
Spirit Wit

In a realm where humanity is intertwined with the spirits of animals, each person possesses a distinct animal spirit that grants them remarkable abilities. Yet, amidst this tapestry of power, the narrative centers around Ray, an individual unlike his peers. Unlike them, he lacks a animal spirit, In that world people with spirits sees down on one without. Ray's uniqueness transcends the spirits he lacks, finding manifestation in an inherent physical prowess that defies the limitations of his contemporaries. and Ray aims to become the strongest in the world without a spirit and situations changes when a group of masked people attacks on Ray's college to Kidnap his best friend Julie.

Adi_Kotha · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The Dream

In the realm of spirits, the merging of human and animal spirits bestows incredible attributes upon certain individuals. Those blessed with a specific animal spirit can harness its unique powers, using them to accomplish tasks, compete with others, and even wage wars. The origins of all animal spirits trace back to five central spirits, among which four govern the elements.

An intense and distressing scene unfolds in the present moment, painting a vivid portrait of conflict and desperation. Four menacing figures hold a young boy, approximately seventeen years old, in captivity. With cruelty, they subject him to merciless kicks, leaving his body drenched in blood. Nearby lies a girl, severely injured and unconscious, as one of the men prepares to end her life with a deadly sword. The captive boy's heart pounds with fury and defiance, believing he can overcome his captors to protect the girl. As the assailant's sword inches closer to her, the boy's nightmare reaches a climactic point, and just as despair seems inevitable, the girl, named Julie, awakens, bringing respite from the haunting dream.

In the bustling city, Julie led an ordinary life as an unremarkable girl, lacking the bond with an animal spirit that bestowed remarkable powers upon others. Her humble apartment served as her sanctuary as she pursued her studies as a third-year graduate at the esteemed Etheran Institute. Embracing solitude, she navigated life independently. Yet, the college proved to be a realm of discomfort, as the spirit users relentlessly bullied her for her lack of spirit. Excluded and scorned, Julie found herself disillusioned with the institution, yearning for acceptance amidst a world where spirit wielders held sway.

Julie stepped into the college grounds, her courage faltering, and her interest waning. As she entered, In the heart of the college campus, the sun beat down, casting harsh shadows on the ground. Julie hesitantly made her way through the throng of students, trying to appear inconspicuous. However, she couldn't escape the attention of a group of spirit users known for their ruthless bullying.

"Hey, look who decided to show up!" sneered Jake, the ringleader of the bullies. His cronies chuckled, reveling in Julie's discomfort.

Julie tried to ignore them and quickened her pace, hoping to escape their taunts. But Jake and his gang were relentless. They closed in around her, blocking her path.

"What's the matter, Julie? Cat got your tongue?" Jake taunted, a malicious glint in his eyes.

Julie's heart pounded in her chest as she mustered the courage to respond. "Leave me alone, Jake. I haven't done anything to you."

His words struck deep, and Julie's confidence wavered. She took a step back, trying to find an escape route, but the bullies closed in even tighter.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from behind the crowd. "Enough!"

Everyone turned to see a tall figure approaching. It was Ray, the boy who had been kind to Julie since the beginning of the College, In a flash of determination, Ray surged forward, his presence electrifying the air around him. His eyes blazed with an unyielding fire as he faced the bullies head-on.

"Back off, Jake," Ray said firmly, his voice echoing with unwavering strength. "Leave her alone."

Jake hesitated for a moment, sizing up Ray, his Wolf spirit amplifying his aggression. He scoffed, "You think you can take on all of us, pretty boy?"

Without uttering a word, Ray's expression hardened. With a lightning-fast movement, he deftly dodged Jake's first punch, displaying unmatched agility. In a stunning display of skill, he countered with a powerful strike, sending Jake staggering backward.

The bullies gasped in surprise, but their shock quickly turned to fury. They lunged at Ray, attacking him from all sides. But Ray moved like a whirlwind, his movements precise and calculated. With every strike, he proved his prowess, overwhelming his assailants with sheer determination.

Amid the chaos, Julie watched in awe as her friend held his ground against the formidable bullies. Ray's determination grew with each passing moment, fueled by his desire to protect his friend and stand up against injustice.

Despite their numbers, the bullies found themselves outmatched by Ray's relentless tenacity and the latent power he held within. One by one, they were forced to retreat, their arrogance shattered by Ray's unwavering resolve.

As the dust settled, Ray stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion. His eyes met Julie's, and a sense of pride and gratitude filled her heart. At that moment, she realized that Ray's strength went far beyond the physical; it was a testament to his unwavering spirit and their unbreakable bond of friendship.

From the moment they first met at the start of college, Ray and Julie had formed an unbreakable bond, becoming best friends as if they were siblings. As they continued their journey through the college together, Julie knew that with Ray by her side, she had found a true friend and a guardian in the tumultuous world of spirit users.

After the intense fight, Ray and Julie made their way to their classroom, which was filled with students buzzing with excitement. As they entered, Ray noticed a familiar face waving at him from across the room. It was Levi, his good friend who possessed the spirit of a nimble monkey. Levi's warm smile welcomed them, and Ray felt a sense of relief and comfort in his presence.

Levi had been the first friend Ray made at the college, and their bond had grown strong ever since. He treated both Ray and Julie with kindness and care, and they often spent time together, sharing laughter and adventures. Their camaraderie extended beyond the college walls, as they lived in the same neighborhood, making it easy for them to support each other at any time.

As Ray and Julie joined Levi, their friendship formed a tight-knit trio, each bringing unique strengths and qualities to the group. In the dynamic world of spirit users, they found solace and strength in their shared connection, a bond that would prove invaluable as they faced the challenges and mysteries that lay ahead.

Back at her place, Julie freshened up and attended to her tasks, feeling a sense of contentment after spending time with her friends. As night descended, she lay down to rest, hoping for a peaceful slumber. However, her sleep was interrupted by a vivid dream.

In the dream, Julie found herself in a hospital room where a young girl, around the age of 12, lay on a bed. Strangely, the girl resembled Julie herself when she was younger. A boy stood beside the bed, his face filled with sorrow, tears streaming down his cheeks. He spoke to the girl, promising that he would save her, no matter what it took.

In the dream, Julie felt a deep connection to the girl, as if their fates were intertwined. The emotions were overwhelming, and Julie could sense the boy's unwavering determination and love for the girl on the hospital bed.

When Julie woke up, her heart was heavy with the weight of the dream. She couldn't shake the feeling that it held a deeper meaning, as if it were a glimpse into another reality or a foretelling of events yet to come.

The next day at college, Julie couldn't stop thinking about the dream. She felt a sense of urgency to share it with Ray and Levi, knowing they would be the ones to understand its significance.

As she sat down with them, she noticed Ray's expression shift from curiosity to surprise when she mentioned the boy in the dream. It was as if he knew something but was hesitant to speak up. However, before she could inquire further, Levi interjected with his trademark cheerfulness.

"Come on, Julie! This sounds like the start of an incredible adventure!" Levi exclaimed, his eyes filled with excitement. "We should investigate further and find out what it means. Don't worry, we've got your back!"

His words bolstered Julie's courage, and with Ray's unspoken support, she felt more determined than ever to unravel the mystery behind the dream.

Just as they were engrossed in their conversation, the classroom door swung open, and a girl entered, capturing everyone's attention. She is Jenny, a strikingly beautiful and elegant presence that seemed to light up the room. Ray's gaze lingered on her for a moment, which didn't go unnoticed by Levi.

With a playful grin, Levi nudged Ray and teased, "Hey, Ray, is there something you'd like to share with the class? We all know about you!"

Ray's cheeks flushed slightly, trying to hide his embarrassment. "It's not what you think! We're just friends," he stammered.

Ray was remembering the past, Entering college for the first time, Ray found himself surrounded by a sea of new faces, but their scornful looks stung as if they could see his lack of spirit. Thankfully, he soon crossed paths with Levi, and their friendship blossomed effortlessly. Amidst the crowded classroom, two girls stood out to him - Jenny and Julie. As days passed, Ray and Jenny grew close, sharing their dreams, fears, and secrets.

Ray's devotion to the hidden and secretive Blue Dragon temple remained unwavering. As time went on, Julie also became a cherished friend, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. But not everyone shared the same acceptance; the bully, John, with his intimidating bull spirit, sought to undermine Ray. However, Ray's unwavering strength silenced the tormentors, proving that true power came from within.

As the second year began, an unfortunate rumor spread like wildfire - that Ray and Jenny were romantically involved. Despite their denials, the gossip tainted their friendship, and Jenny, believing the rumor, lashed out in anger. Ray's heart sank at the loss of a dear friend, and the misunderstanding cast a shadow over their once joyful camaraderie.

After the heated argument with Ray, Jenny chose to keep her distance, allowing the hurtful rumor to cloud her judgment. Ray, heartbroken by the misunderstanding, tried to reach out and clarify the truth, but Jenny remained adamant, believing that he was simply trying to save face.

In the present, as Julie saw Ray lost in melancholic thoughts, she knew it was time to confront him about the past. However, before she could speak, the lecturer entered the class, and they went about their studies as usual.

Once the lecturer left, an idea struck Julie to bridge the gap between Ray and Jenny. She hurriedly headed for the classroom door, intending to bring Jenny into the conversation. But as she opened the door, her heart sank when she encountered a masked man standing before her, brandishing a weapon. Without warning, he shoved Julie aside, causing her to stumble and fall right in front of Jenny.

Concerned, Jenny helped Julie back to her feet, but the masked man approached them with an evil laugh. He revealed his sinister plan to hijack the college, introducing himself as a fox spirit user with malicious intentions.

Fear struck the classroom as the atmosphere grew tense, but amidst the chaos, Ray remained calm and focused. He leaned over to Levi, whispering that the time had come, and they needed to protect Julie at all costs.

In an instant, the masked man lunged at Julie, aiming to strike her. But before he could land the blow, an explosion of power and speed erupted. Ray moved with such blinding agility that it seemed like he vanished from his original spot. With a mighty punch, he delivered an electrifying blow to the fox spirit man, propelling him through the classroom wall with astonishing force.

The entire class watched in awe and shock, witnessing Ray's extraordinary physical abilities and power firsthand. As the dust settled, the fox spirit man's henchmen rushed into the classroom, witnessing the aftermath of the powerful punch. They were paralyzed by the display of strength and couldn't comprehend what had just occurred.

At that moment, the classroom was filled with electrifying energy, and even Julie and Levi, who knew Ray well, were stunned by the magnitude of his prowess. Ray's dynamic entry had captivated everyone, and they realized that he was a force to be reckoned with.

To be contunied....

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