of legends. It bore the name of the legendary spirit, the Griffin, whose might he channeled. "I am Kanoshi the Blind, and in the name of justice, I shall vanquish every one of you to protect the innocent lives you threaten!"

The air crackled with tension as the man prepared to unleash his formidable skills in the pursuit of justice, standing as a formidable barrier between Umbranox's forces and the defenseless civilians. The battlefield had become a stage for a clash between darkness and an unwavering champion of light, and the outcome remained uncertain.

The soldiers of Umbranox, witnessing Kanoshi's incredible speed and swordsmanship, grew desperate. They decided to exploit the Griffin's weakness - fire - and created a ring of flames around him, trapping him within. With their guns aimed and firing relentlessly, it appeared as if Kanoshi's time was running out.

However, the blind master remained calm for a moment, the aura surrounding him intensifying. With a swift, powerful swing of his sword, a hurricane-like wind burst forth. It whipped through the flames, creating a tempest that snuffed out the fires and engulfed the soldiers. They screamed as the wind tore through their ranks, flinging them into disarray and extinguishing their bullets.

Kanoshi moved with unmatched grace, evading every bullet and leaving chaos in his wake. The soldiers, once confident in their numbers and firepower, were now dwindling rapidly under his relentless assault.

Kanoshi stood there, his aura expanding around him like a protective shroud. The energy coursed through his body and channeled into his trusty katana, Gryffon. With a calm yet unwavering determination in his voice, he declared, "With the stealth of an eagle and the strength of a lion, as the holder of the mighty Gryffin spirit, I invoke This attack will end you, and peace shall retreat."

As he spoke those words, a surge of energy erupted from within him, channeling through the blade of his katana. He grasped the hilt tightly, and with a single fluid motion, he swung the sword around him in a sweeping arc by saying "Great Gryphon Slash.". The sheer force of his swing generated a shockwave that rippled through the air.

The soldiers who had surrounded him found themselves caught in the path of this devastating attack. They were slashed by an unseen force, their cries of agony echoing in the chaos.

In the midst of this dramatic moment, a small blade hurtled towards Kanoshi. Time seemed to slow down as he sensed the approaching threat. With incredible precision, he tried to evade it, but it was too late. The blade struck true, tearing through the cloth that had concealed his eyes for so long.

The cloth fluttered to the ground slowly, revealing Kanoshi's eyes for the first time in years and as he only opens it in the time of great wars only and as he placed his katana back in its scabbard and as he was walking he senses a dark energy there entres the leader of the Umbranox and He says "I known from start that you will be a problem for us, So I am here myself to deal with you", for that Kanoshi replies "your presence is like someone dear to me for sure and your my opponent now bring it on".